142,584 research outputs found
Student’s attendance system using QR code
The purpose of this project is to develop a system that can record the presence of students using QR code. Previously, teachers needed to use paper to record student attendance. There are many problems that arise when teachers use paper as a record of student attendance such as a loss of attendance record and have been taken a long time. The objective of the study is to design a prototype interface of student attendance system using QR code and casing of QR code scanner, to build up the design the prototype interface of student attendance system using QR code and casing of QR code scanner and test the functionality the prototype of interface student attendance system using QR code and casing of QR code scanner. The interface for this system will be integrated with the LabVIEW Software to develop a database. This system can record the attendance of the student to school and a warning letter will be automatically generated when the student does not come to school in 2 days repeatedly. The development process of the Student Attendance System Using QR Code is based on the Prototype Development Model that consists of a five-phase model, that is planning, analysis, design, Prototype development, and testing. The design of casing for QR code scanner was developed using Sketchup software. LabVIEW Software is used to generate interface displays and built-in databases using Microsoft Excel. Overall, the system that has been developed can work well and achieves the objectives set
QR code awareness in Stockholm, Sweden
This tech report describes the findings of a street survey on
awareness of QR codes (2D barcodes) of the general public in
Stockholm, Sweden. 108 passers-by were surveyed. Of these
participants, a large majority (77%) did not recognize a QR code, and
8% reported seeing such a code before, but did not know it could be
scanned using a mobile phone app. Only 15% knew what the shown QR code
was, and that it could be read using a QR code reader on a mobile
phone. The awareness of QR codes by the general public could be
considered rather low, and their utility in Swedish public settings is
currently debatable
Based on the results of the analysis of grade IV students, teachers do not use technology during learning so that the learning carried out in class is monotonous even though students are familiar with technology. This causes students to experience boredom and decreased interest in learning in science learning itself. Based on this, researchers developed the Development of Qr Code LKPD Science on the Material for the Growth of Life Resources on Earth Science Subjects Class IV Elementary School. The purpose of this research is to produce Qr Code LKPD Science products on the Growth of Life Resources on Earth Science Subjects Class IV Elementary School. This type of research uses the ADDIE model and consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Based on the results of mteri experts obtained a percentage of 94%. While the results of expert validation of teaching materials obtained a percentage of 100%. Based on the assessment of validators, material experts and teaching material experts, it can be concluded that the Qr Code LKPD Science is very feasible for use by grade IV elementary school students. When the Qr Code LKPD Science is implemented, students give a positive response to teaching materials such as being more active in learning, students are also active in doing questions and answers with the right answers, students are also more enthusiastic about learning using Qr Code LKPD Science. This is evident from the data obtained by researchers, namely from the questionnaire the response of students gets 92% results, while the teacher's response gets a percentage of 100%. In addition, media effectiveness tests were also carried out to see the improvement in student learning outcomes after using the Qr Code LPKD Science by obtaining a percentage of 84%, so that it can be concluded that the LKPD Qr Code Science is effective and feasible to be used in learning Science material Plant Source of Life on Earth
Penerapan Quick Response Code Untuk Kartu Nama Pada Smartphone Berbasis Android
Utilization of the QR Code at the present time has been progressing quite rapidly. The increasing use of QR Code in everyday life it will be found much benefit from QR Code that can be used. QR Code is a barcode Barcode evolution of one-dimensional to two-dimensional QR Code that can be read from the horizontal and vertical directions as well as store more data than a barcode.
QR Code was originally only used to store information such as the URL address of a website and the product code of the goods can be used to store the data contained on the card. In making this application using Phonegap and Android SDK to make it.
This application can only be used equipment Android-based smartphones. Results from making this application can be used to create a QR Code that contains data cards and read the QR Code from other smartphone device that contains a QR Code business card
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