1,572 research outputs found

    Neutrosophic Fuzzy Logic-Based Hybrid CNN- LSTM for Accurate Chest X-ray Classification in COVID-19 PredictionNeutrosophic Fuzzy Logic-Based Hybrid CNN- LSTM for Accurate Chest X-ray Classification in COVID-19 Prediction

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    The necessity for sophisticated and precise diagnostic instruments for the prompt recognition of COVID-19 patients has been highlighted by the continuing worldwide epidemic. In this regard, this study presents a unique method for accurately classifying X-ray images of chest in COVID-19 prediction by combining Neutrosophic Fuzzy Logic with a Hybrid CNN and LSTM architecture. Medical image analysis involves uncertainties and imprecise information, which is handled via Neutrosophic Fuzzy Logic. The suggested hybrid model offers a thorough comprehension of the spatial and temporal patterns in chest X-ray pictures by utilizing the advantages of CNN for feature extraction and LSTM for sequential information learning. Hybrid CNN-LSTM architecture based on Neutrosophic Fuzzy Logic is trained on an enormous set of various chest X-ray pictures, including both positive and negative instances of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases. The proposed method is implemented using Python software. In addition to improving COVID-19 prediction accuracy, the combination of Neutrosophic Fuzzy Logic with a Hybrid CNN-LSTM structure creates a strong framework for managing uncertainty in medical image classification tasks. The proposed CNN-LSTM model with Neutrosophic Fuzzy logic shows better accuracy with 98.6% which is 4.4 % higher when compared with COVID CAPS , Bayesian CNN , Deep Feature + SVM and DCNN. This study represents a major advancement in the creation of sophisticated and trustworthy diagnostic instruments for effective healthcare administration during times of worldwide health emergencies

    Machine learning model based on Gary-level co-occurrence matrix for chest Sarcoidosis diagnosis

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    Sarcoidosis is often misdiagnosed and mistreated due to the limitations of radiological presentations. With the recent emergence of COVID-19, doctors face challenges distinguishing between the symptoms of these two diseases. As a result, people are adapting to new practices such as working from home, wearing masks, and using disinfectants. The similarity in symptoms between sarcoidosis and COVID-19 has made it difficult to differentiate between the two conditions, potentially impacting patient outcomes. The diagnostic process for distinguishing between them is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and costly. Researchers and medical practitioners have gained significant attention to computer-aided detection (CAD) systems for sarcoidosis using radiological images to address this issue. This study uses machine learning classifiers, ensembles, and features such as Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and histogram analysis to identify lung sarcoidosis infection from chest X-ray images. The proposed method extracts statistical texture features from X-ray images by calculating a GLCM for each image using various stride combinations. These GLCM features are then used to train the machine learning classifiers and ensembles. The research focuses on multi-class classification, categorizing X-ray images into three classes: sarcoidosis-affected, COVID-19-affected, and regular lungs, as well as binary classification, distinguishing sarcoid-affected cases from others. The proposed method, known for its simplicity and computational efficiency, demonstrates significant accuracy in identifying sarcoidosis and COVID-19 from chest X-ray images.</p

    COVID -19 Predictions using Transfer Learning based Deep Learning Model with Medical Internet of Things

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    Early detection of COVID-19 may help medical expert for proper treatment plan and infection control. Internet of Things (IoT) has vital improvement in many areas including medical field. Deep learning also provide tremendous improvement in the field of medical. We have proposed a Transfer learning based deep learning model with medical Internet of Things for predicting COVID-19 from X-ray images. In the proposed method, the X ray images of patient are stored in cloud storage using internet for wide access. Then, the images are retrieved from cloud and Transfer learning based deep learning models namely VGG-16, Inception, Alexnet, Googlenet and Convolution neural Network models are applied on the X-rays images for predicting COVID 19, Normal and pneumonia classes. The pre-trained models helps to the effectiveness of deep learning accuracy and reduced the training time. The experimental analysis show that VGG -16 model gives accuracy of 99% for detecting COVID19 than other models

    Mortality Prediction of COVID-19 Patients Using Radiomic and Neural Network Features Extracted from a Wide Chest X-ray Sample Size: A Robust Approach for Different Medical Imbalanced Scenarios

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to develop robust prognostic models for mortality prediction of COVID-19 patients, applicable to different sets of real scenarios, using radiomic and neural network features extracted from chest X-rays (CXRs) with a certified and commercially available software. Methods: 1816 patients from 5 different hospitals in the Province of Reggio Emilia were included in the study. Overall, 201 radiomic features and 16 neural network features were extracted from each COVID-19 patient’s radiography. The initial dataset was balanced to train the classifiers with the same number of dead and survived patients, randomly selected. The pipeline had three main parts: balancing procedure; three-step feature selection; and mortality prediction with radiomic features through three machine learning (ML) classification models: AdaBoost (ADA), Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) and Random Forest (RF). Five evaluation metrics were computed on the test samples. The performance for death prediction was validated on both a balanced dataset (Case 1) and an imbalanced dataset (Case 2). Results: accuracy (ACC), area under the ROC-curve (AUC) and sensitivity (SENS) for the best classifier were, respectively, 0.72 ± 0.01, 0.82 ± 0.02 and 0.84 ± 0.04 for Case 1 and 0.70 ± 0.04, 0.79 ± 0.03 and 0.76 ± 0.06 for Case 2. These results show that the prediction of COVID-19 mortality is robust in a different set of scenarios. Conclusions: Our large and varied dataset made it possible to train ML algorithms to predict COVID-19 mortality using radiomic and neural network features of CXRs

    Deep Learning and Medical Imaging for COVID-19 Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Survey

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    COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) has been quickly spreading since its outbreak, impacting financial markets and healthcare systems globally. Countries all around the world have adopted a number of extraordinary steps to restrict the spreading virus, where early COVID-19 diagnosis is essential. Medical images such as X-ray images and Computed Tomography scans are becoming one of the main diagnostic tools to combat COVID-19 with the aid of deep learning-based systems. In this survey, we investigate the main contributions of deep learning applications using medical images in fighting against COVID-19 from the aspects of image classification, lesion localization, and severity quantification, and review different deep learning architectures and some image preprocessing techniques for achieving a preciser diagnosis. We also provide a summary of the X-ray and CT image datasets used in various studies for COVID-19 detection. The key difficulties and potential applications of deep learning in fighting against COVID-19 are finally discussed. This work summarizes the latest methods of deep learning using medical images to diagnose COVID-19, highlighting the challenges and inspiring more studies to keep utilizing the advantages of deep learning to combat COVID-19

    Artificial intelligence-based detection of pneumonia in chest radiographs

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    Artificial intelligence is gaining increasing relevance in the field of radiology. This study retrospectively evaluates how a commercially available deep learning algorithm can detect pneumonia in chest radiographs (CR) in emergency departments. The chest radiographs of 948 patients with dyspnea between 3 February and 8 May 2020, as well as 15 October and 15 December 2020, were used. A deep learning algorithm was used to identify opacifications associated with pneumonia, and the performance was evaluated by using ROC analysis, sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV. Two radiologists assessed all enrolled images for pulmonal infection patterns as the reference standard. If consolidations or opacifications were present, the radiologists classified the pulmonal findings regarding a possible COVID-19 infection because of the ongoing pandemic. The AUROC value of the deep learning algorithm reached 0.923 when detecting pneumonia in chest radiographs with a sensitivity of 95.4%, specificity of 66.0%, PPV of 80.2% and NPV of 90.8%. The detection of COVID-19 pneumonia in CR by radiologists was achieved with a sensitivity of 50.6% and a specificity of 73%. The deep learning algorithm proved to be an excellent tool for detecting pneumonia in chest radiographs. Thus, the assessment of suspicious chest radiographs can be purposefully supported, shortening the turnaround time for reporting relevant findings and aiding early triage
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