164,781 research outputs found

    Hubungan Literasi Sains dengan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa pada Materi Ikatan Kimia

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    This research aimed at knowing and describing the correlation between scientific literacy and student critical thinking skill on Chemical Bond lesson.  The research method was Quantitative Descriptive with Correlation Hypothesis testing.  This research was administered at Vocational High School of Telkom Pekanbaru.  The subjects of this research were the eleventh-grade students.  The objects of this research were scientific literacy and student critical thinking skill on Chemical Bond lesson.  The instruments of collecting the data were Chemical Bond questions based on scientific literacy indicators and critical thinking skill.  The questions and questionnaire were stated worthy, if they passed valid aspects.  The validity could be seen from validity result by using validation sheet.  The technique of analyzing the data was Product Moment Correlation with SPSS 21.0 program.  Based on the research findings, it was obtained that there was a significant difference between scientific literacy and student critical thinking skill on Chemical Bond lesson at Vocational High School of Telkom Pekanbaru.  The Hypothesis was analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation with α that was 0.05.  The correlation coefficient was 0.910 with probability that was 0.000.  It meant that there was a positive correlation between scientific literacy and student critical thinking skill on Chemical Bond lesson.            Keywords: Scientific Literacy, Critical Thinking Skill, Chemical Bon

    An Analysis on Students Problem-Solving Skill and Scientific Literacy Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Viewed from Gender

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    Each student has differences in problem-solving, scientific literacy, and higher-order thinking skills. Gender differences partially influence student mindset. The purpose of this study was to analyze the problem-solving skill and scientific literation of students on different genders. The study adopted and modified the one-shot case study design. The subjects of this study were 76 students who took the Animal Ecology course. Both experimental classes were given treatment using practical activities. Data on students' problem-solving skill were collected by using a test consisting of 25 questions. Whereas scientific literacy was collected by using essay questions. Students’ scientific literacy were categorized into 5 scales that were analyzed by using percentages. Statistical analysis uses descriptive and t-tests to determine differences in problem solving skill on different genders. The results showed that (1) 37.66% of students’ scientific literacy are on a multidimensional and conceptual scale, while the remaining 62.34% were on a functional, nominal and literacy scale, (2) students' problem-solving skill are in the medium category, and there is no difference in problem-solving skill in males and females (p>.05)

    Students Critical Thinking Skill in Solving Scientific Literacy using a Metacognitive Test Based on Scientific Literacy

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    The purpose of this research is to measure students critical thinking skill in solving scientific literacy using a metacognitive test based on scientific literacy. This research is descriptive research. The subject of this research is 99 students of grade XI in SMA Batik 2 Surakarta. Data collection methods used are test methods which using a metacognitive test based on scientific literacy. Data analysis techniques use quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the achievement of scientific literacy is still low at below 50% for all category. This is due to students critical thinking skill in solving all category of scientific literacy problem is still low. Low student critical thinking skill in solving science as a body of knowledge in the assessment stage with the percentage achievement is 21%. Low percentage achievement of critical thinking skill in solving science as a way of thinking is a clarification (34%), assessment (46%), inference (26%), and strategy (12%). Low percentage achievement of critical thinking skill in solving science as a way of investigating is assessment (39%), inference (5%), and strategy (6%). Low student critical thinking skill in solving science as an interaction between technology and society in the assessment stage with the percentage achievement is 31

    Implementation of Project Based Learning Model for Enhancing Students’ Practical Skill and Scientific Literacy

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    Abstract: Implementation of Project Based Learning Model for Enhancing Students’ Practical Skill and Scientific Literacy. Objectives: This study is aimed to determine the difference of implementation between project based learning and direct instruction model in chemistry teaching of acid and base matter to enhancing students’ practical skill and scientific literacy. Methods: The sampling technique was purposive sampling that obtained class XI MIPA 1 as an experimental class was taught using project based learning model, while XI MIPA 2 as a control class was taught using direct instruction model. The instruments of data collecting are test and non test. The test by using the form of a description was used to measure students' scientific literacy, while non test by using the observation sheet was used to measure students' practical skill. The data analysis used manova test at significance level of 5%. Findings: The results showed that the Hotelling's Trace value on the manova test had a significance of 0.000. Conclusion: there is a significant difference between implementation of project based learning and direct instruction model in chemistry teaching of acid and base matter for enhancing students’ practical skill and scientific literacy wholly and partially. Keywords: Project based learning, practical skill, scientific literac

    Correlation of comprehension reading skill and higher-order thinking skill with scientific literacy skill of senior high school biology teacher

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    The aim of this research was to determine the correlation between comprehension reading skill and higher-order thinking skill with scientific literacy skill for senior high school biology teacher. This research was conducted in Kabupaten Bekasi using 64 senior high school biology teachers as samples. Samples were taken by using Simple Random Sampling. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative and research hypothesis tested by Pearson Product Moment in α=0,05. The results obtained correlation coefficient value between: comprehension reading skill with scientific literacy skill is 0.280; higher-order thinking skill with scientific literacy skill is 0.252; comprehension reading skill and higher-order thinking skill simultaneously with scientific literacy skill is 0.321. Coefficient of determination test showed that: 7,8% of comprehension reading skill contribute to scientific literacy skill; 6,4% of higher-order thinking skill contribute to scientific literacy skill; 10,3% of comprehension reading skill and higher-order thinking skill contribute to scientific literacy skill. Hope this result research can be a basic reference for further research

    The Effect of Active Learning Methods Terjun-Tulis-Saji to the Improvement of Scientific Literacy and Mastery of Biology Competencies of Senior High School Students

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    The Science Curriculum 2013 is designed to develop students' scientific literacy. Scientific literacy involves mastery of science concept, process skill, attitude, as well as writing skill. This study investigated the attainment of scientific literacy and biology competencies of 10th grade science students at SMAK Kolese Santo Yusup, Malang, Indonesia. The method of this study was quasi experiment by using nonequivalent pretest posttest control group design. Based on existing theoretical framework, assessment were developed to know the concept mastery, ability to apply biology concept to solve authentic problem, and publish the findings through on line social media. To improve student's scientific literacy, the active learning model called Terjun Tulis Saji (TTS) was applied. The TTS method guided the students to collect data and information based on their question or problem, analyze of the data and information to construct new understanding and thinking, represent and communicate the findings. The result of the study showed significant differences of scientific literacy and biology competencies between control and experiment group. The effect of TTS on scientific literacy and biology competencies of students in biology lesson were discussed

    Correlation between integrated science process skills, and ability to read comprehension to scientific literacy in biology teachers students

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    Scientific literacy is define as the capacity of use scientific knowledge in order to understand and help make decision about the natural world and the changes made it through human activity. Teachers are a major factor in the success of learning, therefore it is necessary to test the scientific literacy skill  of biology teacher students. This study aims to find out science literacy of biology teacher students and the corellation between of integrated science process skill, and reading comprehension skill of biology teacher students to their scientific literacy skill. The method for this research  used the survey method with correlational studies. The sample of this research is 81 students of biology teacher students of Jakarta State University. The results shows that the scientific literacy of biology education students is destitute. It is shown from the average score of their scientific literacy skill which is 45.58. This study shows that correlation coefficient obtained is 0,457 which means that there is correlation between integrated science process skill with scientific literacy skill. This study also shows that there is correlation between reading comprehension skill with with scientific literacy skill which correlation coefficient obtained is 0,214

    Causal Model of Research Competency Via Scientific Literacy of Teacher and Student

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    AbstractScientific literacy is a latent variable which affect research competency. Therefore, it's imperative for teachers to receive scientific literacy development in order to be used in the development of scientific literacy for students more effectively. The purpose of this research is to study casual model of research competency via scientific literacy of teacher and student. A qualitative method was used to validate the theoretical model. The results found that the theoretical model developed by the researcher is possible. Most of the experts agreed that scientific literacy is a variable that has an effect with research competency of teacher and student. The use of internet and computer skill of student and teaching method are both factor influencing to scientific literacy level
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