14,227 research outputs found

    The Art of Storytelling in Old Javanese Prose as Illustrated by the Story of Ekalawya

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    Scholarly attention for Old Javanese literature so far has mainly focused on poetry. The apparently simple nature of narrative prose texts, while making them excellent sources for linguistic and lexicographic research, at the same time denies them any literary value. In this article an impression is given of the art of storytelling in one Old Javanese prose story, taken from the Adiparwa of around A.D. 1000. Quite unexpectedly, a sophisticated tradition unfolds in which a rich variety of devices enables the storyteller to create a meaningful world of words

    Karya Sastra Jawa Kuno Yang Diabadikan Pada Relief Candi-candi Abad Ke-13—15 M

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    Old Javanese literatures are rich of themes which mostly are related to way of lives, goodness values and ideas, which unfortunately is not easy to understand their meaning because they were often written in philosophical phrases. We have to accept the fact that study on Old Javanese literature are mostly focused on its formal aspects such as the composing basic principles and story line. While on the other side, studies of reliefs based on Old Javanese literature at Hindu-Buddhist monuments are often focused on the physical appearance, carving style, and measurement aspects. This paper is intended to reveal the hidden meanings of some Old Javanese literature as depicted in the Old Javanese sacred monuments from the 13th—15th century using what is called semiosis process. The study is based on the Charles Sanders Peirce’s semiotic theory. The trichotomy structure (sihn—referent—interpretant) is used in analyzing the meanings behind the carved stories and the composing of the story itself.&nbsp

    The Relativity Strategy of Old Javanese

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    Old Javanese is one of the temporal dialects in Indonesia that is estimated to develop from the IX-XV century. The language has a lot of langues inherited in the form of literature kakawin (Old Javanese poetry) and the form of parwa (Old Javanese language prose) until now. Literary works in the form kakawin and parwa are very popular work to be sung in Balinese society especially in religious ceremonies. Therefore, the Old Javanese is very worthy of being used as a linguistic study even though the language is categorized as a dead language. In morphological typology, Old Javanese is an agglutinative type. On the other hand, syntactically the Old Javanese language includes the Split-S typology. Associated with morphological typology and syntax, the Old Javanese has a core system or verb. Thus, the Old Javanese has various forms of verb-alternation in clause structures, either in single clauses or complex clauses. Relative clauses are one part of the complex clause having a change of grammatical relation when the insertion of certain linguistic elements. The topic of this study was the relativity strategy in Old Javanese.  The relativity strategy of Old Javanese was described with related theories and concepts.  Based on the result the Old Javanese could make the subject to be relative by inserting element of the relative sang and ikang. On the other hand there was also an indirect relativity by marking of verbs and penloping

    Pregnancy Tradition Ceremony in Javanese Society

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    Javanese is one of Indonesia's main ethnic groupings. In daily life, Javanese culture influences people's conduct, particularly the custom of maternal care. During pregnancy care, the Javanese adhere to their predecessors' traditions, which have become generations-old customs. This article employs a literature review approach to describe the behavior of Javanese people in carrying out pregnancy care according to Javanese culture. Many Javanese continue to believe in and adhere to maternity care traditions because they feel these cultural customs and practices benefit pregnant women. Not only are pregnant women educated about pregnancy care, but so may their husbands


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    Balinese is the mother tongue, which is the first language obtained from her mother or thelanguage used since birth to native Balinese. The connection of Old Javanese language withBalinese Language cannot be taken away in a cultural study that exists today. Various cases thatcan be found through the alkururat between Balinese residents and the spread of Javanesepeople who came to Bali. This can be attributed to a number of archipelago histories, includingthe sources of the collapse of the Majapahit kingdom and the culture brought to Bali, and can beattributed to the ancient Javanese language having a connection with Balinese. Based on aglimpse of the background, there are a number of problems that will be examined by formulatingthe following: (1) how is the distribution of Old Javanese language in Bali ?, (2) how is thevariety of Old Javanese languages absorbed by Balinese language ?, and (3) how the developmentof Old Javanese Language in the case of Balinese literature? Related to the study of Balineselanguage and literature in the context of Old Javanese language and literature, the followingcan be briefly presented as the results of the study as follows. (1) the spread of Old Javaneselanguage to Balinese language includes acculturation of culture brought about by the collapseof the Majapahit kingdom, so that all Old Javanese literary literature is brought to Bali, (2) thetype of absorption words used in Balinese include intralinguistic factors and extralinguisticfactors, (3) the development of Old Javanese in Balinese literature is an acculturation from OldJavanese to Balinese, and vice versa, which can be seen in literary works in the form of Gancaran,kakawin, and Palawakya

    Eugenius Marius Uhlenbeck, 1913-2003

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    The works of EM Uhlenbeck (1913-2003): an annotated bibliography

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    Eugenius Marius Uhlenbeck – Bob as he was known to his friends – was a multifacited (or many-sided) and multi-talented person. He was an accomplished scholar in the fields of Javanese language and literature and in general linguistics holding the hairs in these disciplines at Leiden University from 1950-1983 and 1958-1979 respectively. In the Netherlands and abroad he was widely acclaimed as an elder ‘statesman’. His publications reflect his rare combination of talents. I will limit myself here to brief comments about his publications on linguistics, both general and Javanese linguistics

    Sajarah Cina a Nineteenth-century Apology in Javanese

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    The sometimes precarious position of the Chinese in Indonesia has a long history. The (most probably) nineteenth-century author, Apdul Mutalip, advocated a more balanced view by pointing out some fundamental contributions the Chinese had made to the welfare of the Javanese; he also demonstrates that their presence in Java has a basis in law. Although seems like a poem in Javanese metre, his Sajarah Cina, written in Javanese, is remarkable not only for its subject matter but also for the way the material is presented, in a rhetoric unknown to exist in Javanese literature by most scholars
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