567,199 research outputs found

    Linear preservers and quantum information science

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    Let m,n2m,n\ge 2 be positive integers, MmM_m the set of m×mm\times m complex matrices and MnM_n the set of n×nn\times n complex matrices. Regard MmnM_{mn} as the tensor space MmMnM_m\otimes M_n. Suppose |\cdot| is the Ky Fan kk-norm with 1kmn1 \le k \le mn, or the Schatten pp-norm with 1p1 \le p \le \infty (p2p\ne 2) on MmnM_{mn}. It is shown that a linear map ϕ:MmnMmn\phi: M_{mn} \rightarrow M_{mn} satisfying AB=ϕ(AB)|A\otimes B| = |\phi(A\otimes B)| for all AMmA \in M_m and BMnB \in M_n if and only if there are unitary U,VMmnU, V \in M_{mn} such that ϕ\phi has the form ABU(φ1(A)φ2(B))VA\otimes B \mapsto U(\varphi_1(A) \otimes \varphi_2(B))V, where φi(X)\varphi_i(X) is either the identity map XXX \mapsto X or the transposition map XXtX \mapsto X^t. The results are extended to tensor space Mn1...MnmM_{n_1} \otimes ... \otimes M_{n_m} of higher level. The connection of the problem to quantum information science is mentioned.Comment: 13 page

    Introduction to Quantum Information Processing

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    As a result of the capabilities of quantum information, the science of quantum information processing is now a prospering, interdisciplinary field focused on better understanding the possibilities and limitations of the underlying theory, on developing new applications of quantum information and on physically realizing controllable quantum devices. The purpose of this primer is to provide an elementary introduction to quantum information processing, and then to briefly explain how we hope to exploit the advantages of quantum information. These two sections can be read independently. For reference, we have included a glossary of the main terms of quantum information.Comment: 48 pages, to appear in LA Science. Hyperlinked PDF at http://www.c3.lanl.gov/~knill/qip/prhtml/prpdf.pdf, HTML at http://www.c3.lanl.gov/~knill/qip/prhtm

    Quantum Information Dynamics and Open World Science

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    One of the fundamental insights of quantum mechanics is that complete knowledge of the state of a quantum system is not possible. Such incomplete knowledge of a physical system is the norm rather than the exception. This is becoming increasingly apparent as we apply scientific methods to increasingly complex situations. Empirically intensive disciplines in the biological, human, and geosciences all operate in situations where valid conclusions must be drawn, but deductive completeness is impossible. This paper argues that such situations are emerging examples of {it Open World} Science. In this paradigm, scientific models are known to be acting with incomplete information. Open World models acknowledge their incompleteness, and respond positively when new information becomes available. Many methods for creating Open World models have been explored analytically in quantitative disciplines such as statistics, and the increasingly mature area of machine learning. This paper examines the role of quantum theory and quantum logic in the underpinnings of Open World models, examining the importance of structural features of such as non-commutativity, degrees of similarity, induction, and the impact of observation. Quantum mechanics is not a problem around the edges of classical theory, but is rather a secure bridgehead in the world of science to come

    Quantum Communication

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    Quantum communication, and indeed quantum information in general, has changed the way we think about quantum physics. In 1984 and 1991, the first protocol for quantum cryptography and the first application of quantum non-locality, respectively, attracted a diverse field of researchers in theoretical and experimental physics, mathematics and computer science. Since then we have seen a fundamental shift in how we understand information when it is encoded in quantum systems. We review the current state of research and future directions in this new field of science with special emphasis on quantum key distribution and quantum networks.Comment: Submitted version, 8 pg (2 cols) 5 fig