1,563 research outputs found

    On the Computation of the Dispersion Diagram of Symmetric One-Dimensionally Periodic Structures

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    A critical discussion on the computation of the dispersion diagram of electromagnetic guiding/radiating structures with one-dimensional periodicity using general-purpose electromagnetic simulation software is presented in thiswork. In thesemethods, full-wave simulations of finite sections of the periodic structure are combined with appropriate simplifying network models. In particular, we analyze the advantages and limitations of two different combined methods, with emphasis on the determination of their range of validity. Our discussion is complemented with several selected numerical examples in order to show the most relevant aspects that a potential user of these methods should be aware of. Special attention is paid to the relevant role played by the high-order coupling between adjacent unit cells and between the two halves of unit cells exhibiting reflection, inversion, and glide symmetries.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades TEC2017-84724-

    Rigorous Analysis Of Wave Guiding And Diffractive Integrated Optical Structures

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    The realization of wavelength scale and sub-wavelength scale fabrication of integrated optical devices has led to a concurrent need for computational design tools that can accurately model electromagnetic phenomena on these length scales. This dissertation describes the physical, analytical, numerical, and software developments utilized for practical implementation of two particular frequency domain design tools: the modal method for multilayer waveguides and one-dimensional lamellar gratings and the Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis (RCWA) for 1D, 2D, and 3D periodic optical structures and integrated optical devices. These design tools, including some novel numerical and programming extensions developed during the course of this work, were then applied to investigate the design of a few unique integrated waveguide and grating structures and the associated physical phenomena exploited by those structures. The properties and design of a multilayer, multimode waveguide-grating, guided mode resonance (GMR) filter are investigated. The multilayer, multimode GMR filters studied consist of alternating high and low refractive index layers of various thicknesses with a binary grating etched into the top layer. The separation of spectral wavelength resonances supported by a multimode GMR structure with fixed grating parameters is shown to be controllable from coarse to fine through the use of tightly controlled, but realizable, choices for multiple layer thicknesses in a two material waveguide; effectively performing the simultaneous engineering of the wavelength dispersion for multiple waveguide grating modes. This idea of simultaneous dispersion band tailoring is then used to design a multilayer, multimode GMR filter that possesses broadened angular acceptance for multiple wavelengths incident at a single angle of incidence. The effect of a steady-state linear loss or gain on the wavelength response of a GMR filter is studied. A linear loss added to the primary guiding layer of a GMR filter is shown to produce enhanced resonant absorption of light by the GMR structure. Similarly, linear gain added to the guiding layer is shown to produce enhanced resonant reflection and transmission from a GMR structure with decreased spectral line width. A combination of 2D and 3D modeling is utilized to investigate the properties of an embedded waveguide grating structure used in filtering/reflecting an incident guided mode. For the embedded waveguide grating, 2D modeling suggests the possibility of using low index periodic inclusions to create an embedded grating resonant filter, but the results of 3D RCWA modeling suggest that transverse low index periodic inclusions produce a resonant lossy cavity as opposed to a resonant reflecting mirror. A novel concept for an all-dielectric unidirectional dual grating output coupler is proposed and rigorously analyzed. A multilayer, single-mode, high and graded-index, slab waveguide is placed atop a slightly lower index substrate. The properties of the individual gratings etched into the waveguide\u27s cover/air and substrate/air interfaces are then chosen such that no propagating diffracted orders are present in the device superstrate and only a single order is present outside the structure in the substrate. The concept produces a robust output coupler that requires neither phase-matching of the two gratings nor any resonances in the structure, and is very tolerant to potential errors in fabrication. Up to 96% coupling efficiency from the substrate-side grating is obtained over a wide range of grating properties

    Analysis of the dispersion characteristics in periodic Substrate Integrated Waveguides

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    In this work, we study the dispersion characteristics of the first modes of four periodic structures implemented in Substrate IntegratedWaveguide (SIW) technology. Two kind of topologies (based on inductive irises and on rectangular air holes) and two kind of symmetries (normal reflection and glide symmetry) are studied by using electromagnetic simulation software. The obtained results show relevant differences in the characteristics of passbands and stopbands between glide-symmetric and non-glide-symmetric structures. The dispersion characteristics of the first propagating mode are analyzed for finite implementations of all the studied structures. Furthermore, the finite implementations of the structures based on inductive irises have been fabricated and measured, showing good agreement with the simulation results.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spanish Government , under R&D Project PID2019-103982RB-C43

    Wave mechanics in media pinned at Bravais lattice points

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    The propagation of waves through microstructured media with periodically arranged inclusions has applications in many areas of physics and engineering, stretching from photonic crystals through to seismic metamaterials. In the high-frequency regime, modelling such behaviour is complicated by multiple scattering of the resulting short waves between the inclusions. Our aim is to develop an asymptotic theory for modelling systems with arbitrarily-shaped inclusions located on general Bravais lattices. We then consider the limit of point-like inclusions, the advantage being that exact solutions can be obtained using Fourier methods, and go on to derive effective medium equations using asymptotic analysis. This approach allows us to explore the underlying reasons for dynamic anisotropy, localisation of waves, and other properties typical of such systems, and in particular their dependence upon geometry. Solutions of the effective medium equations are compared with the exact solutions, shedding further light on the underlying physics. We focus on examples that exhibit dynamic anisotropy as these demonstrate the capability of the asymptotic theory to pick up detailed qualitative and quantitative features

    Glide-symmetric holey structures applied to waveguide technology: Design considerations

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Antennas and PropagationRecently, there has been an increased interest in exploring periodic structures with higher symmetry due to various possibilities of utilizing them in novel electromagnetic applications. The aim of this paper is to discuss design issues related to the implementation of holey glide-symmetric periodic structures in waveguide-based components. In particular, one can implement periodic structures with glide symmetry in one or two directions, which we differentiate as 1D and 2D glide symmetry, respectively. The key differences in the dispersion and bandgap properties of these two realizations are presented and design guidelines are indicated, with special care devoted to practical issues. Focusing on the design of gap waveguide-based components, we demonstrate using simulated and measured results that in practice it is often sufficient to use 1D glide symmetry, which is also simpler to mechanically realize, and if larger attenuation of lateral waves is needed, a diagonally directed 2D glide symmetric structure should be implemented. Finally, an analysis of realistic holes with conical endings is performed using a developed effective hole depth method, which combined with the presented analysis and results can serve as a valuable tool in the process of designing novel electrically-large waveguide-based components.This work was supported by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) under the projects IP-2018-01-9753 and IP-2019-04-1064, by the Spanish Government under the projects PID2019-107688RB-C21 and TEC2016-79700-C2-R, and by the European COST Action CA18223-SYMAT

    Dispersion Analysis of Periodically Loaded Transmission Lines with Twist Symmetry Using the Mode-Matching Technique

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    A mode-matching formulation is presented and used to analyze the dispersion properties of twist-symmetric transmission lines. The structures are coaxial lines periodically loaded with infinitely thin screens, which are rotated with respect to each other to possess twist symmetry. The results obtained using the proposed formulation are in good agreement with those of commercial simulators. Furthermore, using the presented mode-matching formulation, it is demonstrated that the propagation characteristics in the twist-symmetric structures are linked to the scattering and coupling of the higher order modes. The physical insight offered by this analysis is valuable for the design of various electromagnetic devices, such as filters, antennas, and phase-shifters.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PRX19/00025Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2017-84724-

    Periodic Structures With Higher Symmetries: Their Applications in Electromagnetic Devices

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    Higher symmetries frequently amaze human beings because of the illusions and incredible landscapes such symmetries can produce. For example, imagine the unearthly pictures of the Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher. He made use of glide symmetry and reflection to produce unbelievable transitions and transformations of objects and beings, as illustrated in Figure 1(a). However, the history of higher symmetries started much earlier. Escher was partially inspired by the Moorish tessellations in the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, such as the ones pictured in Figure 1(b).The authors would like to thank Oskar Zetterström for providing the photo in Figure 5(a). This work was partly funded by the Spanish Government, under grant TEC2016-79700-C2-2-R; the French Government, under National Research Agency (ANR) Modeling and De - sign of Holey Metasurfaces project grant ANR JCJC 2016, ANR-16-CE24-0030; the Vinnova project High-5 (grant 2018-01522), under the Strategic Program on Smart Electronic Systems; the Stiftelsen Åforsk project Higher-Symmetric Materials for 5G Communications (grant 18-302); and COST Action SyMat CA18223, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), www.cost.eu

    Low-Loss Periodically Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Band-Pass Filters

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    ABSTRACT The electrical response of low-frequency band-pass filters based on periodic substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology typically shows permitted and forbidden frequency bands. Therefore, this type of filters can be designed using a conceptually very simple and efficient procedure based exclusively on the study of the dispersion properties of the periodic structure. In this paper, we go a step further with the design of a periodically air-filled SIW band-pass filter in which part of the dielectric substrate is removed to reduce insertion losses, and whose unit cell parameters, which are directly related to the center frequency (fc) and bandwidth (BW) of the first passband, and also to the first stopband or bandgap (BG) of the structure, have been appropriately selected for filtering purposes, thus providing some useful design rules. Furthermore, we apply the concept of glide symmetry for achieving a much larger fractional bandwidth (FBW) than that obtained in conventional air-filled SIW filters found in the technical literature. Finite implementations of both periodic structures with and without glide symmetry have been analyzed, showing their filtering response for validation purposes. Additionally, to overcome the matching level restrictions in the resulting air-filled periodic SIWs, a microstrip-to-SIW transition including a novel coupling iris is proposed. A prototype of the proposed air-filled glide-symmetric periodic SIW filter has been manufactured and experimentally validated, illustrating the potential of this technique to obtain large FBWs that can not be achieved in conventional air-filled SIW filters. The proposed filter proves to be a good candidate for millimeter wave applications