785,729 research outputs found
Editorial: Reclaiming the professional development agenda in an age of compliance
This issue of the journal takes as is starting point a global context, which has seen certain powerful and pervasive discourses underpinning a raft of educational reforms in a number of educational settings, in particular the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. These reforms have, among other things, been characterised by a rhetoric of devolution accompanied, ironically, by an assertion by the state and other central agencies of control over the what (curriculum) and how (pedagogy) of teaching, often driven by a "standards" agenda. These changes have had an enormous impact on the nature of teachers' work through the implementation of managerial organisational practices and other accountability mechanisms. It can be argued that in such a context, professional development, in being yoked to a reform agenda, has become little more than induction into ideological compliance. This issue seeks to bring together the voices of educational researchers and reflective teachers who have investigated the changing nature of professional development across a range of educational settings
Problematising parentâprofessional partnerships in education
The value of, and need for, parentâprofessional partnerships is an unchallenged mantra within policy relating to âspecial educational needsâ. In spite of this, partnerships continue to be experienced as problematic by both parents and professionals. This paper brings together the different perspectives of two disability researchers: one a parent of a disabled child while the other was a teacher for 20 years of children with the label autism. The paper deconstructs the concept of partnership and then, drawing on the expertise of parents, suggests how enabling and empowering parentâprofessional relationships might be achieved
Problematising parentâprofessional partnerships in education
The value of, and need for, parentâprofessional partnerships is an unchallenged mantra within policy relating to âspecial educational needsâ. In spite of this, partnerships continue to be experienced as problematic by both parents and professionals. This paper brings together the different perspectives of two disability researchers: one a parent of a disabled child while the other was a teacher for 20 years of children with the label autism. The paper deconstructs the concept of partnership and then, drawing on the expertise of parents, suggests how enabling and empowering parentâprofessional relationships might be achieved
Research education for diversity in educational research
Concern, expressed by government and other funding agencies and consumers of research, about the quality and relevance of research in the field of education affects not only the kind of research is conducted but also the way in which we educate researchers. The economic imperative for âvalue for moneyâ from research and researchers has, for instance, led to the education of research students to be seen increasingly in terms of training in a range of generic skills that can be applied to the investigation of a range of forms of research problem in a variety of contexts. Whilst breadth in the education of researchers has clear advantages, both for the careers of individual researchers and the wider research community, there is some tension between this approach and the more established view of a research degree as an induction into a narrow domain of knowledge and the production of a highly specialised academic identity. There are further developments that erode this notion of specialisation, for instance the growth of mixed method research, which has the potential to challenge the polarisation of qualitative and quantitative research, and shifts in the sites and agents of educational research signified by the growth of professional doctorates, which could further challenge the university as a dominant institution in the production of educational knowledge. In this paper I will explore what these developments mean for the teaching of research and consider how we can work collaboratively to develop both professional researchers and researching professionals, and reconcile the acquisition of skills with induction into specialised knowledge domains. This will involve exploration of both an overarching framework for thinking about the processes of doing research and specific examples of practice. Underlying the approach taken is a general commitment to research education, rather than to training and the teaching of methods, and the desire to ensure dynamism and diversity in educational research, in terms of approach, substantive focus and theoretical orientation, and of sites, practices and agents of knowledge production
Developing the social media presence of @NurseEducToday by using Twitter
The use of social media (SoMe) has increased significantly over the last ten years. Twitter, one example of the SoMe was developed in 2006 aimed to communicate with small groups. Since its inception Twitter has been embraced as an important professional communication platform by clinicians, academics, educators, students and researchers. Tweets are increasingly used to build collaborative relationships, showcase research and communicate innovative clinical and educational information
Sustaining K-12 Professional Development in Geology: Recurrent Participation in RockCamp
Researchers surveyed repeat attendees in a geology professional development program known as RockCamp in order to determine the reasons for their sustained involvement in this program. This article describes their findings, which suggest that the teachers' sustained involvement in the RockCamp Program is stimulated by situated learning experiences stressing a compare, contrast, connect, and construct pedagogy within a supportive learning community. Most teachers cited such reasons as efficacy, fun, right time of life, and support, as well as content, friendship, and methodology as reasons for their continued participation in the program. Educational levels: Graduate or professional
Education and Outreach Needs Assessment Survey Results (PDF)
What resources would you need to pursue education/outreach activities? What incentives would increase the probability of your participation in education/outreach activities? In 2003, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution conducted a surveyed focused on current education and outreach activities and the needs of researchers in regards to participating in such programs. Educational levels: Graduate or professional
Pre-/Post-Knowledge Assessment of an Earth Science Course for Elementary/Middle School Education Majors
This article discusses the benefits of experiencing the process of Earth Science through active learning strategies, and how a simple assessment instrument was developed and used to evaluate a specific course in Earth Science for educators. The course itself was broad in scope and designed specifically to fulfill science requirements for elementary and middle-level education majors. The assessment instrument consisted of statements to which students responded true-false or "I don't know." Based on pre- and post-course assessments of 108 education majors who took the class over a period of 5 semesters, the researchers reported an average increase in their content knowledge of 30 percent. Educational levels: Graduate or professional, Graduate or professional
Developing Effective K-16 Geoscience Partnerships
This article describes the benefits of research partnerships to scientists, students, and teachers. There is growing awareness that the way science is experienced in the K-16 classroom deviates greatly from the experiences of practicing researchers. Whereas researchers are immersed in more open-ended observation and inquiry, many K-16 students find themselves cramming to memorize core scientific content in preparation for standardized examinations. This issue can be mitigated by the development of partnerships in which scientists benefit by added human resources (teachers and students) for data collection and analysis, and teachers and students benefit from a learning process that fosters creativity, sets high standards, teaches problem solving, and is highly motivating. Educational levels: Graduate or professional
Bringing the Field into the Classroom by Using Dynamic Digital Maps to Engage Undergraduate Students in Petrology Research
This article describes the use of Dynamic Digital Maps (DDMs) in undergraduate petrology courses. A DDM is a stand-alone computer program that presents interactive geologic maps, digital images, movies, animations, text and data. DDMs were developed for use in two undergraduate research projects, and impacts on student learning were evaluated by administering assessments on students before and after participation in one of the projects. Researchers found significant gains in both students' confidence in their ability to do research and to understand petrology, and noted that DDMs are versatile and can potentially be adapted effectively from 100-level introductory geology labs to research-oriented gradute level courses and in a variety of geologic subdisciplines. Educational levels: Graduate or professional, Graduate or professional
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