667 research outputs found

    Structura balanţei serviciilor şi tendinţele evolutive ale acesteia

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    In developed economies the high material production of the goods satisfy new and diversified necessities. Individual and social needs in a permanent dynamic have determined the need to develop services faster than the speed of diversification of properties. Mostly modern economy is producing and consuming services. Dynamic needs influence the division of labor, considered by the experts another case, together with dynamics of needs, the growing role of services sector in the economy. On the one hand, division of labor develops collaborative relationships between suppliers of raw materials, goods manufacturers and service providers, and on the other hand, it deeps the economic competition and struggle to conquer a bigger market share. In an economy based on services are mainly produced, their complementary goods. Satisfying as more and better consumer requirements are based on both quality of services due to increasing competition and the use of complementary goods, Statistics made on tourism management and services. Services have become an important sector of world economy wich continues to grow up, encompassing most of the production and employment, in most industrialized countries. Approximately 70% of total aggregate production from OECD countries is generated by service activities, which absorb a proportion similar to the active workforce. Also, the major changes in the sectoral structure of esteuropean economies, significantly correlated with GDP growth, the number of jobs and increased international trade, led to a substantial change in the service sector in these countries and persists, however, the differences from developed countries and between different countries in transition, regardind the role and performance of service sector.services, balance of payments , employment, tourism, Romania

    ROMANIA'S REAL CONVERGENCE TO THE EUROPEAN UNION Dragos Mihai Ungureanu , Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union Ruxandra Dana Vilag, Romanian-American University Bucharest George Horia Ionescu, Romanian-American University Bucharest Florian Bogdan Stoian, “Lucian Blaga†University of Sibiu

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    In the process of European integration, switching in 1999 to the third stageof Economic and Monetary Union, has intensified the need to coordinate economic andsectoral policies of the Member States. The process of coordination is necessary toharmonize national economic policy objectives in order to minimize the negative impactof economic policy measures taken by some member countries to other member countriesand reduce the temptation for Member States to have behavior riders. Real Convergenceis an essential goal of Romanian integration into the European Union. Attenuation of thedevelopment gaps maintained between Romania and the EU can not be achieved solelythrough the use of market forces. Economic transformations occurring globally andincreased risk aversion contributed to a signifiant reduction of capital flows to Romania,increased pressures upon exchange rate.Real convergence, nominal convergence, integration, European Union

    A Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Decomposition of CO2_2 Emissions from Energy Use in Romania

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    Carbon emissions have become a specific alarming indicators and intricate challenges that lead an extended argue about climate change. The growing trend in the utilization of fossil fuels for the economic progress and simultaneously reducing the carbon quantity has turn into a substantial and global challenge. The aim of this paper is to examine the driving factors of CO2_2 emissions from energy sector in Romania during the period 2008-2022 emissions using the log mean Divisia index (LMDI) method and takes into account five items: CO2_2 emissions, primary energy resources, energy consumption, gross domestic product and population, the driving forces of CO2_2 emissions, based on which it was calculated the contribution of carbon intensity, energy mixes, generating efficiency, economy, and population. The results indicate that generating efficiency effect -90968.57 is the largest inhibiting index while economic effect is the largest positive index 69084.04 having the role of increasing CO2_2 emissions


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    The paper is an analysis of the importance and the approach of a new energy strategy for Romania in the context where energy has become a strategic factor in global politics, a vital component of a cost factor for economic development and progress of society as a whole . The author addresses the European Union's energy policy, which is a basic element in achieving national energy strategies, each country including Romania, acting in the energy sector so as to meet EU targets global and sustainable energy policy. Romania considers energy strategy as part of the defense strategy and campaigning to promote a common energy security policy at EU and national energy identity linking domestic politics with its obligations to the European level. Romania is trying to find the right model in terms of configuration and market energy system internally and should benefit from the development of interconnection networks gas and north-south and building an energy community to support national regulators and energy transmission system energy. For the future, the future energy strategy must provide consumers with a secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable by fundamental transformation of the energy system of Europe, where member states to make that depend on each other for the security of energy supply their citizens, based on trust and solidarity real and energetic creation of a union to speak in one voice in the world

    Human capital and its influence on sustained economic growth in Romania

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    The present article draws attention to the conditions necessary so that the effects of education on human capital development and economic development should record maximum values. The paper emphasizes the idea that investments in education become ineffective unless accompanied by a suitable and appropriate strategy for economic and social development, based on socio-economic and political stability, and by the existence of a direct relationship between income, occupation and level of education and professional training. The concepts of social capital and psychological capital, both being considered as influencing development theory, practice and policy although they bring about less clear and direct results. The paper draws attention to the multidimensional character of the economic development, on the competitiveness, considering that economic development can therefore express all quantitative, qualitative and structural transformations occurring both within economic processes and along scientific research and manufacturing technologies, in the mechanisms regarding the operation of the economy, namely thinking patterns and the behavior of individuals. On the other hand, the New Economy is described synonymous with the knowledge economy in the broader context of the knowledge society, considering the knowledge based economy, knowledge representing an important factor in determining economic growth.peer-reviewe


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    Tourism is a complex social and economic phenomenon specific to modern civilization, anessential activity in the life of nations, being strongly influenced by the freedom of travel and theevolution of society. Addressing to large shares of the population and meeting the human need fortravelling and knowledge, recreation and healing, tourism is characterized by a high momentum bothnationally and globally, resulting in a vast human and material potential, with important implicationsupon the evolution of the entire society.Hospitality and tourism industry are nowadays considered to stand for the largest business in theworld, being the main industry in point of their contribution to the gross world product, laborcommitted as well as the most important capital investor.The objective of our article is to analyze the evolution of several indicators of tourist traffic and theirinfluence on the macro-environment in Romania. As far as the research methodology is concerned, thearticle is based on a positivist quantitative approach, being in the same time a longitudinal one, as wepresent the evolution of various indicators measuring the degree of impact the hospitality industry hason the national economy.The main information sources for this research are published on the websites of various authorizedbodies (NIS, NBR, WTO), using exploratory method for analyzing the evolution of the phenomenon intime, but I also considered the interpretive method when disclosing the analysis results.Tourism, macro-environment, tourist traffic indicators


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    Through this paper, we intend to perform a radiography of the inflationary phenomenon in European Union. We presented the methodology for quantification of the inflationary phenomenon and the main differences between the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), the last being the indicator used to make comparisons of the inflation rate between the European Union states as well as the Eurozone From the point of view of the methodology of scientific research, it was highlighted the influence of the inflation rate on the evolution of GDP, determined by the Pearson Coefficient

    Directions regarding Romania's energy security

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    Revisiting the relationship between electricity consumption, capital and economic growth: Cointegration and causality analysis in Romania

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    The paper empirically analyzes, in the Romania’s case, the cointegration and causality between electricity consumption, capital and economic growth. The data set is covering the period 1980 - 2008. The results show the existence of bidirectional causality between electricity consumption and economic growth and between economic growth and capital use. In the same time, a unidirectional causal relation is also found from capital use to electricity consumption. The main finding suggests that electricity conservation policies may retard economic growth by reduction in electricity consumption. Moreover, in the opposite direction, from economic growth to electricity consumption, the fluctuations in economic growth may reduce demand for electricity.Electricity Consumption, Growth, Cointegration

    The Comparison between the Hungarian and Romanian National Security Strategies

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    In 2020 first Hungary, later Romania, two member states of NATO, EU and PESCO adopted their own Nation Security Strategies. There was a need in both mentioned countries for new defense strategies because in the recent years new challenges and threats have emerged, like the annexation of Crimea, the destabilization of Ukraine and the migration crisis. These documents describe the two countries’ place in the international system, also list the threats and challenges to their security, finally try to give a solution based on their and the capabilities. The strategies also carry a message to neighbors, allies and future rivals. The documents aim is the protection of core national values. In this paper my goal is to offer an overview of the strategic documents and to analyze first the Romanian National Defense Strategy, then the Hungarian National Security Strategy, finally to highlight the similarities and to find the differences like national sovereignty, protection of Christian values or the importance of a European army. In both security documents old and new threats appear like terrorism, climate change, migrant problems, hybrid warfare, arms and drug trafficking. Each strategy is an official communication tool, an official policy message to external and internal actors at different levels and of different types that influence national security