2 research outputs found

    Management in the High North : young researchers' contribution : collection of essays volume 2

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    This second volume of the Young Researchers’ Contribution Series contains contributions from scholars (Master- and PhD levels, and faculty) who are participating in the international educational project ‘Cooperation in Training of Young Researchers in the Field of Governance in the Public Sector (EduGov)’ (2015-2016). The UTFORSK Partnership Programme, administrated by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU, Norway), funds this project. This programme supports project cooperation between higher education institutions in Norway and their counterparts in Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa. UTFORSK also aims to enhance the quality of international cooperation in education by encouraging links to research cooperation and work life. To address this call, the EduGov project connects the Research Council of Norway’s project ‘Local government budgeting reforms in Russia (BUDRUS)’ and existing research cooperation between Norway and Russia with developing research competences at Master- and PhD level. EduGov links BUDRUS’s on-going research ‒ on the impact of changes in the budgeting practices on different dimensions of governance ‒ to education activities at Master- and PhD levels and extends it by reflecting upon multidisciplinary and multitheoretical research approaches to governance and their implications for the private and public sectors in the High North context. This collection of essays also includes papers of students, who participated in international educational project “Arctic Bridge: Cooperation on PhD Education and Research Training in the field of Management in Extractive Industries in the High North” financed by SIU

    Northwest Russian Forest Sector in a Nutshell

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    Myös verkkojulkaisuna ISBN 978-951-40-2342-2 (PDF