6,641 research outputs found
On the degrees of freedom of a semi-Riemannian metric
A semi-Riemannian metric in a n-manifold has n(n-1)/2 degrees of freedom,
i.e. as many as the number of components of a differential 2-form. We prove
that any semi-Riemannian metric can be obtained as a deformation of a constant
curvature metric, this deformation being parametrized by a 2-for
Gravitational dynamics in Bose Einstein condensates
Analogue models for gravity intend to provide a framework where matter and
gravity, as well as their intertwined dynamics, emerge from degrees of freedom
that have a priori nothing to do with what we call gravity or matter. Bose
Einstein condensates (BEC) are a natural example of analogue model since one
can identify matter propagating on a (pseudo-Riemannian) metric with collective
excitations above the condensate of atoms. However, until now, a description of
the "analogue gravitational dynamics" for such model was missing. We show here
that in a BEC system with massive quasi-particles, the gravitational dynamics
can be encoded in a modified (semi-classical) Poisson equation. In particular,
gravity is of extreme short range (characterized by the healing length) and the
cosmological constant appears from the non-condensed fraction of atoms in the
quasi-particle vacuum. While some of these features make the analogue
gravitational dynamics of our BEC system quite different from standard
Newtonian gravity, we nonetheless show that it can be used to draw some
interesting lessons about "emergent gravity" scenarios.Comment: Replaced with published version. 15 pages, no figures, revtex4.
Reference adde
Linear Connections and Curvature Tensors in the Geometry of Parallelizable Manifolds
In this paper we discuss curvature tensors in the context of Absolute
Parallelism geometry. Different curvature tensors are expressed in a compact
form in terms of the torsion tensor of the canonical connection. Using the
Bianchi identities some other identities are derived from the expressions
obtained. These identities, in turn, are used to reveal some of the properties
satisfied by an intriguing fourth order tensor which we refer to as Wanas
tensor. A further condition on the canonical connection is imposed, assuming it
is semi-symmetric. The formulae thus obtained, together with other formulae
(Ricci tensors and scalar curvatures of the different connections admitted by
the space) are calculated under this additional assumption. Considering a
specific form of the semi-symmetric connection causes all nonvanishing
curvature tensors to coincide, up to a constant, with the Wanas tensor.
Physical aspects of some of the geometric objects considered are mentioned.Comment: 16 pages LaTeX file, Changed title, Changed content, Added
references, Physical features stresse
Gravity theory in SAP-geometry
The aim of the present paper is to construct a field theory in the context of
absolute parallelism (Teleparallel) geometry under the assumption that the
canonical connection is semi-symmetric. The field equations are formulated
using a suitable Lagrangian first proposed by Mikhail and Wanas. The
mathematical and physical consequences arising from the obtained field
equations are investigated.Comment: 14 pages, References added and a reference updated, minor correction
The structure and interpretation of cosmology: Part II - The concept of creation in inflation and quantum cosmology
The purpose of the paper, of which this is part II, is to review, clarify,
and critically analyse modern mathematical cosmology. The emphasis is upon
mathematical objects and structures, rather than numerical computations. Part
II provides a critical analysis of inflationary cosmology and quantum
cosmology, with particular attention to the claims made that these theories can
explain the creation of the universe
Supersymmetric Homogeneous Quantum Cosmologies Coupled to a Scalar Field
Recent work on supersymmetric Bianchi type IX cosmologies coupled to a
scalar field is extended to a general treatment of homogeneous quantum
cosmologies with explicitely solvable momentum constraints, i.e. Bianchi types
I, II, VII, VIII besides the Bianchi type IX, and special cases, namely the
Friedmann universes, the Kantowski-Sachs space, and Taub-NUT space. Besides the
earlier explicit solution of the Wheeler DeWitt equation for Bianchi type IX,
describing a virtual wormhole fluctuation, an additional explicit solution is
given and identified with the `no-boundary state'.Comment: 23 PAGE
On the spacetime connecting two aeons in conformal cyclic cosmology
As quotient spaces, Minkowski and de Sitter are fundamental,
non-gravitational spacetimes for the construction of physical theories. When
general relativity is constructed on a de Sitter spacetime, the usual
Riemannian structure is replaced by a more general structure called de
Sitter-Cartan geometry. In the contraction limit of an infinite cosmological
term, the de Sitter-Cartan spacetime reduces to a singular, flat, conformal
invariant four-dimensional cone spacetime, in which our ordinary notions of
time interval and space distance are absent. It is shown that such spacetime
satisfies all properties, including the Weyl curvature hypothesis, necessary to
play the role of the bridging spacetime connecting two aeons in Penrose's
conformal cyclic cosmology.Comment: 15 pages. V2: presentation changes aiming at clarifying the text,
matches published versio
A Finslerian version of 't Hooft Deterministic Quantum Models
Using the Finsler structure living in the phase space associated to the
tangent bundle of the configuration manifold, deterministic models at the
Planck scale are obtained. The Hamiltonian function are constructed directly
from the geometric data and some assumptions concerning time inversion
symmetry. The existence of a maximal acceleration and speed is proved for
Finslerian deterministic models. We investigate the spontaneous symmetry
breaking of the orthogonal symmetry SO(6N) of the Hamiltonian of a
deterministic system. This symmetry break implies the non-validity of the
argument used to obtain Bell's inequalities for spin states. It is introduced
and motivated in the context of Randers spaces an example of simple 't Hooft
model with interactions.Comment: 25 pages; no figures. String discussion deleted. Some minor change
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