89,392 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui unsur unsur bentuk lagi sik sik sibatumaningkam aransemen pontas purba. Selain itu juga bertujuan agar tetap terjaga kelestarian keseniannya. Teori yang digunakan yaitu teori karl-edmund prier. SJ (1996) dan teori ilmu unsur unsur music yaitu teori joseph machlis (1984). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif interaktif yaitu penelitian yang berdasarkan analisis dokumen yang akan memberikan gambaran yang nyata. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah pendekatan kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara pendekatan terhadap objek yang diteliti. Sedangkan teknik pengambilan data digunakan teknik observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada tujuh hasil penelitian : 1. Bentuk lagu, 2. Bentuk melodi, 3. Bentuk harmoni, 4. Pola ritme, 5. Tombre lagu, 6. Tempo lagu, 7. Ekspresi lagu sik sik batumaningkam

    Inhibition of salt inducible kinases reduces rhythmic HIV-1 replication and reactivation from latency

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) causes a major burden on global health, and eradication of latent virus infection is one of the biggest challenges in the field. The circadian clock is an endogenous timing system that oscillates with a ~24 h period regulating multiple physiological processes and cellular functions, and we recently reported that the cell intrinsic clock regulates rhythmic HIV-1 replication. Salt inducible kinases (SIK) contribute to circadian regulatory networks, however, there is limited evidence for SIKs regulating HIV-1 infection. Here, we show that pharmacological inhibition of SIKs perturbed the cellular clock and reduced rhythmic HIV-1 replication in circadian synchronised cells. Further, SIK inhibitors or genetic silencing of Sik expression inhibited viral replication in primary cells and in a latency model, respectively. Overall, this study demonstrates a role for salt inducible kinases in regulating HIV-1 replication and latency reactivation, which can provide innovative routes to better understand and target latent HIV-1 infection

    Simultaneous islet-kidney vs pancreas-kidney transplantation in type 1 diabetes mellitus: a 5year single centre follow-up

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    Aims/hypothesis: The aim of this study was to compare the long-term outcomes—in terms of glucose control, renal function and procedure-related complications—of simultaneous islet-kidney (SIK) transplantation with those of simultaneous pancreas-kidney (SPK) transplantation in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Methods: HbA1c, need for insulin, GFR and complication rate were compared between 13 recipients of SIK and 25 recipients of SPK transplants at the same institution. The mean follow-up was 41months. Results: Two primary organ non-functions occurred in the SIK group. HbA1c did not differ at any time point during follow-up in the SIK group compared with the SPK group (mean during follow-up 6.3 vs 5.9%). Similarly, kidney function over time was not different between the two groups. A higher rate of insulin independence following SPK transplantation (after 1year 96 vs 31% in the SIK group) was counterbalanced by a higher rate of serious adverse events (40% relaparotomies vs 0% in the SIK group). Conclusions/interpretation: The endogenous insulin production achieved by islet transplantation, combined with optimal insulin therapy, was sufficient for maintaining near-normal glucose levels. In terms of glucose control, islet transplantation provides results comparable to those achieved with pancreas transplantation. However, SPK results in a higher rate of insulin independence, albeit at the cost of more surgical complications. These results have led to a new paradigm in islet transplantation at our institution, where the primary goal is not insulin independence, but good glucose control and avoidance of severe hypoglycaemi

    Induction of resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola in grapevine plants.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC), Acibenzolar-S-Methyl (ASM), organic acids and polyphenols (OAP) and potassium silicate (SiK) on protecting grapevine plants (cv. Redglobe) from Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola. Four application rates for each product (SC at 2.0, 2.50, 3.0, 3.50 and 4.0 mL 100 L-1; ASM and OAP at 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50 and 6.00 mL 100 L-1 and SiK at 5.00, 6.50, 7.50 and 8.50 mL 100 L-1) in different application times (0, 5, 10, and 15 days before inoculation), and the enzymatic activity of peroxidases, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and ?-1,3 glucanases were evaluated. Plants were inoculated with a bacterial suspension of 5 x 108 CFU mL-1 by rubbing with gauze. The epidemiological variables incidence (INC), severity (SEV) and area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) were assessed. The treatment with ASM had the lowest averages of INC (38%) and SEV (1.52%) from 3 g 100 L-1. The application of 4.5 mL 100 L-1 of OAP reduced the plant disease in 52% of INC and 2.45% of SEV. SiK and SC presented no significant reduction in these variables compared to control. The ASM applied 15 days before the inoculation (DBI) reduced the disease in 91.31% and the APO in 73.34%, while SC and SiK reduced the disease in 67.49 and 60.11%, respectively, with applications at 5 DBI. There was no increase of peroxidase activity in any of the treatments. There was a significant increase in activity of ?-1,3 glucanases and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in plants treated with ASM at 15 DBI, indicating an influence on the induction of resistance of plants to this disease

    Pengaruh Perendaman Teh Hijau Seduhan Daun Kering Dan Seduhan Celup Terhadap Kekuatan Tekan Bahan Restorasi Semen Ionomer Kaca (Sik)

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    Semen Ionomer Kaca (SIK) viskositas tinggi merupakan bahan restorasi yang memiliki kekuatan terhadap keausan yang lebih baik dan kekuatan tekan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan SIK konvensional. Kekuatan tekan adalah kemampuan SIK menahan tegangan maksimum yang diterima. SIK memiliki sifat menyerap air dan rentan terhadap erosi asam, sehingga konsumsi minuman yang bersifat asam seperti teh hijau dapat menurunkan nilai kekuatan tekannya. Teh hijau dalam bentuk seduhan celup memiliki pH lebih rendah dibandingkan teh hijau seduhan daun kering. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman teh hijau seduhan daun kering dan seduhan celup terhadap kekuatan tekan bahan restorasi SIK. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian Post Test Group Design dengan menggunakan SIK Tipe II Viskositas Tinggi yang direndam dalam aquades, teh hijau daun kering dan teh hijau celup (masing-masing n=3) selama 1, 3, 5, dan 7 hari. Total spesimen berjumlah 36 buah yang berbentuk silinder berdiameter 5 mm dan tinggi 3 mm. Tiap spesimen diuji menggunakan Universal Testing Machine TARNO GROCKI dengan satuan MPa. Hasil dianalisis menggunakan uji Two-Way ANOVA sekaligus dilakukan pengujian hipotesis, hasil menunjukkan bahwa nilai statistik sampel (Ftabel=21,488) lebih besar dari nilai hipotesis (Fhitung=3,285). Didapat kesimpulan bahwa hipotesis ditolak karena terdapat penurunan kekuatan tekan bahan restorasi SIK yang lebih besar pada perendaman teh hijau seduhan celup dibandingkan seduhan daun kering selama 1, 3, 5, dan 7 hari


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    Kajian ini mendeskripsikan perilaku fonologi konsonan yang berada di akhir kata dalam dialek Petani Sik yang dituturkan di daerah Sik, Kedah, Malaysia. Terdapat beberapa fenomena fonologi yang berlaku di akhir kata dalam dialek Petani Sik, Kedah lantaran sekatan ke atas kehadiran sesetengah konsonan di posisi dalam dialek ini. Data kajian telah diperoleh melalui kajian rintis, soal selidik serta kajian lapangan yang melibatkan pemerhatian dan rakaman. Pengumpulan data dilakukan di Kampung Telaga Batu, Sik, Kedah dengan memilih 30 penutur natif yang berumur antara 45 hingga 75 tahun. Hasil analisis menunjukkan konsonan /r/, /l/, /s/, /m/ dan /h/ tidak dibenarkan hadir di akhir kata dalam dialek Petani Sik. Kehadiran konsonan-konsonan ini telah ditangani dengan proses fonologi seperti peleburan, penggantian, penyisipan dan pengguguran. Penggantian konsonan /s/ kepada [ç] yang didahului oleh vokal tinggi dan /s/ kepada [h] yang didahului oleh vokal /a/ serta diikuti oleh penyisipan [j] sebelum konsonan tersebut merupakan output dialek Petani Sik yang paling menarik khusunya bunyi [ç]. Kehadirannya dalam dialek-dialek Melayu sangat terhad hanya kepada dialek Kedah Utara dan tidak wujud dalam bahasa Melayu standard. Kemunculannya yang terbatas ini menjadi lambang identiti unik dalam dialek Kedah khususnya dialek Petani Sik. Penelitian proses fonologi di akhir kata dalam dialek Petani Sik memberi implikasi sebagai nilai tambah kepada kajian terdahulu selain sebagai perintis ke arah penyelidikan ilmiah yang memelihara dan mendokumentasikan sistem nahu sebuah dialek Melayu yang semakin kurang penuturnya.Kata kunci: Bahasa Melayu, dialek Kedah, dialek Petani Sik, fonologi, konsonan akhir kata. ABSTRACTThis study describes the phonological behaviour of word-final consonants in the Petani Sik dialect spoken in the Sik region of Kedah, Malaysia. There are a number of phonological phenomena which occur at word-final position in the Petani Sik dialect due to restriction on the presence of consonants at this position of word. Data for this study were obtained through pilot study, questionnaire and fieldwork which included observation and recording. Data gathering at Kampung Telaga Batu, Sik, Kedah was carried out involving 30 native speakers aged between 45 and 75 years. The findings show that consonants /r/, /l/, /s/, /m/ and /h/ are not allowed to occur at word-final position in the Petani Sik dialect. The occurrence of these consonants has been resolved by the phonological processes namely coalescence, substitution, epenthesis and deletion. The substitution consonant from /s/ to [ç] which is preceded by a high vowel and from /s/ to [h] before /a/ which is then followed by the epenthesis [j] before the consonant are the most interesting outputs yielded from the dialect particularly the [ç]sound. Its presence in Malay dialects is limited only for the North Kedah dialect. It also does not exist in the standard Malay. The limited presence of this sound is interesting as it represents a unique identity symbol for Kedah dialect particularly Petani Sik dialect. This study contributes to the phonological knowledge in the dialect and it documents the grammar of a Malay dialect which now has less speakers.Keywords: Kedah dialect, Malay language, Petani Sik dialect, phonology, word-final position.Cite as: Salam, N. S. & Syed Jaafar, S. R. (2019). Perilaku fonologi konsonan di akhir kata dialek petani Sik. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 4(1), 316-343. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol4iss1pp316-34

    Simultaneous islet-kidney vs pancreas-kidney transplantation in type 1 diabetes mellitus: a 5 year single centre follow-up

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The aim of this study was to compare the long-term outcomes-in terms of glucose control, renal function and procedure-related complications-of simultaneous islet-kidney (SIK) transplantation with those of simultaneous pancreas-kidney (SPK) transplantation in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: HbA(1c), need for insulin, GFR and complication rate were compared between 13 recipients of SIK and 25 recipients of SPK transplants at the same institution. The mean follow-up was 41 months. RESULTS: Two primary organ non-functions occurred in the SIK group. HbA(1c) did not differ at any time point during follow-up in the SIK group compared with the SPK group (mean during follow-up 6.3 vs 5.9%). Similarly, kidney function over time was not different between the two groups. A higher rate of insulin independence following SPK transplantation (after 1 year 96 vs 31% in the SIK group) was counterbalanced by a higher rate of serious adverse events (40% relaparotomies vs 0% in the SIK group). CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: The endogenous insulin production achieved by islet transplantation, combined with optimal insulin therapy, was sufficient for maintaining near-normal glucose levels. In terms of glucose control, islet transplantation provides results comparable to those achieved with pancreas transplantation. However, SPK results in a higher rate of insulin independence, albeit at the cost of more surgical complications. These results have led to a new paradigm in islet transplantation at our institution, where the primary goal is not insulin independence, but good glucose control and avoidance of severe hypoglycaemia

    Pemetaan topik publikasi sistem informasi kesehatan (sik) di indonesia : analisis bibliometrik

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    Latar Belakang : Kemajuan dan kemapanan  SIK  juga dipengaruhi oleh kontribusi dari riset-riset di bidang SIK yang ada. Jurnal menjadi alat pengukur laju pengetahuan secara berkala bersumber hasil riset terbaru, jurnal terbilang sepadan dengan evolusi sains sehingga sering dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber penelitian. Metode bibliometrik terkadang disebut scientometrics, merupakan implementasi analisis kuantitatif maupun statistik terhadap publikasi ilmiah. Sejauh ini, analisis bibliometrik terhadap publikasi ilmiah SIK di Indonesia belum pernah dilakukan.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi publikasi ilmiah dan pemetaan topik riset dibidang Sistem Informasi Kesehatan (SIK) di Indonesia yang terindeks di Google Cendikia.Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 339 artikel yang dipilih dengan metode total sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis bibliometrik.Hasil: Jenis publikasi  ilmiah SIK sebagian besar (63%) dalam bentuk artikel jurnal, mengalami tren peningkatan setiap tahunnya, dan sebagian  besar dipublikasikan di jurnal internasional (51%). Penulis yang produktif mempublikasikan karya ilmiah SIK di Indonesia didominasi oleh penulis-penulis yang terafiliasi dengan universitas Indonesia dan Universitas Gadjah Mada. Terdapat 4 tema publikasi (1) mHealth; (2) Telmedicine; (3) SIMRS dan (4) SIMPUS, tema yang menjadi hotspot adalah mHealth.Kesimpulan:  Publikasi  ilmiah SIK di Indonesia yang terindeks di pangkalan data Google Cendekia dari tahun 2014-2018 mengalami tren peningkatan setiap tahunnya dengan jumlah publikasi terbanyak pada tahun 2017 untuk kedua jenis publikasi. Tren peningkatan publikasi juga diikuti oleh tren penulis publikasi. Tema publikasi yang menjadi hotspot adalah mHealth dan Telemedicine.Kata kunci: Publikasi, SIK, Bibliometrik, VosViewer, google cendekia, Indonesi