195,872 research outputs found
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Jiwa Keluarga Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Pencegahan Kekambuhan Gangguan Jiwa Di Desa Makamhaji Kecamatan Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo
Mental disorders are psychological or behavioral disorders that occur in person, generally associated with affective disorders, behavioral, cognitive and perceptual. Data showed the tendency decrease of people with mental disorders in the world and in Indonesia. One of the critical points in the treatment of mental patients is when the mental patients have undergone treatment and stayed with the family at home. At this time the role of families in preventing recurrence of mental disorders is very large. This study aims to determine the effect of family mental health education on knowledge and attitude of recurrence prevention of mental disorders in the village Makamhaji Kartasura District of Sukoharjo district. This study is a pre experimental with one group pre test and post test design. Samples were 30 relatives of patients with mental disorders in the village Makamhaji Kartasura District of Sukoharjo district with proportional random sampling technique. Collecting data using questionnaires were analyzed using the Wilcoxon rank test test and paired sample t-test. Conclusion of the study are (1) there are significant differences pre test and post test knowledge and attitudes about the prevention of relapse of psychiatric disorder after getting health education to families of patients with mental disorders in the village of Makamhaji District of Kartosuro, where the knowledge and attitude family decrease and ( 2) there is influence of health education on knowledge and attitudes about the prevention of recurrence of mental disorders in the village of the District Makamhaji Kartosuro
Body Image in Eating Disorders
Body Image in Eating Disorders explores issues relating to the prevention, clinical diagnosis, and psychological treatment of distortions of body image in eating disorders. It presents a multifactorial model of indicators for diagnosis and treatment, considering psychological, sociocultural, and family indicators. Based on original empirical research with women and girls suffering from eating disorders, the book draws attention to limitations and dilemmas related to psychological diagnosis and treatment of people with eating disorders including anorexia readiness syndrome, bulimia, and bigorexia. The book proposes an integrative psychodynamic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of body image disorders and presents case studies illustrating examples of application of integration of psychodynamic therapy and psychodrama in psychological treatment of young people suffering from eating disorders. It considers risk factors including abnormal body image for the development of eating disorders and argues that psychological diagnosis of the body image is an important factor in determining the right direction of psychological treatment for people with eating disorders. Drawing on theoretical foundations and evidence-based clinical practice, the book will be of great interest to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of clinical and applied psychology, mental health, and specialists in eating disorders
Body Image in Eating Disorders
Body Image in Eating Disorders explores issues relating to the prevention, clinical diagnosis, and psychological treatment of distortions of body image in eating disorders. It presents a multifactorial model of indicators for diagnosis and treatment, considering psychological, sociocultural, and family indicators. Based on original empirical research with women and girls suffering from eating disorders, the book draws attention to limitations and dilemmas related to psychological diagnosis and treatment of people with eating disorders including anorexia readiness syndrome, bulimia, and bigorexia. The book proposes an integrative psychodynamic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of body image disorders and presents case studies illustrating examples of application of integration of psychodynamic therapy and psychodrama in psychological treatment of young people suffering from eating disorders. It considers risk factors including abnormal body image for the development of eating disorders and argues that psychological diagnosis of the body image is an important factor in determining the right direction of psychological treatment for people with eating disorders. Drawing on theoretical foundations and evidence-based clinical practice, the book will be of great interest to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of clinical and applied psychology, mental health, and specialists in eating disorders
Testing the Efficacy of a Brief Psychoeducational Video On Improving Mental Health Literacy
Mental health literacy (MHL) is defined as knowledge and beliefs about mental health disorders which aid in recognition, management, or prevention (Jorm et al., 1997). The concept of MHL is essential in helping individuals understand and recognize symptoms of mental health disorders. In addition, MHL encompasses components related to stigma and attitudes that serve to facilitate or inhibit help seeking behaviors. Although the public has benefited greatly from initiatives aimed at improving knowledge about physical disease, similar initiatives aimed at improving MHL have been comparatively neglected. Many members of the public have difficulty recognizing specific types of psychological distress (Jorm, 2000). Yet, limited interventions aimed at improving MHL have been evaluated and assessed. Enhancement of MHL can lead to a greater likelihood of treatment engagement and successful outcome. The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of MHL to a wider audience and identifying possible brief psychoeducational interventions that can improve the public’s knowledge about mental health. It was hypothesized that a brief psychoeducational video about depression would be an effective strategy that increases MHL as it relates to knowledge about depression, stigma towards depression, and attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help. Participants were randomly assigned to watch either a video about depression or a video about nutrition. After viewing their respective videos, participants in both conditions were asked to complete scales that measured their depression literacy, stigma towards depression, and attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help. Participants demonstrated similar levels of depression literacy, stigma towards depression, and attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help, regardless of their assigned condition. However, this study found that individuals who have had previous mental health treatment tended to have more positive attitudes towards seeking professional psychological care. This finding suggests the possibility that a healthy interaction with a mental health professional can enhance attitudes towards mental health and increase the likelihood of future treatment engagement
Investigation of Views on Mental Health Treatment Seeking
Although research exists regarding barriers to mental health care for individuals with depression and anxiety disorders, few studies have compared characteristics of those who seek treatment versus those who do not seek treatment for psychological distress associated with these disorders. Such studies are needed in order to better understand factors involved in treatment seeking and treatment abstention. The present study addresses treatment seeking and treatment abstention in individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), in order to understand barriers to treatment in this population. Results indicate that the groups did not significantly differ on their gender, finances, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and grade classification. Results also suggest that those who seek treatment associate less stigma with mental health than those who do not seek treatment. Finally, both groups prefer to handle their own problems and think that their problems would eventually resolve themselves. These results may be helpful in informing outreach and prevention efforts targeted to an MDD and GAD population
Perspectives on mental health and well-being
Introduction: The aim of this study is to provide an overview of Paralympic athletes’ views on mental health in a competitive sport context. Although research in the field of Paralympic sport has increased exponentially over the last two decades, mental health and its promotion have hardly been the subject of research so far. Previous research shows that the practice of competitive sports influences the mental health of Paralympic athletes both positively and negatively. Mental disorders are no exception, even in elite sports. Well-coordinated health care for the prevention and treatment of mental health challenges and mental disorders in elite sports is crucial for this purpose.
Methods: The methodological approach of the present study is based on a qualitative research design. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and their evaluation with the help of applied thematic analysis. For the interviews, 15 active, adult, Swiss elite Para athletes were recruited. Results: The results suggest that athletic success, the athletic activity itself and an improvement in physical health can lead to an increase in mental well-being. On the other hand, athletic failure, pressure to perform, and physical problems can cause psychological stress and facilitate mental disorders. Conclusion: In particular, the coordinated handling of mental health challenges and mental disorders among Paralympic athletes seems to need improvement, especially regarding the use of sports psychiatry and psychotherapy services
Nutrition, Exercise, and Stress Management for Treatment and Prevention of Psychiatric Disorders. A Narrative Review Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology-Based
Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology (PNEI) brings together knowledge acquired since the 1930s from endocrinology, immunology, neuroscience, and psychology. With PNEI, a model of research and interpretation of health and disease is emerging, which sees the human body as a structured and interconnected unit, where the psychological and biological systems are mutually coordinated. In the PNEI view, many factors could influence mental health, with the endocrine system involved in mediating the effects of environmental stress on mental health and inflammation in the onset and course of psychiatric disorders as a result of individual and collective conditions and behaviors. Among these, nutrition is one way by which the environment impacts physiology: indeed, many pieces of research showed that several elements (e.g., probiotics, fish oil, zinc) have a positive effect on mental disorders thus being potentially augmentation agents in treatment. Still, physical activity can moderate depressive symptoms, while prolonged stress increases the risk of psychopathology. Taken together, the PNEI-based approach may inform prevention and treatment strategies, also in the field of mental health care
Prevalence of psychological distress and mental disorders, and use of mental health services in the epidemiological catchment area of Montreal South-West
BACKGROUND: This report presents the initial results of the first Epidemiological Catchment Area Study in mental health in Canada. Five neighbourhoods in the South-West sector of Montreal, with a population of 258,000, were under study. The objectives of the research program were: 1) to assess the prevalence and incidence of psychological distress, mental disorders, substance abuse, parasuicide, risky behaviour and quality of life; 2) to examine the links and interactions between individual determinants, neighbourhood ecology and mental health in each neighbourhood; 3) to identify the conditions facilitating the integration of individuals with mental health problems; 4) to analyse the impact of the social, economic and physical aspects of the neighbourhoods using a geographic information system. 5) to verify the adequacy of mental health services. METHOD: A longitudinal study in the form of a community survey was used, complemented by focused qualitative sub-studies. The longitudinal study included a randomly selected sample of 2,433 individuals between the ages of 15 and 65 in the first wave of data collection, and three other waves are projected. An overview of the methods is presented. RESULTS: The prevalence of psychological distress, mental disorders and use of mental health services and their correlates are described for the first wave of data collection. CONCLUSION: Several vulnerable groups and risk factors related to socio-demographic variables have been identified such as: gender, age, marital status, income, immigration and language. These results can be used to improve treatment services, prevention of mental disorders, and mental health promotion
Internet- and mobile-based psychological interventions: applications, efficacy, and potential for improving mental health.
The majority of mental health disorders remain untreated. Many limitations of traditional psychological interventions such as limited availability of evidence-based interventions and clinicians could potentially be overcome by providing Internet- and mobile-based psychological interventions (IMIs). This paper is a report of the Taskforce E-Health of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Association and will provide an introduction to the subject, discusses areas of application, and reviews the current evidence regarding the efficacy of IMIs for the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. Meta-analyses based on randomized trials clearly indicate that therapist-guided stand-alone IMIs can result in meaningful benefits for a range of indications including, for example, depression, anxiety, insomnia, or posttraumatic stress disorders. The clinical significance of results of purely self-guided interventions is for many disorders less clear, especially with regard to effects under routine care conditions. Studies on the prevention of mental health disorders (MHD) are promising. Blended concepts, combining traditional face-to-face approaches with Internet- and mobile-based elements might have the potential of increasing the effects of psychological interventions on the one hand or to reduce costs of mental health treatments on the other hand. We also discuss mechanisms of change and the role of the therapist in such approaches, contraindications, potential limitations, and risk involved with IMIs, briefly review the status of the implementation into routine health care across Europe, and discuss confidentiality as well as ethical aspects that need to be taken into account, when implementing IMIs. Internet- and mobile-based psychological interventions have high potential for improving mental health and should be implemented more widely in routine care
Efficacy of a self-applied online program to promote resilience and coping skills in university students in four Spanish-speaking countries: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
There is evidence of a high prevalence of depression and anxiety in university students. Therefore, college time is a key period where prevention of mental disorders through interventions that promote resilience and mental health can be relevant. Currently, there are interventions available, but these are insufficient for those who need them. Online interventions are tools that can facilitate global accessibility and are easy for young people to use. CORE (Cultivating Our Resilience) is a self-administered online program, based on Ryff’s psychological well-being model, to promote resilience and coping skills in university students at risk of developing symptoms of depression or anxiety. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of this intervention protocol in comparison with an active control condition targeting healthy lifestyle, and a waiting list control condition. The study will be conducted in four populations of Spanish-speaking university students (Spain, Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico).
The study design is a randomized controlled trial (RCT). At least 324 university students will be randomly assigned to three conditions: 1) CORE, a 6-week training program to improve resilience; 2) HLP, a 6-week training to promote a healthy lifestyle; and 3) WL, waiting list control condition. The primary outcome measure will be the Connor-Davidson resilience scale. Additionally, measures of anxiety, depression, quality of life and socio-demographic variables (age, sex, incomes, marital status, among others) will be collected. Participants will be evaluated at pre-treatment, after each module, 6 weeks after allocation, and at 3-month follow-up. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses will be performed.
The results of this study will contribute to research on Internet-administered interventions and the implementation of a protocol that includes a series of components designed to improve resilience and coping skills, increase psychological well-being, and prevent depression and anxiety disorders in Spanish-speaking university students. In addition, avenues will be opened up for new research on the effectiveness of these interventions focused on the prevention and promotion of mental health in Spanish-speaking countries
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