7,699,647 research outputs found

    Policy Guide For Municipal Leaders and Legislators

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    This Guide for Municipal Leaders and Legislators, is a companion to the full 2013 State of Our Estuaries Report, and focuses more specifically on what state and local leaders can do to improve environmental conditions in the estuaries. It provides a short list of priority policy options for decision-makers to consider, as well as model efforts from our own communities that can be replicated in support of our environmental health and economic vitality

    Eelgrass/Macroalgae Discussion Primer for TAC Activities 2016-2017

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    See also: Eelgrass Distribution and Biomass in the Great Bay Estuary for 2015 http://scholars.unh.edu/prep/354 Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary for 2014 http://scholars.unh.edu/prep/352/ The issue of eelgrass and macroalgae in the Great Bay Estuary (GBE) is extremely important and complex. The purpose of this document is to clarify issues and questions to make for a more productive and informed discussion

    Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership 2018 Annual Report

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    2010 Piscataqua Region Comprehensive : Executive Summary

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    In the fall of 2010, the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) completed an 18-month effort to understand current and future environmental issues affecting the Region’s estuaries, to establish realistic goals and objectives for the next 10 years, and to create effective action plans to systematically achieve the shared environmental goals of a broad base of Regional stakeholders. With input from more than 150 individuals, representing 82 organizations, PREP compiled the 2010 Piscataqua Region Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) that lays the foundation for work over the next decade to protect and restore the Region’s estuaries and associated watersheds

    State of Our Estuaries 2009

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    The 2009 State of the Estuaries Report describes the status and trends of 12 primary indicators tracked by PREP. For each key indicator, the report provides the monitoring question and answer, PREP management goal, information on relevance, and an explanation of data analysis and interpretation. Additional information from other related indicators is presented to provide context or further explain trends. In total data from 28 different indicators are included in this report. About half of the indicators presented include data for Maine. Future reports will fully integrate the Maine portion of the PREP focus area

    State of Our Estuaries 2013

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    Every three years the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) produces this condition and environmental trends report in an effort to provide communities and citizens with an informed and comprehensive evaluation of what is being observed in our estuaries. This report presents our assessment of 22 key indicators of the health of our bays: 15 of which are classified as having cautionary or negative conditions or trends, while 7 show positive conditions or trends. The overall assessment shows that there is reason to be concerned about the health of our estuaries, and that increased efforts to study and restore our estuaries are needed. It also shows that there are effective efforts that can be made now to begin to reverse trends of concern

    Piscataqua Region Environmental Planning Assessment Grant Program Summary Report (2015-2016)

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    Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership Working to Keep Our Water Clean

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    Project Highlights and Future Plan

    Ctizen: What You Can Do to Help Improve Our Estuaries

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    The need to keep our Seacoast rivers, lakes, marshes and Great Bay free of pollution is something we can all agree on. As the Community for Clean Water, PREP works to unite and encourage you, your friends and family to take simple steps to reduce water pollution caused by our every day actions. This guide has some tips, stories of those who are working on solutions and ways you can get involved. We’re not here to save the world, but together we’re confi dent that we can all do our part to keep the places we love around the Seacoast healthy and clean

    State of Our Estuaries 2006

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    The 2006 State of the Estuaries Report includes twelve indicators intended to report on the health and environmental quality of New Hampshire’s estuaries. The New Hampshire Estuaries Project (NHEP) developed and now implements a Monitoring Plan to track environmental indicators, inform management decisions, and report on environmental progress and status. The Monitoring Plan describes the methods and data for 34 indicators used to determine if the environmental goals and objectives of the Management Plan are being met. For each indicator, the Monitoring Plan defines the monitoring objective, management goal, data quality objectives, data analysis and statistical methods, and data sources. Just as implementation of the Management Plan for New Hampshire’s estuaries involves the collaboration of many organizations and agencies, the NHEP Monitoring Plan relies on data compiled from organizations that are leaders in the management and protection of the state’s estuaries and coastal watershed resources
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