361,217 research outputs found

    Counter-rotating Accretion Disks

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    We consider accretion disks consisting of counter-rotating gaseous components with an intervening shear layer. Configurations of this type may arise from the accretion of newly supplied counter-rotating gas onto an existing co-rotating gas disk. For simplicity we consider the case where the gas well above the disk midplane is rotating with angular rate +Ω+\Omega and that well below has the same properties but is rotating with rate −Ω-\Omega. Using the Shakura-Sunyaev alpha turbulence model, we find self-similar solutions where a thin (relative to the full disk thickness) equatorial layer accretes very rapidly, essentially at free-fall speed. As a result the accretion speed is much larger than it would be for an alpha disk rotating in one direction. Counter-rotating accretion disks may be a transient stage in the formation of counter-rotating galaxies and in the accretion of matter onto compact objects.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, aas2pp4.sty, submitted to Ap

    Comparative study of subsynchronous rotating flow patterns in centrifugal compressors with vaneless diffusers

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    A comparative experimental investigation of the unstable operating modes of a centrifugal compressor was made. Impeller and/or diffuser rotating stall was observed, depending on the flow conditions. The measured relative rotational speed of this perturbation is cross checked with other experimental data and it is shown that the rotational speed is strongly dependent on the type of rotating stall. The diffuser absolute inlet flow angle at the onset of diffuser rotating stall agrees well with the value predicted by an existing stability criterion

    Intermediate rotating ring improves reliability of dynamic shaft seal

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    Intermediate rotating ring improves the reliability of dynamic shaft seals whose rubbing surfaces wear down rapidly at high shaft speeds. The rotating ring is placed between the rotating shaft sealing surfaces and the stationary surface, and driven at one-half the shaft speed

    Gravitational Radiation from the radial infall of highly relativistic point particles into Kerr black holes

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    In this paper, we consider the gravitational radiation generated by the collision of highly relativistic particles with rotating Kerr black holes. We use the Sasaki-Nakamura formalism to compute the waveform, energy spectra and total energy radiated during this process. We show that the gravitational spectrum for high-energy collisions has definite characteristic universal features, which are independent of the spin of the colliding objects. We also discuss possible connections between these results and the black hole-black hole collision at the speed of light process. With these results at hand, we predict that during the high speed collision of a non-rotating hole with a rotating one, about 35% of the total energy can get converted into gravitational waves. Thus, if one is able to produce black holes at the Large Hadron Collider, as much as 35% of the partons' energy should be emitted during the so called balding phase. This energy will be missing, since we don't have gravitational wave detectors able to measure such amplitudes. The collision at the speed of light between one rotating black hole and a non-rotating one or two rotating black holes turns out to be the most efficient gravitational wave generator in the Universe.Comment: 15 pages, REVTEX4. Some comments and references adde

    Speed of light on rotating platforms

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    It is often taken for granted that on board a rotating disk it is possible to operate a \QTR{it}{global}3+1 splitting of space-time, such that both lengths and time intervals are \QTR{it}{uniquely} defined in terms of measurements performed by real rods and real clocks at rest on the platform. This paper shows that this assumption, although widespread and apparently trivial, leads to an anisotropy of the velocity of two light beams travelling in opposite directions along the rim of the disk; which in turn implies some recently pointed out paradoxical consequences undermining the self-consistency of the Special Theory of Relativity (SRT). A correct application of the SRT solves the problem and recovers complete internal consistency for the theory. As an immediate consequence, it is shown that the Sagnac effect only depends on the non homogeneity of time on the platform and has nothing to do with any anisotropy of the speed of light along the rim of the disk, contrary to an incorrect but widely supported idea.Comment: Latex, 2 figure

    Biocentrifuge system capable of exchanging specimen cages while in operational mode

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    The centrifuge comprises a generally circular, rotatably mounted frame carrying a plurality of removable and replaceable cages for the animal specimens. Pairs of opposing cages may be removed from the frame while it is rotating by means of a cage exchanger which rotates concentrically within the centrifuge and the speed of which is controlled independently of the frame speed. An image rotator is provided for selective observation of the rotating animals. The system further includes a waste conveyor system, a food supply system, and a water supply system for each cage for creating a life sustaining environment so that the animals can live in the rotating centrifuge for extended periods

    The Freezing Rotation Illusion

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    The freezing rotation illusion arises when a figure is continuously rotating in front of a back and forth rotating ground. The term “freezing rotation” designates the decrease in the perceived rotation speed of a figure when the figure and the ground are turning in equal directions. Subjects had to estimate the rotation speed of a continuously turning figure while the ground was either turning opposite to or with the figure. Their estimations of the figure’s speed were significantly lower, when the ground was moving in the same direction as the figure. In control experiments subjects had to estimate the ground’s speed while the figure was turning opposite to or with the ground. Overall, their estimations of the rotational speed of the ground were not significantly influenced by the rotational direction of the figure

    Differential rotation enhanced dissipation of tides in the PSR J0045-7319 Binary

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    Recent observations of PSR J0045-7319, a radio pulsar in a close eccentric orbit with a massive B-star companion, indicate that the system's orbital period is decreasing on a timescale of ≈5×105\approx 5 \times10^{5} years, which is much shorter than the timescale of ≈\approx 10^9 years given by the standard theory of tidal dissipation in radiative stars. Observations also provide strong evidence that the B-star is rotating rapidly, perhaps at nearly its break up speed. We show that the dissipation of the dynamical tide in a star rotating in the same direction as the orbital motion of its companion (prograde rotation) with a speed greater than the orbital angular speed of the star at periastron results in an increase in the orbital period of the binary system with time. Thus, since the observed time derivative of the orbital period is large and negative, the B-star in the PSR J0045-7319 binary must have retrograde rotation if tidal effects are to account for the orbital decay. We also show that the time scale for the synchronization of the B-star's spin with the orbital angular speed of the star at periastron is comparable to the orbital evolution time. From the work of Goldreich and Nicholson (1989) we therefore expect that the B-star should be rotating differentially, with the outer layers rotating more slowly than the interior. We show that the dissipation of the dynamical tide in such a differentially rotating B-star is enhanced by almost three orders of magnitude leading to an orbital evolution time for the PSR J0045-7319 Binary that is consistent with the observations.Comment: 8 pages, tex. Submitted to Ap

    Data acquisition from high-speed rotating shafts

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    Data system, when used with a rotary transformer, results in increased life, negligible noise, and capability for a large number of data channels in testing rotating equipment. It is used to multiplex many channels of analog transducer output data and convert this signal to binary digital output
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