707,744 research outputs found


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    Decline of native bumblebees (Bombus) and Nosema (Microspordia: Nosematidae) infections associated with introduction of the European bumblebee in Northern JapanMaki N. Inoue, Takahiro Yanagisawa, Madoka Nakai, Yasuhisa KunimiDevelopment and application of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for rapid detection of Nosema ceranaeGeorge Kyei-Poku, Debbie Gauthier, Shajahan JohnyPermanent level of pathogens within ten bark beetles generationsKarolina Lukášová; Jaroslav Holuša; Jiří TrombikMicrosporidia in beet webworm Loxostege sticticalis (Pyraloidea: Crambidae): a survey of 2013Julia Malysh, Yuri Tokarev, Andrei Frolov, Anastasia Ignatieva, Irma IssiMicrosporidia from larvae of different lepidopteran species in BulgariaDaniela Pilarska, Danail Takov, Miroslav Hylis, Renate Radek, Leellen Solter, Andreas LindeUltrastructural characterization of a new microsporidium (Opisthokonta: Chytridiopsida) from the pigeon feather mite Falculifer rostratus (Astigmata: Pterolichoidea)Renate Radek, Madlen Kariton, Jacek Dabert, Gerd AlbertiInfectivity of a Thelohania like microsporidian isolated from Phthonandria atrilineata to the silkworm, Bombyx moriLiangen Sh


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    Monitoring of entomopathogenic fungi in Metarhizium and Beauveria treated fieldsEmese Balog, Do Van Hung, Zoltán Mayer, György TurócziDistribution of insect-pathogenic soil fungi in agricultural and forest ecosystems in GeorgiaMedea Burjanadze, Richard Humber, Mariam Arjevanidze, Tea Abramishvili, Giuli Tsereteli, Manana LortkipanidzeDiversity of Entomopathogenic fungi in different citrus cropping systems in BrazilCeleste P. D’Alessandro, Vanessa da Silveira Duarte, Elisa S. Dominguez, Ana C. Oliveira dos Santos, Italo Delalibera Jr.The Entomopathogenic Fungus Isaria for Pest Insect Control in VegetablesKatharina Saar, Andreas Leclerque, Dietrich StephanPrevalence of Beauveria pseudobassiana among tickassociated fungal isolates from the Republic of MoldovaNatalia V. Munteanu, Polina V. Mitkovets, Galina V. Mitina, Alexandru Movila, Yuri S. Tokarev, Andreas LeclerqueDiversity and abundance of entomopathogenic fungi on strawberry crops in BrazilThiago Rodrigues de Castro, Lívia Maria Alves Porto, Jørgen Eilenberg, Italo Delalibera Jr.Abundance and diversity of Metarhizium spp. in an agricultural landscape in SwedenSalome Schneider, Stefan Stranne, Hanna Friberg, Ingvar SundhDiversity and distribution of entomopathogenic fungi in Czech Republic soilsKateřina Šimáčková, Jana Kročáková , Andrea Bohatá, Noemi HerreroEntomopathogenic fungi as plant growth enhancersSurendra K. Dara, Sumanth S. Dara, Suchitra S. DaraThe entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana improves the growth of Triticum aestivum and Triticum durumAntonio Rafael Sánchez-Rodríguez, María del Carmen del Campillo, Inmaculada Garrido-Jurado, Enrique Quesada-MoragaInteractions between cowpea plants vs. Metarhizium spp. entomopathogenic fungiPatrícia S. Golo, Walquíria Arruda, Flávia R. S. Paixão, Fabrício M. Alves, Éverton K. K. Fernandes, Donald W. Roberts, Vânia R. E. P. BittencourtBiological control in oilseed rape: An attempt to establish the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana as an endophyte in oilseed rape plantsCornelia Ullrich, Saoussene Talbi, Andreas Leclerque, Frank Rabenstein, Regina G. KleespiesAzygo- and zygospore formation of Neozygites floridana in the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) in strains from tropical and temperate regionsKarin Westrum, Vanessa S. Duarte, Richard A. Humber, Italo Delalibera Jr., Ingeborg KlingenSusceptibility of Biomphalaria glabrata egg masses to fungal infectionGlennyha F. Duarte, Juscelino Rodrigues, Éverton K. K. Fernandes, Christian LuzAntimicrobial, Antioxidant and Anticancer Activity of Culture Filtrates from Entomopathogenic FungiTae Young Shin, Sung Min Bae, Jae Bang Choi, Won Seok Kwak, Yong Oh Ahn, See Nae Lee, In Hui Kim, Ra Mi Woo, Dong Jun Kim and Soo Dong WooEvolutionary-ecological strategies of Metarhizium robertsiiOlga Yaroslavtseva, Vadim Kryukov, Ivan Dubovskiy, Maxim Tyurin,Victor Glupov Mycelial and conidial thermotolerance of Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. IP 46 and Metarhizium robertsii ARSEF 2575Flávia R. S. Paixão, Elen R. Muniz, Cíntia C. Bernardo, Gabriel M. Mascarin, Christian Luz, Éverton K. K. FernandesDelayed germination of heat-stressed conidia of Metarhizium anisopliae on tick cuticleLucas P. Barreto, Fabrício M. Alves, Christian Luz, Gabriel M. Mascarin, Donald Roberts, Walquíria Arruda, Éverton K. K. FernandesInfluence of environmental factors on insects resistance to anamorphic fungiVadim Kryukov, Ivan Dubovskiy, Olga Yaroslavtseva, Maxim Tyurin, Natalia Kryukova, Victor Glupov Intraspecific and interspecific variation in osmotolerance of entomopathogenic fungiClaudineia A. S. Araujo, Clara C. Oliveira, Marília A. Rodrigues, Breno Pupin, Luciana P. Dias, John E. Hallsworth and Drauzio E. N. RangelDifferent intensities of visible light during mycelial growth induce differently the conidial tolerance to menadione in Metarhizium robertsii.Luciana P. Dias, Drauzio E. N. RangelEffect of Metarhizium spp. growth media on the accumulation of destruxins in a 10-L stirred tank reactorMartin Parth, Judith Taibon, Hermann StrasserEvaluation of destruxin A production in four strains of Metarhizium by capillary electrophoresisAlex Ríos-Moreno, Azahara Carpio, Inmaculada Garrido-Jurado, Lourdes Arce, Miguel Valcárcel, Enrique Quesada-MoragaEntomopathogenic fungal genera and the 1F=1N standard: The shape of the future begins to emergeRyan M. Kepler, Stephen A. Rehner, Richard A. HumberGenotyping of Georgian isolates of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria spp.Nana Kunelauri, Vladimer Baramidze, Medea Burjanadze, Ekaterine Shubladze, Eka MikeladzeGenetic characterization, fungicide sensitivity, and aphicidal potential of Lecanicillium fungi from ArgentinaRomina Manfrino, Christina Schuster, Julieta Tornesello Galván, Katharina Saar, Juan J. García, Claudia C. López Lastra, Andreas LeclerqueSpecies-specific PCR assay to identify and discriminate M. pingshaense, M. anisopliae, M. brunneum, and M. robertsiiJohanna Mayerhofer, Andy Lutz, Franco Widmer, Stephen A. Rehner, Ryan M. Kepler, Adrian Leuchtmann, Jürg EnkerliSpecies identification of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Lecanicillium (=Verticillium lecanii s.l.) by mitochondrial gene sequencesGalina V. Mitina, Yuri S. Tokarev, Igor A. Kazartsev The genomic basis for evolved resistance to Beauveria bassiana in Drosophila melanogasterParvin Shahrestani, John Vandenberg, Michael Griggs, Stephen Wraight, Yonathan Estrella, Susan Rottschaefer, Andrew Clark, Brian LazzaroBehavioral control of malarial mosquito by entomopathogenic fungi: Death as the vectorMinehiro Ishii, Masanori Koike, Daigo AiuchiEffect of Metarhizium brunneum strain LRC112 and M. anisopliae F52 on non-target Carabid BeetlesAlida F. Janmaat, Chera Rempel, Rita Quik, Todd Kabaluk, Manon Peyre, Remi ThomassetEffect of a local strain of the fungus against Corythucha ciliata (Say) and Glyphodes pyloalis (Walker) in GeorgiaManana Kereselidze, Mzia Beruashvili, Mzagho LobzhanidzeThe effect of pesticides used in strawberry and soybean on the mite pathogenic fungus Neozygites floridanaThiago Rodrigues de Castro, Samuel Roggia, Vitalis Wafula Wekesa, Ingeborg Klingen, Italo Delalibera Jr.Development of a granular formulation of Metarhizium brunneum based on mycelial fragmentsChristopher Seib, Johannes Schäfer, Dietrich StephanInnovative biological products for soil pest control: Outline of an EU projectStefan Vidal, Anant Patel, Hermann Strasser, Tariq Butt, Joergen Eilenberg, Juerg Enkerli, Enrique Quesada-Moraga, Justus Wesseler, Francesca Tencalla, Arne Peters, Miloslav Nesrsta, Andrew Shearer, Hermann Limbers, Erik Hansen, Athanasios KoukoutsakisOxidative stress levels in the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana growing in very long-chain hydrocarbonsCarla Huarte-Bonnet, Nicolás Pedrin

    Microbial Control

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    Fungal strain selection and screenhouse evaluation of the virulent isolate against aphids on crucifer and okra vegetablesWakuma Bayissa, Sunday Ekesi, Godwin P. Kaaya, Samira Mohamed, John M. Wagacha and Nguya K. ManianiaVirulence of fungal spores produced in liquid and solid state media on nymphs of Trialeurodes vaporariorumEduardo Abreo & Nora AltierDevelopment of entomopathogenic fungi in mosquito control: which kind of production for which efficiency?Thomas Bawin, Frank Delvigne, Frédéric FrancisThe basis for rootstock resilient to Capnodis species: screening for genes encoding delta-endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensisEitan Ben-Dov, Galina Gindin, Zvi Mendel, Arieh Zaritsky, Ariel KushmaroSelection of entomopathogenic fungi for the control of Aegorhynus nodipennis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) under laboratory conditionsErnesto Cisternas, Andrés France and Irina UrtubiaSusceptibility of Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) populations to Bacillus thuringiensis strain HD1Caroline Placidi De Bortoli, Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk, Neil Crickmore, Rafael Ferreira dos SantosSublethal effects of the Cry1Ac toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner in different Brazilian Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) populationsSergio Antonio De Bortoli, Caroline Placidi De Bortoli, Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk, Neil CrickmoreEffect of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner on biological characteristics of Orius insidiosus Say (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) fed with eggs of Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)Sergio Antonio De Bortoli, Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk, Alessandra Marieli Vacari, Roberto Marchi Goulart and Caroline Placidi De BortoliEvaluating microbial biocontrol agents: effects of Metarhizium brunneum on a non-target arthropodMartina Falagiarda, Chad Alton Keyser, Bernhardt M. Steinwender, Lene Sigsgaard, Jørgen EilenbergAn experimental autoinoculation device to control an invasive Asiatic pest, Drosophila suzukiiMaría Fernández-Bravo, Enrique Quesada-MoragaUse of a commercial Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. formulation to control Rhipicephalus microplus ticks in pen studyMariana G. Camargo, Allan F. Marciano, Fillipe A. Sá, Wendell M. S. Perinotto, Simone Quinelato, Patrícia S. Golo, Isabele C. Angelo, Márcia C. A. Prata, Vânia R. E. P. BittencourtTwo Colombian entomopathogenic fungi are highly efficient on Cerotoma tingomarianaErika Grijalba, Adriana Santos, Carlos EspinelBiological control of pollen beetles with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassianaDeborah Kaiser, Sven Bacher and Giselher GrabenwegerPathogenicity and virulence of Beauveria spp. against mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytidae)George Kyei-Poku, Shajahan Johny, William Fick and Katherine BleikerThe Use of Microbial Plant Protection Agents for Insect Control in GermanyJohannes A. Jehle, Annette Herz, Brigitte Keller, Regina G. Kleespies, Eckhard Koch, Andreas Larem, Annegret Schmitt, Dietrich StephanSynthesis and secretion of volatile organic compounds by Triatoma infestans infected with Beauveria bassianaLuciana S. Lobo, Sergio J. Mijailosky, M. Patricia Juárez, Christian Luz, Éverton K. K. Fernandes and Nicolás PedriniPreliminary studies of entomopathogenic microorganisms present in Latvian population of horsechestnut leaf miner Cameraria ohridellaZane Metla, Rita Seskena, Santa Voitkane, Monika Maurhofer Bringolf, Liga JankevicaToxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis BERLINER Cry toxins in different Brazilian Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) populationsRicardo Antonio Polanczyk, Caroline Placidi De Bortoli, Neil Crickmore, Rafael Ferreira dos Santos, Alessandra Marieli Vacari and Sergio Antonio De BortoliBacillus thuringiensis isolation from Brazilian soil samples: molecular characterization and biological activity against Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk, Thiago Trevisoli Agostini, Lais Fernanda Moreira, Rogério Teixeira Duarte, Fernando Hercos ValicenteEffect of endophytic Beauveria bassiana on herbivore defence in Arabidopsis thalianaMaya Raad, Travis Glare, Michael RostásPathogenicity of Beauveria and Metarhizium to the two stink bug species Nezara viridula and Piezodorus guildinii (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in laboratory and semi-fieldYordanys Ramos González, Ingeborg Klingen, Jorge R. Gómez Sousa  Evidence for synergies between Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae) and Metarhizium brunneum (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) in western corn rootworm controlHannes Rauch, Hermann Strasser, Roland ZelgerEvaluation of the effectiveness of the entomopathogens for the management of wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) on spring wheatGadi V.P. Reddy, Khanobporn Tangtrakulwanich, Shaohui Wu, John H. Miller, Victoria L. Ophus, Stefan T. JaronskiUsing the combination of entomopathogenic fungi and extracts improves control of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)Gloria Resquín-Romero, Inmaculada Garrido-Jurado, Enrique Quesada-MoragaWireworm control with fungus colonized barley kernels in cover-cropsSina Rogge, Giselher GrabenwegerA resource efficient method to test non target effects of new biocontrol agents in vitroBernhardt M. Steinwender, Jørgen Eilenberg, Elina Panahi, Kiri M. Fløistrup, Marta M. Cáceres, Gabriela M. Vergara, Lene SigsgaardUltrastructure of midgut of Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) after consumption of prey with the Bacillus thuringiensis strain HD1Alessandra Marieli Vacari, Vanessa Fabíola Pereira de Carvalho, Caroline Placidi De Bortoli, Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk and Sergio Antonio De BortoliControl of sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis, with formulations of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliaeInajá M. Wenzel, Antonio Batista Filho, Moacir R. Forim, Isabella B. Giordano, Bárbara E. DenadaeIdentification and functional analysis of two ABCC family genes in Helicoverpa armigeraYutao Xiao, Kongming W

    Diseases of Beneficial Invertebrates

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    Identification and Characterization of Immune Inhibitor A Metalloprotease of the Honey Bee Pathogen Paenibacillus larvaeBirte Arlt, Gillian Hertlein, Lena Poppinga, Eva Garcia-Gonzalez,Elke GenerschAwareness and Concept of Insects in a Korean PopulationSung Min Bae, Tae Young Shin, Jae Bang Choi, Won Seok Kwak, Yong Oh Ahn, See Nae Lee, In Hui Kim, Ra Mi Woo, Dong Jun Kim and Soo Dong WooVirus Epizootiology in Managed and Native Bee PopulationsJohn P. Burand, Matthew Boucher, Anne AverillHoneybee Virus Epizootiology in Bee Populations in Connecticut, USAJohn P. Burand, Shuning Zheng, Kimberly StonerHigh-throughput sequence analysis of the change in expression profile of Ig2-, Ig3- and Ig7- variant domains in Carcinus maenas Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion (CmDscam) mRNAs in response to pathogenic infectionChris Hauton, John A. HammondA novel pathogenic Paenibacillus strain of Biomphalaria glabrata, an intermediate host for schistosomiasisDavid Duval, Richard Galinier, Gabriel Mouahid, Eve Toulza, Anne Rognon, Nathalie Arancibia, Jean Francois Allienne, Guillaume Mitta, André Théron, Benjamin GourbalVenom from the ectoparasitic wasp Habrobracon hebetor activates calcium-dependent processes of haemocytic degradation in Galleria mellonella larvaeNatalia. A. Kryukova, Ekaterina A.Chertkova, Alexandra D. Semenova, Yuri I.Glazachev, Irina A. Slepneva, Victor V. GlupovHistopathological analyses of different tissues of diseased honey bees (Apis mellifera)Lena Poppinga, Heike Aupperle, Elke GenerschNew findings in genome of Apis mellifera filamentous virusLukasz Rabalski, Urszula Grzeda, Grazyna Topolska, Martyna Krejmer, Boguslaw SzewczykDevelopment of prototypes of rapid molecular diagnostic tests for pathogens of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) on chromatographic NALF platform (Nucleic Acid Lateral Flow)Adriano Ragni, Francesca Tabarrini, Mario Carucci, Claudio E. Lorenzetti, Antonella Cersini, Silvia Puccica, Valeria Antognetti, Marcella Milito, Alessandra Giacomelli, Giovanni Formato, Francesco PanaraWhat Kind of Insects Do You Like?Tae Young Shin, Sung Min Bae, Jae Bang Choi, Won Seok Kwak, Yong Oh Ahn, See Nae Lee, In Hui Kim, Ra Mi Woo, Dong Jun Kim and Soo Dong WooA muscle-infecting microsporidium infecting pink shrimp (Pandalus montagui) from Europe: closing in on the type species of Thelohania?Stentiford, G.D., Ross, S., Kerr, R., Bateman, K.S


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    First release of the mermithid Strelkovimermis spiculatus in Culex pipiens mosquito populations in ArgentinaEvangelina Muttis, María F. Achinelly, María V. MicieliIncreased infectivity in Steinernema websteri IJ after development in desiccationstressed hostsAndrea Binnebose and Susan M. Bornstein-ForstCharacterization of symbiotic bacteria Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. laumondii associated with Heterorhabditis bacteriophora isolated from TurkeyHarun Çimen, Selçuk HazırPathogenicity of nematobacterial complexes and its developmentPavel Dobes, Jakub Berka, Jana Hurychova, Libor Vojtek,Pavel HyrslUse of entomopathogenic nematodes to control vine weevils on Chilean berry orchardsAndrés France, Ernesto Cisternas, Irina UrtubiaNematodes of large larch bark beetle Ips cembrae (Coleoptera: Scolytinae)Sarka Grucmanová, Václav Čermák, Jaroslav HolušaNatural Occurence of Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) in the Aydin district of TurkeyBaris Gulcu, Canan Hazir, Mehmet Karagoz, M. Alper KesiciDetection of dsRNA virus-like molecules in entomopathogenic nematodesNoemi Herrero, Jiří Nermuť, Vladimír Půža, Zdeněk MráčekCelullar and humoral interactions between the white grub, Polyphylla adspersa Motschulsky (Col., Melolonthidae) and entomopathogenic nematodesJamileh Avandi, Javad Karimi, Mohammad Ghadamyari & Ahmad AsoodeOscheius rugaolensis, new genus and species of insect parasitic nematodes from IranReyhaneh Darsouei & Javad KarimiReproduction status of Tribolium castaneum affects its response to infection by Steinernema feltiaeDariusz Małek, Joanna Homa, Maria Gaweł, Paulina KramarzEffect of culture type, container type, and temperature on a Korean strain of the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsaeDongWoon Lee, Ho Yul ChooSteinernema feltiae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) to control fungus gnat, Bradysia mabiusi (Diptera: Sciaridae): effect of dosage and application time*Patricia Ballone, Luis G. Leite, Fabio S. Schmidt, Victória R. Campos, Roselaine N. S. BuenoThe non-sterilizing strain of Deladenus siricidicola (Tylenchida: Neotylenchidae) and its development on different strains of Amylostereum (Basidiomycota: Russulales)Isis A. L. Caetano, Ann E. HajekUse of entomopathogenic nematodes in the biological control of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)Manana Lortkipanidze, Oleg Gorgadze, Madona Kuchava, Nana Gratiashvili, Mzia Kokhia, Nino GabroshviliThe susceptibility of Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata, and mulberry moth Glyphodes pyloalis to entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema feltiae in GeorgiaNona MikaiaCo-infection interactions between entomopathogenic fungi and Steinernema feltiae using Tenebrio molitor as a model systemE. Erin Morris, Annette B. Jensen, Anja A. Wynns, Jørgen EilenbergSome observation on morphology and ecology of molluscparasitic nematode Alloionema appendiculatumJiří Nermuť, Vladimír Půža, Zdeněk MráčekOsmotic stress tolerance and infective juvenile production of entomopathogenic nematodes subject to fast hostdesiccation treatmentsJaime Ruiz-Vega, Teodulfo Aquino-Bolaños, Juan R. Delgado-Gamboa and Carlos I. Cortés-MartínezAssessing entomopathogenic nematode population genetics: a research and teaching approachAbigail Lewis, Logan Jefferson, Glen Stevens, Michaela Gazdi


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    A New Local Bio-Insecticide: Developing, Optimization, Toxicity and Determination of ActivityKazım Sezen, Remziye Nalcacioglu, Ismail Demir, Hüseyin Tepe, Islam Yildiz, Ardahan Eski, Zihni Demirbag`Candidatus Rickettsiella isopodorum´, a new lineage of intracellular bacteria infecting woodliceRegina G. Kleespies,  Andreas LeclerqueAnalysis and characterization of binary AB toxins in the honey bee pathogen Paenibacillus larvaeJulia Ebeling, Lena Poppinga, Anne Fünfhaus, Elke GenerschInterplay of Regulators Controlling Fit Insect Toxin Expression in the Biocontrol Bacterium Pseudomonas protegensNicola Imperiali, Flavia Büchler, Maria Péchy-Tarr, Peter Kupferschmied, Monika Maurhofer and Christoph KeelIdentification and Characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Nematicidal ActivityLuis A. Verduzco-Rosas and Jorge E. IbarraEvaluation of Culture media for maximal growth, Cry toxin production and insecticidal toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensisM. Tripathi, A. Kumari, L. Saravanan, G.T. GujarGene organization of large plasmids of novel mosquitocidal Bacillus thuringiensis TK-E6Mayu Noda, Naruhei Okamoto, Kimie Hayasaki, Yoshinao Azuma and So TakebeTesting of Vip3 proteins for the control of caterpillar pestsIñigo Ruiz de Escudero, Núria Banyuls, Yolanda Bel, Mireya Maeztu, Baltasar Escriche, Delia Muñoz, Primitivo Caballero, Juan FerréInteractions between Cry and Vip proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis against different lepidopteran pestsAna Rita Nunes Lemes, Camila Chiaradia Davolos, Paula Cristina Brunini Crialesi Legori, Odair Aparecido Fernandes, Juan FerréCry1Ac and Cry1F toxicity and binding sites study in two important soybean pests, Anticarsia gemmatalis and Chrysodeixis (=Pseudoplusia) includens.Yolanda Bel, Ken Narva, Joel Sheets, Baltasar EscricheIn vivo and in vitro binding of Vip3Aa to Spodoptera frugiperdamidgut and characterization of binding sites using125I-radiolabelingMaissa Chakroun and Juan FerréComparative histopathology of two novel bacterial insecticidal proteins in Tenebrio molitor and Diabrotica virgifera virgifera larvaeHeba Abdelgaffar, Cris Oppert, Jayme Williams, Deepa Balasubramanian, Juan Luis Jurat-FuentesRole of ABC-C2 in the interactions of Heliothis virescens with its host plants and Bt toxinsAnne Karpinski, Yannick Pauchet, Heiko Vogel and David HeckelAminomemtidaseN in Popillia japonica Newman larvae is putative Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8Da toxin receptorYuu Taniguchi, Takuya Yamaguchi, Hisanori Bando, Shin-ichiro AsanoA Whole Genome Approach to Determine Cadherins associated with Bt toxicity in the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostellaYoungjin Park and Yonggyun KimRNA Interference of Integrin subunit β1 Impairs Development and Immune Responses of the Oriental tobacco budworm, Helicoverpa assulta against BacteriaYoungjin Park and Yonggyun KimA natural hybrid of a B. thuringiensis Cry2A toxin implicates domain I in specificity determination.Guihua Chen, Changlong Shu, Jacob Evans, Fuping Song, Guoxun Li, Neil Crickmore, Jie ZhangBacillus thuringiensis Cry3Aa toxin increases the susceptibility of Crioceris quatuordecimpunctata to Beauveria bassiana infectionYulin Gao, Zhongren Lei, Xuenong XuInterVening Sequence (IVS) elements as genetic markers for the differential diagnosis of arthropod-associated Rickettsiella bacteriaChristina Schuster, Katharina Saar, Regina G. Kleespies,  Andreas LeclerqueType IV Secretion System (T4SS) substrates as potential virulence factors of arthropod-pathogenic Rickettsiella bacteriaAndreas LeclerqueUnbalanced Polyphosphate Levels Impair Insect Pathogenicity in Plant-Beneficial Pseudomonas protegensMaria Péchy-Tarr, Nicolas Wenner, Peter Kupferschmied, Romane Keller, Monika Maurhofer, Christoph KeelPaenibacillus larvae and the virulence factor SplA- an ERIC II specific S-layer ProteinHenriette Knispel, Lena Poppinga, Anne Fünfhaus, Elke GenerschInfluence of (varying) population size on host-parasite coevolution: an experimental approachAndrei Papkou, Rebecca Schalkowski, Mike-Christoph Barg, Ines Braker, Hinrich SchulenburgAn in vivo experimental evolution system for analyzing bacterial adaptation and evolution of Bacillus cereus sensu lato in an insect modelRafael Patiño Navarrete, Isabelle Jéhanno, Christina Nielsen-Leroux and Vincent Sanchis

    Words of Encouragement Fall 2017 poster

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    Poster and digital materials for "Words of Encouragement" poster series."Words of Encouragement" before finals poster series

    Poster Session

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    Abstract Condemnation on second and third clause of constitution Republic Indonesia no. 31/1999 jo. Constitution Republic Indonesia no.20/2001 about corruption eradication there is still not enough justice to defendants that make law not equal to purpose of law on Republic of Indonesia, especially on east borneo court of criminal acts of corruption particularly in court office samarinda city. Purpose the research was To find the basic of the difference between threat of punishment on second and third clause of constitution republic Indonesia no. 31/1999 jo. Constitution Republic Indonesia no. 20/2001 about corruption eradication, to find that the difference on second and third clause of constitution Republic Indonesia no. 31/1999 jo. Constitution Republic Indonesia no. 20/2001 about corruption eradication describe the principal of justice and how supposed to be second and third clause must be in future. This cause according to adjudication of corruption eradication used second clause of constitution Republic Indonesia no. 31/1999 jo. Constitution republic Indonesia no. 20/2001 which is somebody doesn’t have authority and third clause of constitution Republic Indonesia no. 31/1999 jo. Constitution Republic Indonesia no. 20/2001 which is somebody had authority. This research used some methodes, statute approach, case approach, historical approach, comparative approach, and conseptual approach. Beneath on this research there is difference between the threat of punishment on second and third clause of constitution Republic Indonesia no. 31/1999 jo. Constitution Republic Indonesia no.20/2001 about corruption eradication such as: 1. The principle of lex special derogat lex generalis, constitution completely specialized put aside generalized constitution.2. There is a threat of punishment and less of administrative sanctions on second and third clause of constitution Republic Indonesia no. 31/1999 jo. Constitution Republic Indonesia no.20/2001. Key words: job title, authorization, threat of punishment, and specialized less of administrative sanctions Abstrak Pemidanaan dalam Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 Undang-undang No.31 Tahun 1999 Jo.Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi masih terdapat kurangnya rasa keadilan bagi terdakwa yang menyebabkan hukum tidak berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan, manfaat dan cita-cita hukum di Indonesia pada umumnya dan di Kalimantan Timur khususnya di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi pada Pengadilan Negeri Samarinda. Tujuan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah apa yang mendasari adanya perbedaan ancaman pidana dalam Pasal 2 dengan Pasal 3Undang-undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Jo. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, apakah perbedaan ancaman pidana dalam Pasal 2 dengan Pasal 3 Undang-undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Jo. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi mencerminkan prinsip keadilan dan bagaimana seharusnya Pasal 2 dengan Pasal 3 pada masa yang akan datang.Hal ini disebabkan penerapan hakim dalam memutuskan  perkara tindak pidana korupsi merujuk kepada Pasal 2Undang-undang No.31 Tahun 1999 Jo. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 yaitu seseorang yang tidak mempunyai kewenangan dan pasal 3Undang-undang No.31 Tahun 1999 Jo. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 yaitu seseorang yang memiliki kewenangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Undang-undang, pendekatan kasus, pendekatan historis, pendekatan komparatif, dan konseptual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut yang mendasari adanya perbedaan ancaman pidana dalam pasal 2 dan pasal 3 Undang-undang No.31 Tahun 1999 Jo. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi yaitu: Asaslex special derogat lex generalis, undang-undang yang bersifat khusus menyampingkan UU bersifat Umum.Adanya  ancaman pidana dan denda  minimum khusus dalam Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 Undang-undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Jo. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 200
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