636,127 research outputs found

    Biological processes and links to the physics

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    Analysis of the temporal and spatial variability of biological processes and identification of the main variables that drive the dynamic regime of marine ecosystems is complex. Correlation between physical variables and long-term changes in ecosystems has routinely been identified, but the specific mechanisms involved remain often unclear. Reasons for this could be various: the ecosystem can be very sensitive to the seasonal timing of the anomalous physical forcing; the ecosystem can be contemporaneously influenced by many physical variables and the ecosystem can generate intrinsic variability on climate time scales. Marine ecosystems are influenced by a variety of physical factors, e.g., light, temperature, transport, turbulence. Temperature has a fundamental forcing function in biology, with direct influences on rate processes of organisms and on the distribution of mobile species that have preferred temperature ranges. Light and transport also affect the physiology and distribution of marine organisms. Small-scale turbulence determines encounter between larval fish and their prey and additionally influences the probability of successful pursuit and ingestion. The impact of physical forcing variations on biological processes is studied through long-term observations, process studies, laboratory experiments, retrospective analysis of existing data sets and modelling. This manuscript reviews the diversity of physical influences on biological processes, marine organisms and ecosystems and their variety of responses to physical forcing with special emphasis on the dynamics of zooplankton and fish stocks

    A bioturbation classification of European marine infaunal invertebrates

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    Bioturbation, the biogenic modification of sediments through particle reworking and burrow ventilation, is a key mediator of many important geochemical processes in marine systems. In situ quantification of bioturbation can be achieved in a myriad of ways, requiring expert knowledge, technology, and resources not always available, and not feasible in some settings. Where dedicated research programmes do not exist, a practical alternative is the adoption of a trait-based approach to estimate community bioturbation potential (BPc). This index can be calculated from inventories of species, abundance and biomass data (routinely available for many systems), and a functional classification of organism traits associated with sediment mixing (less available). Presently, however, there is no agreed standard categorization for the reworking mode and mobility of benthic species. Based on information from the literature and expert opinion, we provide a functional classification for 1033 benthic invertebrate species from the northwest European continental shelf, as a tool to enable the standardized calculation of BPc in the region. Future uses of this classification table will increase the comparability and utility of large-scale assessments of ecosystem processes and functioning influenced by bioturbation (e.g., to support legislation). The key strengths, assumptions, and limitations of BPc as a metric are critically reviewed, offering guidelines for its calculation and application


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    Pembuatan Proyek Akhir ini bertujuan untuk: 1) merancang tata rias wajah, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting, dan kostum tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. 2) menerapkan tata rias wajah, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting dan kostum tokoh Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasi. 3) menampilkan tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pagelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan, yaitu: 1) merancang dengan cara mengetahui alur cerita dongeng Rapunzel dan mengkaji teori untuk mempelajari karakter tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert, mencari sumber ide dan merancang tata rias wajah karakter, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting dan kostum. 2) menerapkan dengan melakukan tes rias wajah, penataaan rambut, gladi kotor yang meliputi pengaplikasian tata rias wajah, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting dan kostum dengan menampilkan tokoh diatas panggung serta penyesuaian tata cahaya dan musik. 3) menampilkan tokoh Eugene Fitzherbert pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy dengan menyusun kegiatan (latihan, gladi kotor, gladi bersih dan penyelenggaraan pergelaran). Hasil Proyek Akhir, yaitu: 1) terciptanya tata rias wajah karakter, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting, dan kostum tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. 2) terwujudnya tata rias wajah karakter, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting, dan kostum tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. 3) terselenggaranya pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy di Concert Hall Taman Budaya Yogyakarta pada tanggal 17 Maret 2012, dengan menampilkan tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel

    099100 - Painting

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    Conceptual painting

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    Conceptual Painting is an essay that examines if the notion of conceptual painting is a misnomer or if painting is a conceptual approach to art, akin to other mediums. It looks at this through 3 artists, Ben Cook, Pavel Buchler and Anikam Toren

    abstract painting

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