1,111,261 research outputs found


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    Analisis dalam Proyek Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aman atau tidaknya dinding penahan tanah pada Bendung Tukuman di Desa Plosowangi Kecamatan Cawas Kabupaten Klaten pada gambar potongan E-E dalam lampiran 1 terhadap stabilitas kuat dukung tanah, geser dan guling dengan pengaruh gempa dilibatkan dan pengaruh gempa tidak dilibatkan. Untuk menganalisis dinding penahan tanah tipe gravity wall pada Bendung Tukuman di Desa Plosowangi Kecamatan Cawas Kabupaten Klaten ini melalui beberapa tahapan/langkah, diantaranya yaitu pengumpulan data dan perhitungan stabilitas dinding penahan tanah. Perhitungan tekanan tanah menggunakan cara Rankine. Analisis kapasitas dukung tanah menggunakan cara Terzaghi. Dari hasil perhitungan jika pengaruh gempa tidak dilibatkan pada saat banjir-banjir, maka stabilitas terhadap kuat dukung tanah : SF = 3,815 > 2,5, pada saat jenuh-kosong, SF = 4,346 > 2,5, dan pada saat kosong-kosong, SF = 4,492 > 2,5. Terhadap geser pada saat pada saat banjir-banjir, SF = 12,132 > 1,5, pada saat jenuh-kosong, SF = 7,238 > 1,5, dan pada saat kosong-kosong, SF = 8,991 > 1,5. Terhadap guling pada saat pada saat banjir-banjir, SF = 2,668 > 1,5, pada saat jenuh-kosong, SF = 2,034 > 1,5, dan pada saat kosong-kosong, SF = 2,456 > 1,5. Jika pengaruh gempa dilibatkan pada saat banjir-banjir, maka stabilitas terhadap kuat dukung tanah : SF = 4,342 > 2,5, pada saat jenuh-kosong, SF = 4,141 > 2,5, dan pada saat kosong-kosong, SF = 4,286 > 2,5. Terhadap geser pada saat pada saat banjir-banjir, SF = 6,961 > 1,5, pada saat jenuh-kosong, SF = 4,28 > 1,5, dan pada saat kosong-kosong, SF = 5,619 > 1,5. Terhadap guling pada saat pada saat banjir-banjir, SF = 2,021 > 1,5, pada saat jenuh-kosong, SF = 1,635 > 1,5, dan pada saat kosong-kosong, SF = 1,897 > 1,5. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kuat dukung tanah, geser, dan guling aman terhadap pengaruh gempa tidak dilibatkan maupun dilibatkan baik saat banjir-banjir, jenuh-kosong, dan kosong-kosong

    Exploring the consistency of the SF-6D

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    Objective: The six dimensional health state short form (SF-6D) was designed to be derived from the short-form 36 health survey (SF-36). The purpose of this research was to compare the SF-6D index values generated from the SF 36 (SF-6D(SF-36)) with those obtained from the SF-6D administered as an independent instrument (SF-6D(Ind)). The goal was to assess the consistency of respondents answers to these two methods of deriving the SF-6D. Methods: Data were obtained from a sample of the Portuguese population (n = 414). Agreement between the instruments was assessed on the basis of a descriptive system and their indexes. The analysis of the descriptive system was performed by using a global consistency index and an identically classified index. Agreement was also explored by using correlation coefficients. Parametric tests were used to identify differences between the indexes. Regression models were estimated to understand the relationship between them. Results: The SF-6D(Ind) generates higher values than does the SF-6D(SF-36), There were significant differences between the indexes across sociodemographic groups. There was a significant ceiling effect in the SF-6D(Ind) a but not in the SF-6D(SF-36). The correlation between the indexes was high but less than what was anticipated. The global consistency index identified the dimensions with larger differences. Considerable differences were found in two dimensions, possibly as a result of different item contexts. Further research is needed to fully understand the role of the different layouts and the length of the questionnaires in the respondents' answers. Conclusions: The results show that as the SF-6D was designed to derive utilities from the SF-36 it should be used in this way and not as an independent instrument.Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Superfluid, Mott-Insulator, and Mass-Density-Wave Phases in the One-Dimensional Extended Bose-Hubbard Model

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    We use the finite-size density-matrix-renormalization-group (FSDMRG) method to obtain the phase diagram of the one-dimensional (d=1d = 1) extended Bose-Hubbard model for density ρ=1\rho = 1 in the UVU-V plane, where UU and VV are, respectively, onsite and nearest-neighbor interactions. The phase diagram comprises three phases: Superfluid (SF), Mott Insulator (MI) and Mass Density Wave (MDW). For small values of UU and VV, we get a reentrant SF-MI-SF phase transition. For intermediate values of interactions the SF phase is sandwiched between MI and MDW phases with continuous SF-MI and SF-MDW transitions. We show, by a detailed finite-size scaling analysis, that the MI-SF transition is of Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) type whereas the MDW-SF transition has both KT and two-dimensional-Ising characters. For large values of UU and VV we get a direct, first-order, MI-MDW transition. The MI-SF, MDW-SF and MI-MDW phase boundaries join at a bicritical point at (U,V)=(8.5±0.05,4.75±0.05)U, V) = (8.5 \pm 0.05, 4.75 \pm 0.05).Comment: 10 pages, 15 figure