794,044 research outputs found
SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair 2016
Welcome to the Twenty-Third SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair! On display today are 117 presentations involving 187 student researchers, writers, presenters, and artists, and 45 faculty sponsors encompassing scholarly activity from the SWOSU School of Nursing and the SWOSU Departments of Art, Communication, and Theatre; Biological Sciences; Business & Computer Science; Chemistry and Physics; Education; Engineering Technology; Language and Literature; Music; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Psychology; and Social Sciences. In addition, there are poster presentations from the Western Technology Center Biomedical Academy
Forum vol. 1 no. 1
TSC Foundation Was Organized to Provide Support to College, Meet The Tyler State College Board of Regents, TSC Board Committees, Administration, School of Sciences and Mathematics, Technical and Vocational Studies, School of Business, Future Campus Now Hidden Among The Pines, The Library Offers a Variety of Material, TSC Building Has Changed Since Junior High, Humanities and Social Sciences, Fine and Performing Arts, A Dream...Now a Reality, Education and Psychology, TSC Faculty and Staff possess Degrees From Widespread Areas, Building Program on TSC Campus to be Completed in Four Phases
Developmental Psychology in the Teaching of Civic Education
The thesis deals with the teaching of developmental psychology within the framework of Civic education. The theoretical part presents the issues of developmental psychology and didactics of social sciences, it deals with conditions for meaningful teaching of developmental psychological topics at the upper primary school, curriculum analysis, and appropriate teaching methods. In the practical part a proposal for specific teaching hours is submitted. The aim of the thesis is to create thoughtful teaching plans that develop psychological functional literacy and promote intergenerational communication skills of students. KEYWORDS developmental psychology, didactics of social sciences, didactics of psychology, curriculum documents, intergenerational communication, civic educationDiplomová práce se zabývá výukou vývojové psychologie v rámci Výchovy k občanství. Teoretická část představuje problematiku vývojové psychologie a didaktiky společenských věd, zabývá se podmínkami smysluplné výuky vývojově psychologických témat na druhém stupni ZŠ, analýzou kurikula a vhodnými vyučovacími metodami. V praktické části je předložen návrh konkrétních vyučovacích hodin. Záměrem práce je vytvoření promyšlených návrhů výuky rozvíjející psychologickou funkční gramotnost a též podpoření rozvoje mezigenerační komunikace u žáků. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA vývojová psychologie, didaktika společenských věd, didaktika psychologie, kurikulární dokumenty, mezigenerační komunikace, občanská výchovaKatedra občanské výchovy a filosofieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult
SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair 2018
On behalf of the members of the Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) University Research and Scholarly Activity Committee (USRAC) - Welcome to the Twenty-Fifth SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair! There are 130 poster presentations and 10 oral presentations involving 293 student researchers, writers, presenters, artists, collaborators, and faculty sponsors encompassing activities from the SWOSU College of Pharmacy; SWOSU School of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences; and SWOSU Departments of Art, Communication, & Theatre; Biological Sciences; Business & Computer Science; Chemistry and Physics; Education; Engineering Technology; Language & Literature; Music; Psychology; and Social Sciences. This also includes guest presenters from the Biomedical Academy at the Western Technology Center, El Reno Public Schools, BlueSTEM AgriLearning Center, and Francis Tuttle Technology Center
Curriculum Subcommittee Agenda, October 3, 2013
Department of Animal, Diary and Veterinary Sciences New Course
Department of Music New Course Title Change, Prerequisite Change Title Change, Credit Hour Change, Course Description Change Title Change, Credit Hour Change, Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change Credit Hour Change Title Change
Department of Theatre Arts New Course Prerequisite Change
School of Teacher Education and Leadership Grade Mode Change
Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation New Course
Department of Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences New Course Prerequisite Change Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change Title Change Delete Course
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Prerequisite Change,Course Description Change
Department of Engineering Education Prerequisite Change Title Change, Course Description Change Course Description Change
Department of History Course Description Change Add Multiple List
Department of Languages, Philosophy and Communication Studies New Course Prerequisite Change
Department of Political Science New Course
Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology New Course Credit Hour Change, Course Description Change
Department of Wildland Resources New Course Title Change
Department of Geology Add University Studies Designation
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Title Change, Course Description Change
Other Discontinuing the Psychology Teaching BS and BA Reducing the minimum number of credits required for the PhD program in Psychology Discontinuing the Teaching Emphasis within the Sociology BS and BA Discontinuing the Interdepartmental Program in the MS and PhD in Toxicology Continuing the MS and PhD Toxicology progra
Perceived competencies and attitudes of Sudanese undergraduate students
The major purpose of this study was to evaluate the undergraduate programs in the School of Family Sciences and the School of Psychology and Preschool Education at Ahfad University College for Women in Omdurman, Sudan. The objectives were: (1) to develop a program evaluation model to use for the evaluation, (2) to evaluate the perceived competencies of students in the two schools, and (3) to evaluate the effect of the Ahfad program on the attitudes and behaviors of students in the two schools towards the roles of women in the Sudan;A total of 165 female undergraduate students from the two schools at Ahfad University were used for the study. The sample comprised 120 first year and 45 fourth year students;A six-stage program evaluation model was developed and used for the study. Two competency questionnaires, one for each school, and an attitude inventory were developed and administered to the students during regular class periods;The perceived competencies of students in Family Sciences were measured on the scales: (1) Health, (2) Child Development, (3) Home Management, (4) Food, (5) Professional, (6) Clothing, and (7) Language. Students in Psychology and Preschool Education were assessed on the scales: (1) Health, (2) Child Development, (3) Psychology, (4) Language, and (5) Special Education. For both schools, fourth year students perceived themselves more competent than first year students;Seven factors measured the attitudes and behaviors of the students. These are: (1) role of Ahfad graduates, (2) professional role of women, (3) traditional roles of women, (4) social responsibility, (5) professional aspirations, (6) leadership, and (7) group membership. The attitudes and behaviors of the fourth year students were significantly different from those of first year students for all factors. Fourth year students had more positive attitudes towards the modern roles of women than first year students;Ahfad University College for Women is making a noticeable difference in the perceived competencies of their students in the two schools. Further, the educational experiences at Ahfad seem to be developing attitudes that will enable the students to become change agents. An ongoing evaluation effort to monitor change would aid Ahfad personnel in their efforts to improve the program
Method for the evaluation of social projects
This instrument was part of the research project "Research on Evaluation of Health and Education Plans and Programs in the Province of Buenos Aires", developed by the of Chair Preventive Psychology of the Psychology course of studies at the School of Humanities and Educational Sciences, National University of La Plata (Argentina). The basis for proposing an assessment instrument is the need for a method enabling analysis, systematization of knowledge and the assignment of values distributed into scales and organized in general charts, on social programs. Its main concern is the analysis of health and education programs and projects, restricted to certain specific areas or regions, in search for theoretic trustworthiness, methodological accuracy as well as pragmatic operability. This is the result of four years of researching said programs at system, service and community levels.Departamento de Psicologí
Curriculum Subcommittee Minutes, January 8, 2009
Department of Agricultural Systems Technology and Education Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change
Department of Plants, Soils and Climate Credit Hour Change Prerequisite Change Delete Course
Huntsman School of Business Grading Mode Change
Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Prerequisite Change
Department of Psychology Title Change, Course Description Change, Flexible Title for Sections
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering New Course
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Prerequisite Change
Department of Military Science Add University Studies Designation
Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology New Course Dual List Change, Prerequisite Change Credit Hour Change, Dual List Change
Other Creating a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science Changing the name of the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences The Departments of Environment and Society and Watershed Sciences to jointly offering the Geography degre
Curriculum Subcommittee Minutes, October 3, 2013
Department of Animal, Diary and Veterinary Sciences New Course
Department of Music New Course Title Change, Prerequisite Change Title Change, Credit Hour Change, Course Description Change Title Change, Credit Hour Change, Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change Credit Hour Change Title Change
Department of Theatre Arts New Course Prerequisite Change
School of Teacher Education and Leadership Grade Mode Change
Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation New Course
Department of Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences New Course Prerequisite Change Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change Title Change Delete Course
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change
Department of Engineering Education Prerequisite Change Title Change, Course Description Change Course Description Change
Department of History Course Description Change Add Multiple List
Department of Languages, Philosophy and Communication Studies New Course Prerequisite Change
Department of Political Science New Course
Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology New Course Credit Hour Change, Course Description Change
Department of Wildland Resources New Course Title Change
Department of Geology Add University Studies Designation
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Title Change, Course Description Change
Other Discontinuing the Psychology Teaching BS and BA Reducing the minimum number of credits required for the PhD program in Psychology Discontinuing the Teaching Emphasis within the Sociology BS and BA Continuing the MS and PhD Toxicology program Discontinuing the Interdepartmental Program in the MS and PhD in Toxicology Electronic course approval form Students seeing courses in the catalog when they have been inactivate
The Effect of Comparative Direction and Comparative Gap on Self-Deception
Ying Yang,1,2 Bowei Zhong,3,4 Wenjie Zhang,2,5 Wei Fan1,2,6 1Department of Psychology, School of Education Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, People’s Republic of China; 2Hunan Key Laboratory of Cognition and Human Behavior, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, People’s Republic of China; 3CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China; 4Department of Psychology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China; 5Department of Preschool Education, School of Education Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, People’s Republic of China; 6Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, People’s Republic of ChinaCorrespondence: Wei Fan, Department of Psychology, School of Education Science, Hunan Normal University, No. 36 Lu Shan Road, Yue Lu District, Changsha, 410081, People’s Republic of China, Tel +86 15116291398, Email [email protected]: Self-deception refers to an individual holding inflated beliefs about their abilities, plays a crucial role in human behavior and decision-making. Individuals may inflate their abilities when subject to comparisons with others. This study examined the impact of social comparison on self-deception through the implementation of two behavioral experiments.Methods: In Experiment 1, we recruited a sample of 152 undergraduate students. Participants were falsely informed that they performed better (downward comparison) and worse (upward comparison) than average on a game. Subsequently, their level of self-deception was assessed by asking them to predict their performance in a future game, with more inflated predictions indicating greater self-deception. In Experiment 2, we gathered 126 undergraduate students to broaden the current study. This experiment examined the combined effects of comparison direction and comparison gap on self-deceptive behavior.Results: The findings showed that self-deception was more common in circumstances of upward comparison than in downward comparison or no comparison (Experiment 1). Furthermore, Individuals were more inclined to participate in self-deception when encountering a notable performance gap relative to others, particularly in scenarios involving upward social comparison (Experiment 2).Conclusion: The findings suggested that when confronted with threatening social comparative information, people tended to use self-deception to protect themselves. Members of the large gap group experienced strong feelings of unfairness and negative emotions, which led to self-protective behaviors and a greater likelihood of self-deception.Keywords: comparative direction, comparative gap, self-deception, self-protection, social comparison threa
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