466,638 research outputs found

    Lying in the medicolegal field: Malingering and psychodiagnostic assessment

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    The simulation of mental illness, so-called “Malingering”, is a very difficult phenomenon for professionals to identify when making an assessment, especially in the medicolegal and forensic psychology and psychiatry fields. When malingering, the subject implements strategies that mimic the symptoms related to a possible psychiatric disease, with the aim of misleading the operator. It is necessary, therefore, to elicit a complete medical history and make a close clinical examination and, especially, to be able to rely on appropriate diagnostic tools. Another important aspect, in the legal medicine, and forensic psychology and psychiatry fields, is the opposite strategy, namely that of dissimulating, or masking, a disease.Several diagnostic tools that the professional clinician can employ to identify dissembling strategies are considered in this article, namely the MMPI- 2, PAI, M- Fast, the SIRS and, finally, the SIMS. Clin Ter 2019; 170(2):e134-141. doi: 10.7417/CT.2019.212

    Designing anti-stalking legislation on the basis of victims experiences and psychopathology

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    Wording differs substantially between the various legislation with regard to what behaviours constitute stalking. Some legislation comprehensively describes which behaviours are punishable, whilst other legislation uses only broad terms. Differences also exist with regard to the number of occasions and the intent of the perpetrator necessary to constitute stalking. Moreover, legislative provisions usually require the victim to experience negative effects of the offender's behaviour, or require that a reasonable person would be likely to experience such negative effects in the same situation. This article discusses whether these legislative components for the definition of stalking are problematic or not. Past studies and a study among 234 victims in The Netherlands are discussed to illustrate difficulties in legislative provisions dealing with stalking. It is argued that legislation should refrain from descriptions of specific behaviours and negative effects for victims in the definition of what constitutes stalking and that it is advisable for provisions to adhere to a “reasonable-person-test”

    Endocrinological Psychiatry and Psychology

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    This is the text of a lecture given before the Henry Ford Hospital medical staff by Dr. Bleuer, who is the son of Eugen Bleuler, his predecessor as chairman of psychiatry at the University of Zurich and the man who first named schizophrenia . It is printed here with Dr. Bleuler\u27s permission

    MU Interdisciplinary Innovations Fund Grant final report : mental health cross-training project ($24,240)

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    Project Supervisors: Dr. Connie Brooks (psychology) and Dr. Laine Young-Walker (psychiatry)Final report for the 2010/2011 IIF project, "Mental Health Clinician Cross-Training: Psychiatry and Psychology." From the original description: "This report summarizes the key grant activities and progress toward identified objectives which occurred between July of 2010 and May of 2011 for the cross-training project."MU Interdisciplinary Innovations Fun

    The economic value of psychology in Australia: 2001

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    The purpose of this paper was to update the Guldberg & Sivaciyan (1995) estimates of the value of psychology based on 1991 figures. In addition, this paper expands the scope of their work by including comparisons of other related professional groups (those with tertiary training in psychiatry, mental health nursing, social work, counselling, occupational therapy and human resources). Economic modelling indicated that psychology contributes $8.6 billion to the National economy – some 500% more than in 1991, and more than all other related professional groups combined. However, psychology incomes in most sectors have marginally decreased in real terms, and still lag 9.2% behind related professionals. The number of individuals trained in psychology has also risen dramatically to at least 37 978. Many of these individuals (17 364) have only a bachelor degree, and experience a higher rate of unemployment than both their higher qualified peers in psychology, and the national average for individuals with the same level of qualification. The ongoing lack of Federal funding for professional higher degrees, and the training guidelines of the Australian Psychological Society are likely to lead to rises in the cost of postgraduate education in the coming years. There is nonetheless a substantial economic advantage to students undertaking professional higher degrees in psychology. The implications for the profession of psychology are discussed

    Deaf children's understanding of emotions: desires take precedence

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    Deaf children frequently have trouble understanding other people's emotions. It has been suggested that an impaired theory of mind can account for this. This research focused on the spontaneous use of mental states in explaining other people's emotions by 6- and 10-year-old deaf children as compared to their hearing peers. Within both age-groups deaf children referred to others' beliefs as often as their hearing peers and their references to desires even exceeded those of hearing children. This relative priority for the expression of desires is discussed in terms of possible communicative patterns of deaf children. The specific problems that deaf children meet in their daily communication might explain their abundance of desire-references: plausibly, they give a high priority to stress their own desires and needs unambiguously
