1,313,306 research outputs found

    W427.12-001 - Printing Plates: Various

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    The Variations of Charpy V-Notch Impact Test Properties In Steel Plates

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    A survey of the variation to be expected in Charpy V-Notch tests obtained from plates was conducted by the Committee on Product Standards at the request of the Committee on General Metallurgy. The results of the survey are presented in this report. The survey data consisted of longitudinal and transverse impact test values obtained from seven specified locations on plates produced to ASTM A-572 as-rolled, A-516 normalized and A-537 quenched and tempered. Three testing temperatures were used for each grade. The data were collected from industry production during 1973 and 1974. Sufficient data were received to estimate limits of variation for impact tests taken at specified locations in plates.--Summar

    Transmission of Water Waves under Multiple Vertical Thin Plates

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    The transmission of water waves under vertical thin plates, e.g., offshore floating breakwaters, oscillating water column wave energy converters, and so on, is a crucial feature that dominates the hydrodynamic performance of marine devices. In this paper, the analytical solution to the transmission of water waves under multiple 2D vertical thin plates is firstly derived based on the linear potential theory. The influences of relevant parameters on the wave transmission are discussed, which include the number of plates, the draft of plates, the distance between plates and the water depth. The analytical results suggest that the transmission of progressive waves gradually weakens with the growth of the number and draft of plates, and under the conditions of given number and draft of plates, the distribution of plates has significant influence on the transmission of progressive waves. The results of this paper contribute to the understanding of the transmission of water waves under multiple vertical thin plates, as well as the suggestion on optimal design of complex marine devices, such as a floating breakwater with multiple plates

    A new inverse trigonometric shear deformation theory for isotropic and functionally graded sandwich plates

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    A new inverse trigonometric shear deformation theory is proposed for the static, buckling and free vibration analyses of isotropic and functionally graded (FG) sandwich plates. It accounts for a inverse trigonometric distribution of transverse shear stress and satisfies the traction free boundary conditions. Equations of motion obtained here are solved for three types of FG plates: FG plates, sandwich plates with FG core and sandwich plates with FG faces. Closed-form solutions are obtained to predict the deflections, stresses, critical buckling loads and natural frequencies of simply supported plates. A good agreement between the obtained predictions and the available solutions of existing shear deformation theories is found to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed theory

    Redescription of Hypoptopoma inexspectata (Holmberg, 1883), with notes on its anatomy (Siluriformes: Loricariidae).

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    Hypoptopoma inexspectata is diagnosed and redescribed based on the examination of additional material and comparison with its congeners. This poorly known hypoptopomine species is distributed in the Paraguay and Paraná river draínages. Hypoptopoma inexspectata is diagnosable based on the autapomorphy biserial arrangement of anterior snout rostral margin odontodes, laterally extended to limit between second and third infraorbital plates, with dorsally directed dorsad series separated from ventrally directed ventrad series by a narrow odontode-free area, which at the level of first and second infraorbital plates is reduced to a dividing line of the series. The species can be further distinguished by the combination (1) low number of canal-bearing lateral plates (20-22, typically 21), (2) presence of a shield of prepectoral dermal plates, (3) arrangement of abdominal plates in one paired series of 3-5 plates, (4) shorter least interorbital distance 4856% head lengh, (5) larger horizontal eye diameter 17-20% head lengh, and (6) least orbit-nare distance 812% head lengh. Intraspecific variation skull dermal bones, neuracranium and suspensorium bones, dermal plates, adipose fin is reported. (PDF has 20 pages.