296,810 research outputs found
Planetary science
The following types of experiments for a proposed Space Station Microgravity Particle Research Facility are described: (1) low velocity collisions between fragile particles; (2) low velocity collisions of ice particles; (3) plasma-dust interaction; and (4) aggregation of finely-comminuted geological materials. The required capabilities and desired hardware for the facility are detailed
Planetary Science Virtual Observatory architecture
In the framework of the Europlanet-RI program, a prototype of Virtual
Observatory dedicated to Planetary Science was defined. Most of the activity
was dedicated to the elaboration of standards to retrieve and visualize data in
this field, and to provide light procedures to teams who wish to contribute
with on-line data services. The architecture of this VO system and selected
solutions are presented here, together with existing demonstrators
Space infrared telescope facility project
The functions undertaken during this reporting period were: to inform the planetary science community of the progress and status of the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) Project; to solicit input from the planetary science community on needs and requirements of planetary science in the use of SIRTF at such time that it becomes an operational facility; and a white paper was prepared on the use of the SIRTF for solar system studies
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Leptodactylus fallax
Number of Pages: 3Integrative BiologyEarth and Planetary Science
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