924,480 research outputs found

    Lake Campus Academic Program Review, 2014

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    This 56 page report reviews several programs offered at Wright State University\u27s Lake Campus, specifically looking at the time from Fall 2009 to Fall 2014. Programs Reviewed: Biological Sciences Business and Administration Chemistry Communication Studies Earth and Environmental Sciences Graphic Design and Visual Media History Integrated Science Studies Liberal Studies Nursing Office Information Systems Organizational Leadership Psychology Social Work Sociology Technical and Applied Studies Tehcnical Studies (Agriculture, Food Science, Law Enforcement/Academy, SkillsTrac

    The contribution of the computer science as well as the information and communication science approaches for the editorial function of the territorial information systems.

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    International audienceThis collaboration focuses on the data-processing software evolution which implements an editorial function in territorial information systems in various using contexts. It results from collaboration between humanities, social sciences, computer science and information and communication science researchers, and which has been established since 2000 within the ISTI21 and the MSH LEDOUX22 framework. In a previous paper, we summed up the research activities about territorial intelligence since the seventies'. Essentially, it was a friendly data processing solutions development: PRAGMA for quantitative data analysis; ANACONDA and NUAGE for qualitative data analysis. Thanks to computer science researchers collaboration, the SITRA23 research action allowed the completing of statistical analysis data by spatial analysis and cartography tools. Then the ICASIT24 started updating and making the statistical data and spatial analysis software, previously developed to evolve within the networks and Internet framework. Progressively, we became aware of the editorial function importance of this analytical chain, directed towards an online results edition. This paper deepens the specific added value of computer science as well as information and communication sciences to the design and the territorial intelligence systems modelling

    The Role Of Technology and Innovation In The Framework Of The Information Society

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    The literature on the information society indicates that it is a still-developing field of research. It can be explained by the lack of consensus on basic definitions and research methods. There are also different judgments on the importance and the significance of the information society. Some social scientists write about a change of era, others emphasize parallelism with the past. There are some authors who expect that the information society will solve the problems of social inequalities, poverty and unemployment, while others blame it on the widening social gap between the information haves and have-nots. Various models of the information society have been developed so far and they are so different from country to country that it would be rather unwise to look for a single, all-encompassing definition. In our time a number of profound socio-economic changes are underway. Almost every field of our life is affected by the different phenomena of globalization, beside the growing role of the individual; another important characteristic of this process is the development of an organizing principle based on the free creation, distribution, access and use of knowledge and information. The 1990s and the 21st century is undoubtedly characterized by the world of the information society (as a form of the post-industrial society), which represents a different quality compared to the previous ones. The application of these theories and schools on ICT is problematic in many respects. First, as we stated above, there is not a single, widely used paradigm which has synthesized the various schools and theories dealing with technology and society. Second, these fragmented approaches do not have a fully-fledged mode of application to the relationship of ICT and (information) society. Third, SCOT, ANT, the evolutionary- or the systems approach to the history of technology – when dealing with information society – does not take into account the results of approaches (such as information science or information systems literature or social informatics, information management and knowledge management, communication and media studies) studying the very essence of the information age: information, communication and knowledge. The list of unnoticed or partially incorporated sciences, which focuses on the role of ICT in human information processing and other cognitive activities, is much longer

    Aspectos epistemológicos da ciência da informação e o comportamento informacional: diálogos com Borko, Le Coadic e Saracevic

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    The studies on users and their behaviors regarding the search for information have demonstrated how much the human-social aspect has been valued by the sciences, especially in Information Science. Therefore, preliminary research is presented, whose objective is to discuss some epistemological aspects of Information Science, as well as the studies of informational behavior, based on the theoretical considerations presented by Borko, Le Coadic and Saracevic. Through a descriptive and bibliographical research of deductive approach, it was confirmed that Information Science studies the information object and the procedures for collection, storage and use of this resource, characterizing itself as an interdisciplinary science, influenced by information and communication technologies, whose origins of this scientific field refer to the reflections of the scientific and technological development of the twentieth century. In addition, it was concluded that the studies of the needs and the use of information, with a focus on the user, enables the importance of the human being, as the main element of the informational process, and studies are being improved, in which behavioral issues are investigated Use of resources, products, services and information systems

    Acceso, Uso y Publicación en Revistas Científicas entre los Investigadores en Ciencias Sociales de Latinoamérica

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    Background: The project starts from the recognition of the significant growth that scientific journals have had in Latin America in the last two decades as a result of the development of information and communication technologies, the advancement of the movement for democratization open access to knowledge (Which has a particular expression in the Public Knowledge Project and its products such as the Open Journal System), the creation and expansion of storage services and bibliographic information in the global arena (Web of Science, Scopus, DOAJ, Ulrich , Etc.), regional (Latindex, SciELO, RedALyC, CLACSO), and national (Qualis, Publindex, Revencit, etc.), and the promulgation of policies and implementation of reforms in the sectors of education and science Technology in the Countries of the region. Likewise, they are usually emphasized as indexing in recognized systems and indicators as the impact factor. However, little is known about what happens between consumers (readers) and producers (researchers) of knowledge, particularly in the social sciences. Purpose: The scope and impact of the Latin American journals in the different disciplinary fields of the social sciences, in terms of access, use and publication, were investigated among researchers assigned to the national science and technology systems. Technology of the region, university professors in the area of social sciences and who have publications in social science journals. It was proposed to identify the most prestigious Latin American journals in social sciences, which was given by the recognition that researchers and academics of Latin America, and the factors that influence to choose a magazine to consult and publish. Method: To do this, a survey on the prestige of journals was applied to a sample of social science researchers in the region, researchers were identified in the systems of science and technology, institutions of higher education, social science journals Latin American and academic networks of the research team of this project. The survey is administered through the Internet and is related to: Journals that are read the most and published by academics and social researchers in Latin America; Journals that are published in the region; Factors for selection of publications such as prestige in the academic community, cost (subscription, open access), publication format (print, electronic), language, inclusion in bibliographic information systems and recognition policies to productivity; and bibliographic information systems that researchers use to access articles and journals in social sciences. The results of the survey were analyzed quantitatively. Findings and conclusions: The publications identified by researchers as important, in general and by discipline, were very diverse and in few cases there was some particular leadership of some titles. Several of the identified factors were confirmed as important in selecting a journal to read or publish, for example, predilection for open access electronic journals and full text that also do not charge the authors to publish; importance of major national, regional and global bibliographic information systems; Increasing value of scientific publication for the academic career and salary of Latin American researchers in the social sciences. Spanish as a regional language is very important in the selection of a magazine to read and publish. Regional bibliographic systems are more valued than those of greater global recognition

    FuturICT: Participatory computing to understand and manage our complex world in a more sustainable and resilient way

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    We have built particle accelerators to understand the forces that make up our physical world. Yet, we do not understand the principles underlying our strongly connected, techno-socio-economic systems. We have enabled ubiquitous Internet connectivity and instant, global information access. Yet we do not understand how it impacts our behavior and the evolution of society. To fill the knowledge gaps and keep up with the fast pace at which our world is changing, a Knowledge Accelerator must urgently be created. The financial crisis, international wars, global terror, the spreading of diseases and cyber-crime as well as demographic, technological and environmental change demonstrate that humanity is facing serious challenges. These problems cannot be solved within the traditional paradigms. Moving our attention from a component-oriented view of the world to an interaction-oriented view will allow us to understand the complex systems we have created and the emergent collective phenomena characterising them. This paradigm shift will enable new solutions to long-standing problems, very much as the shift from a geocentric to a heliocentric worldview has facilitated modern physics and the ability to launch satellites. The FuturICT flagship project will develop new science and technology to manage our future in a complex, strongly connected world. For this, it will combine the power of information and communication technology (ICT) with knowledge from the social and complexity sciences. ICT will provide the data to boost the social sciences into a new era. Complexity science will shed new light on the emergent phenomena in socially interactive systems, and the social sciences will provide a better understanding of the opportunities and risks of strongly networked systems, in particular future ICT systems. Hence, the envisaged FuturICT flagship will create new methods and instruments to tackle the challenges of the 21st century. FuturICT could indeed become one of the most important scientific endeavours ever, by revealing the principles that make socially interactive systems work well, by inspiring the creation of new platforms to explore our possible futures, and by initiating an era of social and socio-inspired innovations. Graphical abstrac

    FuturICT: Participatory computing to understand and manage our complex world in a more sustainable and resilient way

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    We have built particle accelerators to understand the forces that make up our physical world. Yet, we do not understand the princi-ples underlying our strongly connected, techno-socio-economic systems. We have enabled ubiquitous Internet connectivity and instant, global information access. Yet we do not understand how it impacts our be-havior and the evolution of society. To fill the knowledge gaps and keep up with the fast pace at which our world is changing, a Knowledge Accelerator must urgently be cre-ated. The financial crisis, international wars, global terror, the spread-ing of diseases and cyber-crime as well as demographic, technological and environmental change demonstrate that humanity is facing seri-ous challenges. These problems cannot be solved within the traditional paradigms. Moving our attention from a component-oriented view of the world to an interaction-oriented view will allow us to understand the com-plex systems we have created and the emergent collective phenomena characterising them. This paradigm shift will enable new solutions to long-standing problems, very much as the shift from a geocentric to a heliocentric worldview has facilitated modern physics and the ability to launch satellites. The FuturICT flagship project will develop new science and technology to manage our future in a complex, strongly connected world. For this, it will combine the power of information and communication technol-ogy (ICT) with knowledge from the social and complexity sciences. ICT will provide the data to boost the social sciences into a new era. Complexity science will shed new light on the emergent phenomena in socially interactive systems, and the social sciences will provide a better understanding of the opportunities and risks of strongly net-worked systems, in particular future ICT systems. Hence, the envisaged FuturICT flagship will create new methods and instruments to tackle the challenges of the 21 st century. FuturICT could indeed become one of the most important scientific endeavours ever, by revealing the principles that make socially inter-active systems work well, by inspiring the creation of new platforms to explore our possible futures, and by initiating an era of social and socio-inspired innovations

    Use of UTAUT Model to Assess ICT Adoption in Kenyan Public Universities

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    Despite many years of study and propositions of various models understanding the adoption of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)has been one of the most challenging issues. Uptake of new ICT innovations involves fulfilling many requirements ranging from technical to human. This study used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model as an assessment framework to understand the student’s behavioral intention on acceptance and use of technology. The study was conducted at Moi university which is one the public universities in Kenya. Closed and open-ended questionnaires were administered to 500 students. Staff members who were involved in the management of the targeted information systems were also interviewed.  A total of 414 questionnaires were returned accounting to 82.8% response rate. The reliability yielded Cronbach’s output of 0.8231.  The results indicated that effort expectancy, performance expectancy and social influence factors affect the student’s behavioral intention, which ultimately affects adoption of web based information system. The model explained 78.24% of the variance of the student’s behavioral intention to use web based information systems. Among the moderating factors only course of study had significant effect on intention of adoption of web based information system. Notably, students who were taking ICT related courses such as Information Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics had high adoption rate. The research findings from this study would be useful to institutions of higher learning, policy makers, researchers in the field, students and other stakeholders. Keywords: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT, ICT acceptance, Performance expectancy, Effort expectance, Social influence, Universities, Innovatio

    Curriculum Subcommittee Minutes, February 3, 2005

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    University Studies Service Learning Request Department of Economics Course Number Change Department of Art Course Number Change Prefix Change Delete Course Department of English Course Number Change Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change, Change Administrative Responsibility Department of History Course Number Change Department of Journalism and Communication New Course Title Change, Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change Prerequisite Change Title Change, Course Description Change Title Change, Course Description Change, Repeatable for credit Delete Course Department of Languages, Philosophy, and Speech Communication Course Number Change Liberal Arts and Sciences Program Delete Course Department of Music Delete Course Department of Political Science New Course Course Number Change Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology Course Number Change Delete Course Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Course Number Change Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change, Course Number Change Prerequisite Change, Course Number Change Credit Hour Change Delete Course Department of Computer Science Course Number Change Course Description Change, Course Number Change Prerequisite Change, Course Number Change Title Change, Course Number Change Department of Geology Delete Course Department of Mathematics and Statistics Delete Course Other Inactive courses Courses that have not been listed in the General Catalog Offering a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Communications Establishing a School of the Arts as a new administrative structure within the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Programs transferred from the Department of Business Information Systems to the Center for Independent and Distance Learning Common course numberin