3,148,443 research outputs found
The Synthesis and Analysis of Stochastic Switching Circuits
Stochastic switching circuits are relay circuits that consist of stochastic
switches called pswitches. The study of stochastic switching circuits has
widespread applications in many fields of computer science, neuroscience, and
biochemistry. In this paper, we discuss several properties of stochastic
switching circuits, including robustness, expressibility, and probability
First, we study the robustness, namely, the effect caused by introducing an
error of size \epsilon to each pswitch in a stochastic circuit. We analyze two
constructions and prove that simple series-parallel circuits are robust to
small error perturbations, while general series-parallel circuits are not.
Specifically, the total error introduced by perturbations of size less than
\epsilon is bounded by a constant multiple of \epsilon in a simple
series-parallel circuit, independent of the size of the circuit.
Next, we study the expressibility of stochastic switching circuits: Given an
integer q and a pswitch set S=\{\frac{1}{q},\frac{2}{q},...,\frac{q-1}{q}\},
can we synthesize any rational probability with denominator q^n (for arbitrary
n) with a simple series-parallel stochastic switching circuit? We generalize
previous results and prove that when q is a multiple of 2 or 3, the answer is
yes. We also show that when q is a prime number larger than 3, the answer is
Probability approximation is studied for a general case of an arbitrary
pswitch set S=\{s_1,s_2,...,s_{|S|}\}. In this case, we propose an algorithm
based on local optimization to approximate any desired probability. The
analysis reveals that the approximation error of a switching circuit decreases
exponentially with an increasing circuit size.Comment: 2 columns, 15 page
On the canonical map of surfaces with q>=6
We carry out an analysis of the canonical system of a minimal complex surface
of general type with irregularity q>0. Using this analysis we are able to
sharpen in the case q>0 the well known Castelnuovo inequality K^2>=3p_g+q-7.
Then we turn to the study of surfaces with p_g=2q-3 and no fibration onto a
curve of genus >1. We prove that for q>=6 the canonical map is birational.
Combining this result with the analysis of the canonical system, we also prove
the inequality: K^2>=7\chi+2. This improves an earlier result of the first and
second author [M.Mendes Lopes and R.Pardini, On surfaces with p_g=2q-3, Adv. in
Geom. 10 (3) (2010), 549-555].Comment: Dedicated to Fabrizio Catanese on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
To appear in the special issue of Science of China Ser.A: Mathematics
dedicated to him. V2:some typos have been correcte
From quantum groups to genetic mutations
In the framework of the crystal basis model of the genetic code, where each
codon is assigned to an irreducible representation of , single base mutation matrices are introduced. The strength of the
mutation is assumed to depend on the "distance" between the codons. Preliminary
general predictions of the model are compared with experimental data, with a
satisfactory agreement.Comment: 11 pages, Talk at Int.Conf."Symmetries in Science XIII", Bregenz July
20-24 200
Demonstration of a switchable damping system to allow low-noise operation of high-Q low-mass suspension systems
Low mass suspension systems with high-Q pendulum stages are used to enable
quantum radiation pressure noise limited experiments. Utilising multiple
pendulum stages with vertical blade springs and materials with high quality
factors provides attenuation of seismic and thermal noise, however damping of
these high-Q pendulum systems in multiple degrees of freedom is essential for
practical implementation. Viscous damping such as eddy-current damping can be
employed but introduces displacement noise from force noise due to thermal
fluctuations in the damping system. In this paper we demonstrate a passive
damping system with adjustable damping strength as a solution for this problem
that can be used for low mass suspension systems without adding additional
displacement noise in science mode. We show a reduction of the damping factor
by a factor of 8 on a test suspension and provide a general optimisation for
this system.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Passband shapes that minimize the insertion loss and bandwidth of coupled-resonator bandpass filters
We use a general theory to show a new class of bandpass filter shapes for coupled-resonator filters that provides the lowest insertion loss and the narrowest bandwidth achievable for a given intrinsic Q and bandwidth.ECCS-2023751 - National Science Foundation; ECCS-2328946 - National Science FoundationAccepted manuscrip
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