40,995 research outputs found

    On righteousness and dignity : two challenging issues since early modern times

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    Concepts such as righteousness, equality, tolerance and freedom are nowadays considered fundamental issues that should prevail in any society. Balance and righteousness thrive however on a very thin layer. We are, in fact, living in an era of duality and antithetical paradigms. This essay approaches two Renaissance authors who dealt with the same matters in their works, at a very different time and through different ways of reflection: Thomas More and Sir Walter Raleigh

    Portrayal of women in Indian Mass Media:An Investigation

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    Media's role towards women is becoming the growing concern of the feminist writers, basically regarding participation, performances and portrayal of women. Because different circumstances relating to media's role towards portraying the fair sex have opened up a new angle by leaps and bounds to think precisely about it

    Mind the Gap!

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    The non-human interest story: De-personalising the migrant

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    We argue that newspapers deliberately employ techniques to dehumanise and depersonalise news stories in order to cultivate distance between the reader and human subject in newspaper accounts. We posit this as a dominant technique in discourses of immigration in newspaper discourses. In the process the migrant is narrated as the sub-human entrapped through socio-legal terminologies and deviance discourses that both silence and trivialise human suffering. We highlight the case study of the refugee settlement in Calais dubbed the ‘jungle’ to illuminate this phenomenon. We argue that the depersonalisation of immigration stories is a sustained technique in media to submerge the ethical and humanitarian paradigms presented by immigration


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    Abstract This research is a kind of library research. The main data is taken from Stephen Crane’s short story The Open Boat. The purpose of the research is to find out how the naturalism aspects are reflected in Stephen Crane’s short story The Open Boat. To come to that purpose, the researcher applies the structuralism Theory to analyze the problem. Besides, the researcher also applies the naturalism aspects based on Vernon Louis Parrington’s idea. Through the analysis, it is found that there are some naturalism aspects in the element of the short story of The Open Boat. The naturalism aspects that can be found in Stephen Crane’s short story of The Open Boat are; frankness, objectivity, philosophy of determinism and bias in selection character

    In Search of Portrayals of Valiant Women in the Hebrew Narratives

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    Naomi and Ruth

    Die Transzendenz als bestimmendes Merkmal der Person in der Anthropologie und der PĂ€dagogik Johannes Pauls II.

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    John Paul II in his magisterial writings and papal teaching many times referred to the human being, whom he presented in a personal category. At the same time insisted that the major problem of modern civilization is a the wrong anthropology, which denies the spiritual dimension of human being. This wrong approach brings in consequences an instrumental treatment and disgraced human dignity. The human being as a person has the special value that should be affirmed for his own sake, not for any other reason. The human as a being made in the image and likeness of God has a dignity of the person. John Paul II insists that a capacity for relationship with God is of the very essence of human being. God’s invitation to a shared life is a gratuitous, unmerited gift to man who from the beginning was made capax Dei. In these reflections, John Paul II offers many insights about the nature of human identity and dignity. The relationship between human being and God is a guarantee of his dignity. For this reason, anthropology cannot keep only on what is immanent in human being, but applies also to the transcendence. Anthropology disconnected from the transcendent becomes something deeply inhuman. Depriving humanity of its most important dimension also deprives it from its full personal dynamism. Therefore, it appears appropriate to take in this article the issue of transcendence of the person, which is the foundation of anthropology and pedagogy presented by Pope John Paul II. Firstly, the need for portraying the human person as physical and spiritual being will be argued for presented. Then the paper will study the genealogy of humans in communion with the family. In the last part, the marriage as a community of man and woman will be discussed
