103,490 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Achieving Pregnancy with Fertility-Focused Intercourse

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    Purpose: To compare pregnancy rates when women have intercourse on self-estimated high and peak fertile days and when they only have intercourse on low fertile days during the fertile window (FW). Study Design and Methods: We used a prospective observational cohort study design. Our convenience sample included 124 women who utilized our online charting Web sites to achieve pregnancy from January 2010 to November 2012. Participants used an electronic hormonal fertility monitor (EHFM) or self-observed cervical mucus or both to determine fertility during the estimated FW. Pregnancy rates were determined with Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. Chi square analysis was used to evaluate the efficacy of achieving pregnancy between two different intercourse patterns. Results: The pregnancy rate was 87 per 100 women at 12 months when intercourse happened on high or peak days and 5 per 100 when intercourse occurred only on low days of the FW. Chi square analysis showed a greater proportion of pregnancies with intercourse on high and peak fertile days of the menstrual cycle (x2 = 40.2, p \u3c .001, df = 1). Nursing Implications: Focusing intercourse on high or peak fertile days during the estimated FW enhances the probability of achieving a desired pregnancy. Fertility awareness-based online charting system is effective in helping women to determine their FW and target intercourse accordingly to achieve pregnancy

    Effectiveness of a Natural Family Planning Service Program

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    Purpose: The aims of this study were to determine and compare extended use-effectiveness of an online nurse-managed fertility education service program among women (and subgroups of women) seeking to avoid pregnancy. Study Design and Methods: This was a 24-month prospective study of a university-based online Web site with 663 nonbreastfeeding women using an online charting system to avoid pregnancy. Participants tracked their fertility online with either cervical mucus monitoring, electronic hormonal fertility monitoring, or both fertility indicators. Unintended pregnancies were validated by professional nurses. Results: Participants had a mean age of 30.4 years (SD = 6.3) and mean 1.7 children (SD = 2.0). Among the 663 nonbreastfeeding participants there were 2 unintended pregnancies per 100 at 24 cycles of correct use and 15 pregnancies at 24 cycles of typical use. However, the 212 women using the electronic fertility monitor had a typical use unintended pregnancy rate of 6 at 24 cycles of use in comparison with the 118 women using cervical mucus monitoring that had a typical use pregnancy rate of 19 at 24 cycles and with the 333 women using both fertility indicators that had a pregnancy rate of 18 at 24 cycles of use. Clinical Implications: Use of the fertility monitor to estimate fertility among nonbreastfeeding women provides the most secure method of avoiding pregnancy

    An Emerging Population: The Chronically Critically Ill

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    Pilot Evaluation of an Internet-based Natural Family Planning Education and Service Program

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy, knowledge of fertility, and acceptability of a web-based natural family planning (NFP) education and service program. Design: A 6-month repeated measure longitudinal evaluation pilot study. Setting: A university based online website. Participants: The website was piloted with 468 volunteer women seeking NFP services. Of these participants, 222 used the automatic online fertility charting system to avoid pregnancy. The 222 charting participants had a mean age of 29.9 years (SD=5.6), 2.2 children (SD=1.9), 37% were postpartum, and 47% had regular menstrual cycle lengths. Intervention: Nurse-managed web-based NFP education and service program. Outcomes: Pregnancies were confirmed by an online self-assessed pregnancy evaluation form. A 10-item fertility quiz and 10-item acceptability survey was administered online. Results: Among the 222 users avoiding pregnancy, at 6 months of use, there were two correct-use unintended pregnancies that provided a pregnancy rate of 2% and seven total unintended pregnancies providing a typical use pregnancy rate of 7%. Mean knowledge of fertility increased significantly from time of registration (8.96, SD=1.10) to 1 month of use (9.46, SD=.10), t=4.60, pSD=8.98) to 6 months of use (48.4; SD=8.77). Conclusion: The nurse-managed online NFP system seems to provide adequate knowledge of fertility and help participants meet pregnancy intentions. Acceptability of such a system of NFP is still in question

    An assessment of failure to rescue derived from routine NHS data as a nursing sensitive patient safety indicator (report to Policy Research Programme)

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    Objectives: This study aims to assess the potential for deriving 2 mortality based failure to rescue indicators and a proxy measure, based on exceptionally long length of stay, from English hospital administrative data by exploring change in coding practice over time and measuring associations between failure to rescue and factors which would suggest indicators derived from these data are valid.Design: Cross sectional observational study of routinely collected administrative data.Setting: 146 general acute hospital trusts in England.Participants: Discharge data from 66,100,672 surgical admissions (1997 to 2009).Results: Median percentage of surgical admissions with at least one secondary diagnosis recorded increased from 26% in 1997/8 to 40% in 2008/9. The failure to rescue rate for a hospital appears to be relatively stable over time: inter-year correlations between 2007/8 and 2008/9 were r=0.92 to r=0.94. No failure to rescue indicator was significantly correlated with average number of secondary diagnoses coded per hospital. Regression analyses showed that failure to rescue was significantly associated (p<0.05) with several hospital characteristics previously associated with quality including staffing levels. Higher medical staffing (doctors + nurses) per bed and more doctors relative to the number of nurses were associated with lower failure to rescue. Conclusion: Coding practice has improved, and failure to rescue can be derived from English administrative data. The suggestion that it is particularly sensitive to nursing is not clearly supported. Although the patient population is more homogenous than for other mortality measures, risk adjustment is still required

    Bidirectional Psychoneuroimmune Interactions in the Early Postpartum Period Influence Risk of Postpartum Depression

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    More than 500,000 U.S. women develop postpartum depression (PPD) annually. Although psychosocial risks are known, the underlying biology remains unclear. Dysregulation of the immune inflammatory response and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis are associated with depression in other populations. While significant research on the contribution of these systems to the development of PPD has been conducted, results have been inconclusive. This is partly because few studies have focused on whether disruption in the bidirectional and dynamic interaction between the inflammatory response and the HPA axis together influence PPD. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that disruption in the inflammatory-HPA axis bidirectional relationship would increase the risk of PPD. Plasma pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines were measured in women during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and on Days 7 and 14, and Months 1, 2, 3, and 6 after childbirth. Saliva was collected 5 times the day preceding blood draws for determination of cortisol area under the curve (AUC) and depressive symptoms were measured using the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Survey (EPDS). Of the 152 women who completed the EPDS, 18% were depressed according to EDPS criteria within the 6 months postpartum. Cortisol AUC was higher in symptomatic women on Day 14 (p = .017). To consider the combined effects of cytokines and cortisol on predicting symptoms of PPD, a multiple logistic regression model was developed that included predictors identified in bivariate analyses to have an effect on depressive symptoms. Results indicated that family history of depression, day 14 cortisol AUC, and the day 14 IL8/IL10 ratio were significant predictors of PPD symptoms. One unit increase each in the IL8/IL10 ratio and cortisol AUC resulted in 1.50 (p = 0.06) and 2.16 (p = 0.02) fold increases respectively in the development of PPD. Overall, this model correctly classified 84.2% of individuals in their respective groups. Findings suggest that variability in the complex interaction between the inflammatory response and the HPA axis influence the risk of PPD

    Differences in Inflammatory Markers between Nulliparous Women Admitted to Hospitals in Preactive vs Active Labor

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    Objective To determine whether labor-associated inflammatory markers differ between low-risk, nulliparous women in preactive vs active labor at hospital admission and over time. Study Design Prospective comparative study of low-risk, nulliparous women with spontaneous labor onset at term (n = 118) sampled from 2 large Midwestern hospitals. Circulating concentrations of inflammatory markers were measured at admission and again 2 and 4 hours later: namely, neutrophil, and monocyte counts; and serum inflammatory cytokines (interleukin -1β, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-10) and chemokines (interleukin-8). Biomarker concentrations and their patterns of change over time were compared between preactive (n = 63) and active (n = 55) labor admission groups using Mann-Whitney U tests. Results Concentrations of interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 in the active labor admission group were significantly higher than concentrations in the preactive labor admission group at all 3 time points. Neutrophil levels were significantly higher in the active group at 2 and 4 hours after admission. The rate of increase in neutrophils and interleukin-10 between admission and 2 hours later was faster in the active group (P \u3c .001 and P = .003, respectively). Conclusion Circulating concentrations of several inflammatory biomarkers are higher and their rate of change over time since admission is faster among low-risk, nulliparous women admitted to hospitals in active labor, as compared with those admitted in preactive labor. More research is needed to determine if progressive changes in inflammatory biomarkers might be a useful adjunct to improving the assessment of labor progression and determining the optimal timing of labor admission

    Psychometric Evaluation of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale in Adults with Functional Limitations

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    Enjoyment is an important construct for understanding physical activity participation, and it has not been examined in adults with functional limitations. This secondary analysis reported the reliability and validity of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) in a convenience sample of 40 adults with functional limitations. The participants completed the PACES, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), and the Late Life Function and Disability Instrument (LLFDI) prior to beginning a 12-week feasibility dance intervention study. Results indicated reliability as Cronbach\u27s alpha was .95 and mean inter-item correlation was .52. To further support reliability, homogeneity of the instrument was evaluated using item-to-total scale correlations. Homogeneity was supported as all items had corrected item-to-total correlations greater than .30. For validity, the PACES was significantly related to only the Physical Function component of the LLFDI (r = .38, p = .02), but not the CES-D. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a 3-factor structure that accounted for 73.76% of the variance. This feasibility intervention dance study represented the first attempt to examine the psychometric properties of the PACES in adults with functional limitations. The findings demonstrate support for the scale\u27s reliability and validity among adults with functional limitations. Results are informative as further psychometric testing of the PACES is recommended using randomized clinical trials with larger sample sizes. Enjoyment for physical activity is an important construct for understanding physical activity participation in adults with functional limitations
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