17,571 research outputs found

    Desirability, Challenges, and Methods of Protecting Farmland

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    Land Economics/Use, Q24, Q28, R14,

    Consequences of EU Biofuel Policies on Agricultural Production and Land Use

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    Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, D58, Q13, Q24, Q27, Q28,

    Land Use Changes: Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts

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    Land Economics/Use, Q24, Q28,

    Capacity Analysis and Fisheries Management: Is the Tail Wagging the Dog?

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    Fisheries management, capacity analysis, fisheries policy., Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q22, Q28,

    Economic Evaluation of Catch Share Program: Rhode Island Fluke Fishery Sector Pilot Program

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    Catch share, sector allocation, fishery management, Demand and Price Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q22, Q28,

    The Certainty of Confronting Uncertainty in the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Effort

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    Environmental Restoration, TMDL, Chesapeake Bay, Adaptive Management, Uncertainty, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q00, Q01, Q20, Q28,

    Environmental Services Programs for the Chesapeake Bay

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    Ecosystem Services, Payment for Ecosystem Services, Water Quality, Chesapeake Bay, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q25, Q28, Q53, Q57,

    Capacity Analysis and Fisheries Policy: Theory versus Practice

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    Capacity analysis, capacity policy, data envelopment analysis, bioeconomic models, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q22, Q28, D24,

    Food or Fuel? Choices and Conflicts

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    Ethanol, Corn Prices, Biofuels Policy, Tax Credits, RFS, Food versus Fuel, Food Security and Poverty, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q28, Q11,

    New Identities for 7-cores with prescribed BG-rank

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    A q-series with nonnegative power series coefficients is called positive. The partition statistics BG-rank is defined as an alternating sum of parities of parts of a partition. It is known that the generating function for the number of partitions of n that are 7-cores with given BG-rank can be written as certain sum of multi-theta functions. We give explicit representations for these generating functions in terms of sums of positive eta-quotients and derive inequalities for the their coefficients. New identities for the generating function of unrestricted 7-cores and inequalities for their coefficients are also obtained. Our proofs utilize Ramanujan's theory of modular equations.Comment: 12 page
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