489,691 research outputs found
Shock dynamics of phase diagrams
A thermodynamic phase transition denotes a drastic change of state of a physical system due to a continuous change of thermodynamic variables, as for instance pressure and temperature. The classical van der Waals equation of state is the simplest model that predicts the occurrence of a critical point associated with the gas-liquid phase transition. Nevertheless, below the critical temperature, theoretical predictions of the van der Waals theory significantly depart from the observed physical behaviour. We develop a novel approach to classical thermodynamics based on the solution of Maxwell relations for a generalised family of nonlocal entropy functions. This theory provides an exact mathematical description of discontinuities of the order parameter within the phase transition region, it explains the universal form of the equations of state and the occurrence of triple points in terms of the dynamics of nonlinear shock wave fronts
Phase Diagrams for Sonoluminescing Bubbles
Sound driven gas bubbles in water can emit light pulses. This phenomenon is
called sonoluminescence (SL). Two different phases of single bubble SL have
been proposed: diffusively stable and diffusively unstable SL. We present phase
diagrams in the gas concentration vs forcing pressure state space and also in
the ambient radius vs gas concentration and vs forcing pressure state spaces.
These phase diagrams are based on the thresholds for energy focusing in the
bubble and two kinds of instabilities, namely (i) shape instabilities and (ii)
diffusive instabilities. Stable SL only occurs in a tiny parameter window of
large forcing pressure amplitude atm and low gas
concentration of less than of the saturation. The upper concentration
threshold becomes smaller with increasing forcing. Our results quantitatively
agree with experimental results of Putterman's UCLA group on argon, but not on
air. However, air bubbles and other gas mixtures can also successfully be
treated in this approach if in addition (iii) chemical instabilities are
considered. -- All statements are based on the Rayleigh-Plesset ODE
approximation of the bubble dynamics, extended in an adiabatic approximation to
include mass diffusion effects. This approximation is the only way to explore
considerable portions of parameter space, as solving the full PDEs is
numerically too expensive. Therefore, we checked the adiabatic approximation by
comparison with the full numerical solution of the advection diffusion PDE and
find good agreement.Comment: Phys. Fluids, in press; latex; 46 pages, 16 eps-figures, small
figures tarred and gzipped and uuencoded; large ones replaced by dummies;
full version can by obtained from: http://staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~lohse
Phase diagrams of magnetopolariton gases
The magnetic field effect on phase transitions in electrically neutral
bosonic systems is much less studied than those in fermionic systems, such as
superconducting or ferromagnetic phase transitions. Nevertheless, composite
bosons are strongly sensitive to magnetic fields: both their internal structure
and motion as whole particles may be affected. A joint effort of ten
laboratories has been focused on studies of polariton lasers, where
non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates of bosonic quasiparticles,
exciton-polaritons, may appear or disappear under an effect of applied magnetic
fields. Polariton lasers based on pillar or planar microcavities were excited
both optically and electrically. In all cases a pronounced dependence of the
onset to lasing on the magnetic field has been observed. For the sake of
comparison, photon lasing (lasing by an electron-hole plasma) in the presence
of a magnetic field has been studied on the same samples as polariton lasing.
The threshold to photon lasing is essentially governed by the excitonic Mott
transition which appears to be sensitive to magnetic fields too. All the
observed experimental features are qualitatively described within a uniform
model based on coupled diffusion equations for electrons, holes and excitons
and the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for exciton-polariton condensates. Our
research sheds more light on the physics of non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein
condensates and the results manifest high potentiality of polariton lasers for
spin-based quantum logic applications.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure
Engineering Holographic Superconductor Phase Diagrams
We study how to engineer holographic models with features of a high
temperature superconductor phase diagram. We introduce a field in the bulk
which provides a tunable "doping" parameter in the boundary theory. By
designing how this field changes the effective masses of other order parameter
fields, desired phase diagrams can be engineered. We give examples of
generating phase diagrams with phase boundaries similar to a superconducting
dome and an anti-ferromagnetic phase by including two order parameter fields.
We also explore whether the pseudo gap phase can be described without adding
another order parameter field and discuss the potential scaling symmetry
associated with a quantum critical point hidden under the superconducting dome
in this phase diagram.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure
Two-state shear diagrams for complex fluids in shear flow
The possible "phase diagrams'' for shear-induced phase transitions between two phases are collected. We consider shear-thickening and shear-thinning fluids, under conditions of both common strain rate and common stress in the two phases, and present the four fundamental shear stress vs. strain rate curves and discuss their concentration dependence. We outline how to construct more complicated phase diagrams, discuss in which class various experimental systems fall, and sketch how to reconstruct the phase diagrams from rheological measurements
Diamagnetic Phase Transition and Phase Diagrams in Beryllium
The model of diamagnetic phase transition in beryllium which takes into
account the quasi 2-dimensional shape of the Fermi surface of beryllium is
proposed. It explains correctly the recent experimental data on observation of
non-homogeneous phase in beryllium at the conditions of strong dHvA effect when
the strong correlation of electron gas results in instability of homogeneous
phase and formation of Condon domain structure.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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