13,040,010 research outputs found
Overview of Bjelland Vineyards Article
This article relates the origin story of Bjelland Vineyards and its available wines, including an invitation from Paul and Mary Bjelland to visit the winery and enjoy a picnic on their property. The article also explains the newly constructed winery can house up to 20,000 gallons of wine and is accompanied by a photograph of the tasting room
Bjelland Awaits Anniversary Article
This captioned photo collage from the Roseburg News-Review marks the upcoming fifth anniversary for Bjelland Vineyards on October 12, 1975. At this time Bjelland Vineyards was one of the largest planted vineyards in Oregon
Rock Marks Vineyard Site Article
The location of Bjelland Vineyards is marked by a rock in Roseburg, Oregon. In 1970, Bjelland Vineyards began planning construction of a winery at the vineyard site. At this time, Bjelland Vineyards is one of the largest vineyards, producing over 1,200 gallons of varietals such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Gamay Beaujolais, Pinot Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc, Zinfandel, Gerwürtztraminer, Semillon, and Sauvignon Blanc. The article is accompanied by an advertisement for special occasion sales and samples at Bjelland Vineyards
Douglas County Wineries Article
The locations of wine and vineyard establishments, their names, whether they grow grapes or make wine, and all the varieties grown in Douglas County, Oregon are labeled on a custom map which appeared in an issue of the Roseburg News-Review
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