1,763 research outputs found
Introduction to Loop Quantum Cosmology
This is an introduction to loop quantum cosmology (LQC) reviewing mini- and
midisuperspace models as well as homogeneous and inhomogeneous effective
Inflationary observables in loop quantum cosmology
The full set of cosmological observables coming from linear scalar and tensor
perturbations of loop quantum cosmology is computed in the presence of
inverse-volume corrections. Background inflationary solutions are found at
linear order in the quantum corrections; depending on the values of
quantization parameters, they obey an exact or perturbed power-law expansion in
conformal time. The comoving curvature perturbation is shown to be conserved at
large scales, just as in the classical case. Its associated Mukhanov equation
is obtained and solved. Combined with the results for tensor modes, this yields
the scalar and tensor indices, their running, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio,
which are all first order in the quantum correction. The latter could be
sizable in phenomenological scenarios. Contrary to a pure minisuperspace
parametrization, the lattice refinement parametrization is in agreement with
both anomaly cancellation and our results on background solutions and linear
perturbations. The issue of the choice of parametrization is also discussed in
relation with a possible superluminal propagation of perturbative modes, and
conclusions for quantum spacetime structure are drawn.Comment: 41 pages; v2: minor typos corrected, summary of results adde
Bianchi I effective dynamics in Quantum Reduced Loop Gravity
The effective quantum dynamics of Bianchi I spacetime is addressed within the
statistical regularization scheme in Quantum Reduced Loop Gravity. The case of
a minimally coupled massless scalar field is studied and compared with the
effective Loop Quantum Cosmology. The dynamics provided by the two
approaches match in the semiclassical limit but differ significantly after the
bounces. Analytical and numerical inspections show that energy density,
expansion scalar and shear are bounded also in Quantum Reduced Loop Gravity and
the classical singularity is resolved for generic initial conditions in all
spatial directions.Comment: 19 pages, 23 figures, 1 tabl
Classical Setting and Effective Dynamics for Spinfoam Cosmology
We explore how to extract effective dynamics from loop quantum gravity and
spinfoams truncated to a finite fixed graph, with the hope of modeling
symmetry-reduced gravitational systems. We particularize our study to the
2-vertex graph with N links. We describe the canonical data using the recent
formulation of the phase space in terms of spinors, and implement a
symmetry-reduction to the homogeneous and isotropic sector. From the canonical
point of view, we construct a consistent Hamiltonian for the model and discuss
its relation with Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies. Then, we analyze the
dynamics from the spinfoam approach. We compute exactly the transition
amplitude between initial and final coherent spin networks states with support
on the 2-vertex graph, for the choice of the simplest two-complex (with a
single space-time vertex). The transition amplitude verifies an exact
differential equation that agrees with the Hamiltonian constructed previously.
Thus, in our simple setting we clarify the link between the canonical and the
covariant formalisms.Comment: 38 pages, v2: Link with discretized loop quantum gravity made
explicit and emphasize
Group field theory condensate cosmology: An appetizer
This contribution is an appetizer to the relatively young and fast evolving
approach to quantum cosmology based on group field theory condensate states. We
summarize the main assumptions and pillars of this approach which has revealed
new perspectives on the long-standing question of how to recover the continuum
from discrete geometric building blocks. Among others, we give a snapshot of
recent work on isotropic cosmological solutions exhibiting an accelerated
expansion, a bounce where anisotropies are shown to be under control and
inhomogeneities with an approximately scale-invariant power spectrum. Finally,
we point to open issues in the condensate cosmology approach.Comment: Review article as an invited contribution for the special issue
"Progress in Group Field Theory and Related Quantum Gravity Formalisms",
Universe journa
Modeling effective FRW cosmologies with perfect fluids from states of the hybrid quantum Gowdy model
We employ recently developed approximation methods in the hybrid quantization
of the Gowdy model with linear polarization and a massless scalar field
to obtain physically interesting solutions of this inhomogeneous cosmology.
More specifically, we propose approximate solutions of the quantum Gowdy model
constructed in such a way that, for the Hamiltonian constraint, they
effectively behave as those corresponding to a flat homogeneous and isotropic
universe filled with a perfect fluid, even though these quantum states are far
from being homogeneous and isotropic. We analyze how one can get different
perfect fluid effective behaviors, including the cases of dust, radiation, and
cosmological constant.Comment: Version accepted for publication in PR
Dilaton cosmology and phenomenology
This paper is dedicated to Gabriele Veneziano on his 65th birthday. Most of
the results reported here are known results, due to Gabriele, or obtained in
collaboration with him, or inspired by our joint work on string cosmology. A
few new results are also presented concerning the duality invariance of a
non-local dilaton coupling to the matter sources, and its possible cosmological
applications in the context of the dark-energy scenario.Comment: 60 pages, 10 figures, to appear in "String theory and fundamental
interactions: celebrating Gabriele Veneziano on his 65th birthday" (Lecture
Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007). A few references
added and some typos correcte
Cosmological perturbations in massive gravity with doubly coupled matter
We investigate the cosmological perturbations around FLRW solutions to non-
linear massive gravity with a new effective coupling to matter proposed
recently. Unlike the case with minimal matter coupling, all five degrees of
freedom in the gravity sector propagate on generic self-accelerating FLRW
backgrounds. We study the stability of the cosmological solutions and put
constraints on the parameters of the theory by demanding the correct sign for
the kinetic terms for scalar, vector and tensor perturbations.Comment: 20 page
Perturbative Degrees of Freedom in Loop Quantum Gravity: Anisotropies
The relation between an isotropic and an anisotropic model in loop quantum
cosmology is discussed in detail, comparing the strict symmetry reduction with
a perturbative implementation of symmetry. While the latter cannot be done in a
canonical manner, it allows to consider the dynamics including the role of
small non-symmetric degrees of freedom for the symmetric evolution. This serves
as a model for the general situation of perturbative degrees of freedom in a
background independent quantization such as loop quantum gravity, and for the
more complicated addition of perturbative inhomogeneities. While being crucial
for cosmological phenomenology, it is shown that perturbative non-symmetric
degrees of freedom do not allow definitive conclusions for the singularity
issue and in such a situation could even lead to wrong claims.Comment: 32 page
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