57,350 research outputs found
Altmanʼs Model as an Instrument for the Evaluation of the Financial Situation of the Alma Market S.A.
Using a set of standard financial statements, you can designate a large
number of economic and financial indicators that show the condition of the
company. A large number of indicators gives a lot of opportunities to assess the
health of the company. However, there is a risk of introduction of information
chaos, which instead help in the assessment of the economic and social situation
of the firm may make it harder for making analyses. Comes with the help
of LDA, which is becoming more and more popular method to synthetic
evaluation of the financial health of enterprises on the basis of the available
financial statements. It not only allows for the simultaneous and consistent use,
at least a couple of economic and financial information, but also takes into
account the ability of certain indicators of financial and economic bankruptcy
predictor. The essence of this method involves applying a discriminatory
function linear, often called discriminatory model. The calculated value to the
total health assessment by subject classification of it to one of two groups,
businesses operating without any visible signs of problems in the economic
sphere or at risk of bankruptcy. The main objective of the article was reached to
Alma Market S.A. not threatened bankruptcy in the test for years to come. The
article has been following the research hypothesis: An Alma Market S.A. does not run the risk of bankruptcy in all the years of the period considered. This
hypothesis is confirmed, because throughout the period, the level of this
indicator was higher than Altmanʼs equation, and therefore we can bankruptcy
2,60 except in accordance with the theory of Altman
Challenges for policy mix in the context
The aim of this article is to present the essence of policy mix and the extraordinary actions
undertaken by the monetary and fiscal authorities in Poland in response to the recent financial
crisis. In the article, the hypothesis has been put forward that the challenges faced by monetary and
fiscal authorities have contributed to carrying out coordinated actions, especially in support
of economic growth during the recent financial crisis.
As a result, in Poland during the last financial crisis, it seemed to observe greater cooperation
between monetary and fiscal authorities
The Impact of Dividends’ Policy on the Cost of Equity of Enea S.A.
The article is an attempt to depict the procedures and regulations accompanying the policy of
dividends in a company with a particular emphasis which is put on Enea S.A. The purpose of the
empirical part is to analyze and assess the effectiveness of applying discounted dividends model to
calculate the cost of equity for the company. It juxtaposes advantages and impediments in using
the model, as well as infers if Gordon model is adequate in estimating the cost of equity for the
presented company
Factoring as a special means of financing smes’ activities – the case of enterprises in the Lodz area
The article considers the usefulness of factoring as a short-term instrument allowing enterprises to finance their activities. Suppliers choosing factoring can offer buyers extended debt payment periods, improve their liquidity, as well as gaining access to additional services offered by factors.
This analysis focuses on the benefits, usefulness and weaknesses of factoring, including the business effects of this facility and the prospects of its development. An attempt is made to demonstrate that factoring has a great potential for growth as a source of short-term funding for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Two methods are used to this end: a review of the pertinent Polish and foreign literature including research articles, and a questionnaire survey of 20 SMEs with relevant experience in using this facility. The analysis of the usefulness and cost- effectiveness of factoring shows that in the period 2010–2014 in which market instabilities were observed factoring was a useful and frequently employed means of short-term funding
Fast loans – method of raising liqyudity
This article describes the essence of fast, instant cash loans which can raise liquidity or be
the cause of growing indebtedness. The purpose of this article is to show the advantages and
disadvantages of fast loans and attempt to compare different loan options available to the client on
the Polish market. In this paper an analysis of the costs, repayment terms and specificities loan
offers, which showed that fast loans perfect solution for those conscious consequences borrowings
Basics on commodities risk management for grains trading
The purpose of the article is to determine the kinds of risk groups existed on cereal market and presenting possibilities of limiting the undesirable phenomena. An issue appears: what way the subjects of cereal market, producers in particular, should alone neutralize the appearing risk, and when should expect support from the state institutions. More often financial instruments find the solution for agricultural hedgers. Derivatives, such as: forward, future and option contracts are transferring the price risk from producers to intermediaries of the market and are improving the flow of contracts on the cereal market
Developments in Labour Law from a Comparative Perspective
The “Labour Law Education Society”, established in 2012, is one of the academic networks which were brought to life to study labour law from a comparative perspective. This monograph is a result of research made by LLES Members. In its contents latest issues of labour law are being presented. Hence, the essence of the presented studies would be interesting for those who analyze labour law from a comparative perspective. A dynamic development of labour law, connected with its social, political and economic conditions is a reason to study it from many different views. This monograph attempts to accomplish this objective
Wpływ otwarcia likwidacji spółki kapitałowej na umowny stosunek pracy z członkiem zarządu
Rozdział z książki: E. Staszewska, I. Barańczyk (red.), Prawo pracy w systemie prawa. Prawo pracy a prawo handlowe, ser. Monografia Koła Naukowego Prawa Pracy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016. W publikacji omówiono powiązania prawa pracy z prawem handlowym, choć obie te dziedziny, jak mogłoby się wydawać, stawiają sobie zupełnie inne cele. W obrębie tego zagadnienia podjęto wiele wątków szczegółowych, dotyczących: problematyki przedsiębiorcy jako pracodawcy, jego pozycji prawnej i ochrony jego interesu; podstaw zatrudnienia członków zarządu spółek kapitałowych oraz wpływu restrukturyzacji i likwidacji na stosunki pracy w spółkach handlowych. Podczas prezentacji aspektów łączących prawo handlowe z prawem pracy pojawiły się też kwestie sporne i wymagające pogłębionej dyskusji
Judicial impartiality and independence in the documents of the Council of Europe
The principle of equality as a fundamental norm in law and political philosophy, Jurysprudencja 8., Wojciechowski B., Bekrycht T., Cern K.M., (eds.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2017;The project was financed by National Science Centre Poland
(decision no. DEC-2012/05/B/HS5/01111)
Zatrudnianie członków zarządu w spółce kapitałowej na podstawie kontraktu menedżerskiego
Rozdział z książki: E. Staszewska, I. Barańczyk (red.), Prawo pracy w systemie prawa. Prawo pracy a prawo handlowe, ser. Monografia Koła Naukowego Prawa Pracy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016. W publikacji omówiono powiązania prawa pracy z prawem handlowym, choć obie te dziedziny, jak mogłoby się wydawać, stawiają sobie zupełnie inne cele. W obrębie tego zagadnienia podjęto wiele wątków szczegółowych, dotyczących: problematyki przedsiębiorcy jako pracodawcy, jego pozycji prawnej i ochrony jego interesu; podstaw zatrudnienia członków zarządu spółek kapitałowych oraz wpływu restrukturyzacji i likwidacji na stosunki pracy w spółkach handlowych. Podczas prezentacji aspektów łączących prawo handlowe z prawem pracy pojawiły się też kwestie sporne i wymagające pogłębionej dyskusji
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