1,966 research outputs found
Czy politologia to „nauka interdyscyplinarna”? Kilka słów o przedmiocie poznania i tożsamości dyscypliny
The article provides a short and synthetic analysis about condition of political science in Poland. It is a voice in the debate about the subject of cognition in the discipline. The article focuses on the problem of interdisciplinarity in political science. Author argues that the lack of reflection on the subject of discipline knowledge leads to the impoverishment of its achievements
Politologia w ofercie dydaktycznej polskich uczelni. Informacja i analiza
The paper focuses on political science as a field of study offered by Polish schools of higher education (public, non-public and sponsored by the Roman Catholic Church). When presenting the qualitative and quantitative aspects of education in political science, the author relies on materials from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland’s Central Board of Tertiary Education, National Accreditation Committee, University Accreditation Committee, Central Committee for Degrees and Titles and available publications. The paper also brings an overview of legał acts which regulate degree programmes in political science, as well as results of analysis of political science programmes available from various schools of higher education.Artykuł poświęcony jest politologii jako kierunkowi kształcenia w ofercie polskich uczelni publicznych, kościelnych i niepublicznych. Przedstawiając ilościowe i jakościowe aspekty kształcenia w zakresie politologii, autor opiera się na materiałach Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Rady Głównej Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Państwowej Komisji Akredytacyjnej, Uniwersyteckiej Komisji Akredytacyjnej, Centralnej Komisji do spraw Stopni i Tytułów oraz dostępnych publikacjach. Opracowanie zawiera również przegląd aktów prawnych, które regulują prowadzenie studiów politologicznych, a także wyniki analizy oferty dydaktycznej poszczególnych typów uczelni w zakresie politologii
Czy politologia to „nauka interdyscyplinarna”? Kilka słów o przedmiocie poznania i tożsamości dyscypliny
The article provides a short and synthetic analysis about condition of political science in Poland. It is a voice in the debate about the subject of cognition in the discipline. The article focuses on the problem of interdisciplinarity in political science. Author argues that the lack of reflection on the subject of discipline knowledge leads to the impoverishment of its achievements
Politologia – nauka w drodze
The paper presents the thesis that the interdisciplinarity of political science as a science, open to the accomplishments in the field of social sciences and humanities enriches this disci- pline. On the one hand, the enormous expansion of knowledge enforces specialization. On the other hand, there is a constant exchange of thought and methodological experience that takes place for fear of becoming isolated. Globalization – the new quality of international life – forces us to continuously exceed the limits of traditional theoretical orientations. Scientific pluralism raises the question of who and when has the right to decide on the superiority of one scientific model over another. The present state of research into the status of political science allows us to observe that the research instruments of politics, the process of permanently changing the world, must be flexible. The history of the social sciences confirms the continu- ous interdependency of particular disciplines and acknowledges political science as an impor- tant link in the chain of evolution of science.The paper presents the thesis that the interdisciplinarity of political science as a science, open to the accomplishments in the field of social sciences and humanities enriches this disci- pline. On the one hand, the enormous expansion of knowledge enforces specialization. On the other hand, there is a constant exchange of thought and methodological experience that takes place for fear of becoming isolated. Globalization – the new quality of international life – forces us to continuously exceed the limits of traditional theoretical orientations. Scientific pluralism raises the question of who and when has the right to decide on the superiority of one scientific model over another. The present state of research into the status of political science allows us to observe that the research instruments of politics, the process of permanently changing the world, must be flexible. The history of the social sciences confirms the continu- ous interdependency of particular disciplines and acknowledges political science as an impor- tant link in the chain of evolution of science
Psychologia jako niezbędny komponent politologii
Ryszard Skarzynski thinks that the main subject of recognition in political science have to be “the political”, which is constructed by a specific kind of group. Contrary to this opinion R. E. Lane said that political science should be freed-up by political psychology. This kind of group (“political”) is endangered by the roles played by individuals. Sociometry is a solution which helped to measure and explore the phase in which the group is. Personality is also important, because there are some characteristics which can threaten the whole group or the group’s purposes (to stay “political” and not to become “social”). “Delta” questionnaire, EPQ-R, MACH IV should help the group and also political scientists to carry out the research what kind of individuals are members of the group. If political psychology has the best ways to explore this matter, political scientist should use them to distinguish “political” from “others”
Psychologia jako niezbędny komponent politologii
Ryszard Skarzynski thinks that the main subject of recognition in political science have to be “the political”, which is constructed by a specific kind of group. Contrary to this opinion R. E. Lane said that political science should be freed-up by political psychology. This kind of group (“political”) is endangered by the roles played by individuals. Sociometry is a solution which helped to measure and explore the phase in which the group is. Personality is also important, because there are some characteristics which can threaten the whole group or the group’s purposes (to stay “political” and not to become “social”). “Delta” questionnaire, EPQ-R, MACH IV should help the group and also political scientists to carry out the research what kind of individuals are members of the group. If political psychology has the best ways to explore this matter, political scientist should use them to distinguish “political” from “others”
Oferta kształcenia na studiach licencjackich i magisterskich w uczelniach Warszawy i Mazowsza
The author describes the available academic programmes leading to the licencjat and magister degrees (which may be viewed as equivalents to bachelor and master degrees) in schools of higher education located in Warsaw and the Mazovia Province. In the capital city alone tertiary programmes are offered for nearly all types of education (except marinę schools), i.e. generał universities, schools of higher education specialising in technology, agriculture, economics, education/pedagogy, medicine, physical education, theology, arts, military affairs as well as interior affairs and administration (the latter supported by the respective ministries). The rangę of degree programmes offered by public and non-public schools of tertiary education in Mazovia is very broad, encompassing over 100 fields of study (out of the 119 fields listed in the relevant ordinance issued by the Minister of Science and Higher Education), as well as over a dozen of unique fields, the same number of macrofields and a few inter-field (inter-departmental) programmes. Nearly all of them are offered as both intramural and extramural programmes. A few schools also offer degree programmes in foreign languages, the so-called 'commissioned study programmes' (supported by the government) and distance education programmes. The paper also brings a generał analysis of curricula and quality of education, and looks at the overall conditions of education in higher education institutions in Warsaw and Mazovia.Autor przedstawia charakterystykę oferty kształcenia na stopień licencjata i magistra w uczelniach Warszawy i wojewodztwa mazowieckiego. W samej stolicy studia wyższe prowadzą prawie wszystkie typy uczelni - poza morskimi (tj. uniwersytety, uczelnie techniczne, rolnicze, ekonomiczne, pedagogiczne, medyczne, wychowania fizycznego, teologiczne, artystyczne, wojskowe oraz resortu spraw wewnętrznych i administracji). Oferta edukacyjna publicznych i niepublicznych szkoł wyższych regionu Mazowsza jest bardzo bogata - obejmuje ponad 100 kierunkow studiow ze 119 wymienionych w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, a także studia na kilkunastu kierunkach unikatowych, kilkunastu makrokierunkach oraz kilka studiow międzykierunkowych (międzywydziałowych). Prawie wszystkie z nich prowadzone są zarowno w trybie stacjonarnym, jak i niestacjonarnym. W ofercie kilku uczelni znajdują się też studia w języku obcym, studia na „kierunkach zamawianych” oraz studia na odległość. Artykuł zawiera rownież ogolną analizę programow nauczania i jakości studiow oraz warunkow kształcenia w uczelniach stołecznych i wojewodztwa mazowieckiego
Struktura i uwarunkowania afektywne go komponentu postaw politycznych studentów
It is indisputable that emotions predominate in shaping political attitudes. This is corroborated by the development of political marketing, whose techniques and means are mainly directed at voters’ emotions. The paper presents the results of research into the affective component in the political attitudes of university students. To a large extent the analysis confirms the hypothesis that religious organizations have a significant impact on developing a positive emotional attitude towards right-wing politicians and parties, whereas the media strongly influence the emergence of similar attitudes towards liberal political entities. Advocates of the right wing declare their commitment to national values and patriotism, while demonstrating a relatively passive attitude to politics. The respondents whose opinions indicate liberal sympathies emphasize their satisfaction with life and intention to be active in the field of politics. The important conclusion to be drawn from this research is that the family contin- ues to have a significant impact on the emotional political attachments of the young, whereas the influence of school in this regard is definitely limited.It is indisputable that emotions predominate in shaping political attitudes. This is corroborated by the development of political marketing, whose techniques and means are mainly directed at voters’ emotions. The paper presents the results of research into the affective component in the political attitudes of university students. To a large extent the analysis confirms the hypothesis that religious organizations have a significant impact on developing a positive emotional attitude towards right-wing politicians and parties, whereas the media strongly influence the emergence of similar attitudes towards liberal political entities. Advocates of the right wing declare their commitment to national values and patriotism, while demonstrating a relatively passive attitude to politics. The respondents whose opinions indicate liberal sympathies emphasize their satisfaction with life and intention to be active in the field of politics. The important conclusion to be drawn from this research is that the family contin- ues to have a significant impact on the emotional political attachments of the young, whereas the influence of school in this regard is definitely limited
Political Science in Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century, eds. B. Krauz- Mozer, M. Kułakowska, P. Borowiec, P. Ścigaj, Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2015, ss. 612.
Political Science in Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century, eds. B. Krauz- Mozer, M. Kułakowska, P. Borowiec, P. Ścigaj, Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2015, ss. 612
Political science as an academic discipline aware of its foundations (a biased contribution to the debate containing four remarks)
The text presents remarks on four issues political scientists often take into consideration when reflecting on the borders of their research. The first issue concerns the call to scrutinize the course of legislative procedures, the second one – the need to recognize and note various traditions of political thought in the platforms of political parties and the statements uttered by politicians; the third – the fundamental question of whether political topics are grasped in the structure of sensual perceptions reflected in language; and, finally, the disputable postulate that the philosophy of politics, approached as an element of reflection on political science, clarifies exclusively the notions and concepts applied in the political sciences. These considerations pose problems rather than solve them, and they are completed by a warning that political science should not be developed towards common knowledge, and it should not become increasingly indeterminate and blurred.The text presents remarks on four issues political scientists often take into consideration when reflecting on the borders of their research. The first issue concerns the call to scrutinize the course of legislative procedures, the second one – the need to recognize and note various traditions of political thought in the platforms of political parties and the statements uttered by politicians; the third – the fundamental question of whether political topics are grasped in the structure of sensual perceptions reflected in language; and, finally, the disputable postulate that the philosophy of politics, approached as an element of reflection on political science, clarifies exclusively the notions and concepts applied in the political sciences. These considerations pose problems rather than solve them, and they are completed by a warning that political science should not be developed towards common knowledge, and it should not become increasingly indeterminate and blurred
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