69,137 research outputs found

    Random Construction of Riemann Surfaces

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    In this paper, we address the following question: What does a typical compact Riemann surface of large genus look like geometrically? We do so by constructing compact Riemann surfaces from oriented 3-regular graphs. The set for such Riemann surfaces is dense in the space of all compact Riemann surfaces, namely Belyi surfaces. And in this construction we can control the geometry of the compact Riemann surface by the geometry of the graph. We show that almost all such surfaces have large first eigenvalue and large Cheeger constant

    Selberg Supertrace Formula for Super Riemann Surfaces III: Bordered Super Riemann Surfaces

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    This paper is the third in a sequel to develop a super-analogue of the classical Selberg trace formula, the Selberg supertrace formula. It deals with bordered super Riemann surfaces. The theory of bordered super Riemann surfaces is outlined, and the corresponding Selberg supertrace formula is developed. The analytic properties of the Selberg super zeta-functions on bordered super Riemann surfaces are discussed, and super-determinants of Dirac-Laplace operators on bordered super Riemann surfaces are calculated in terms of Selberg super zeta-functions.Comment: 43 pages, amste

    Some differential equations for the Riemann θ\theta-function on Jacobians

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    We prove some differential equations for the Riemann theta function associated to the Jacobian of a Riemann surface. The proof is based on some variants of a formula by Fay for the theta function, which are motivated by their analogues in Arakelov theory of Riemann surfaces. Moreover, we give a generalization of Rosenhain's formula to hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces as conjectured by Gu\`ardia.Comment: Comments are welcom

    Noncommutative Riemann Surfaces

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    We compactify M(atrix) theory on Riemann surfaces Sigma with genus g>1. Following [1], we construct a projective unitary representation of pi_1(Sigma) realized on L^2(H), with H the upper half-plane. As a first step we introduce a suitably gauged sl_2(R) algebra. Then a uniquely determined gauge connection provides the central extension which is a 2-cocycle of the 2nd Hochschild cohomology group. Our construction is the double-scaling limit N\to\infty, k\to-\infty of the representation considered in the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem, which represents the higher-genus analog of 't Hooft's clock and shift matrices of QCD. The concept of a noncommutative Riemann surface Sigma_\theta is introduced as a certain C^\star-algebra. Finally we investigate the Morita equivalence.Comment: LaTeX, 1+14 pages. Contribution to the TMR meeting ``Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification'', Paris 1-7 September 199
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