8,734 research outputs found
Applying Circular Thermoeconomics for Sustainable Metal Recovery in PCB Recycling
The momentum of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is driving increased demand for certain specific metals. These include copper, silver, gold, and platinum group metals (PGMs), which have important applications in renewable energies, green hydrogen, and electronic products. However, the continuous extraction of these metals is leading to a rapid decline in their ore grades and, consequently, increasing the environmental impact of extraction. Hence, obtaining metals from secondary sources, such as waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), has become imperative for both environmental sustainability and ensuring their availability. To evaluate the sustainability of the process, this paper proposes using an exergy approach, which enables appropriate allocation among co-products, as well as the assessment of exergy losses and the use of non-renewable resources. As a case study, this paper analyzes the recycling process of waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) by disaggregating the exergy cost into renewable and non-renewable sources, employing different exergy-based cost allocation methods for the mentioned metals. It further considers the complete life cycle of metals using the Circular Thermoeconomics methodology. The results show that, when considering the entire life cycle, between 47% and 53% of the non-renewable exergy is destroyed during recycling. Therefore, delaying recycling as much as possible would be the most desirable option for minimizing the use of non-renewable resources
Thermoeconomics as a tool for the design and analysis of energy savings initiatives in buildings connected to district heating networks
District Heating (DH) is a rational way to supply heat to buildings in urban areas. This is expected to play an important role in future energy scenarios, mainly because of the possibility to recover waste heat and to integrate renewable energy sources. Even if DH is a well known technology, there are open problems to face. Some of these problems are related to tendencies to reduce design temperatures, the improvement of control strategies, connection of new users to existing networks, implementation of energy savings initiatives and the access of multiple heat producers to the same network. This paper aims to show that exergy is an appropriate quantity for the analysis of DH systems and thermoeconomics can be profitably used to improve their design and operation. Three possible applications of thermoeconomic theories are presented: variation of supply temperature along the heating season, opportunities to connect new users, effects of energy savings initiatives in buildings connected with the network
Transcritical Carbon Dioxide Charge-Discharge Energy Storage with Integration of Solar Energy
New and improved energy storage technologies are required to overcome
non-dispatchability, which is the main challenge for the successful integration of large
shares of renewable energy within energy supply systems. Energy storage is proposed to
tackle daily variations on the demand side, i.e., storing low-price energy during off-peak
or valley periods for utilization during peak periods. Regarding electrical energy storage,
several technologies are available with different potentials for scalability, density, and
cost. A recent approach for grid-scale applications is based on transcritical carbon
dioxide charge and discharge cycles in combination with thermal energy storage systems.
This alternative to pumped-hydro and compressed air energy storage has been discussed
in scientific literature, where different configurations have been proposed and their
efficiency and costs calculated. The potential of the concept has been demonstrated to be
an economical alternative, including hybrid concepts with solar thermal storage. Even at
low temperatures, the addition of solar energy has proved to be cost effective. This paper
explores the effect of introducing solar-based high temperature heat on the performance
of different configurations of “Transcritical carbon dioxide ‒ thermal energy storage
system” cycles. A base-cycle with 8-hour discharge time is compared with different
layouts. Discussions include details on the models, parametric analyses -including solar
technology alternatives-, and simulation results. Round trip efficiency of the base case,
without solar support and at pressure ratio of 9.4, is 52%. When solar input is considered,
the efficiency is above 60%, increasing the turbine inlet temperature to 950 K. Estimated
levelized cost of electricity values are in the range of pumped hydro and compressed air
energy storage, 90-140 USD/MWh in agreement with other works on this thermal storage
technology. The global analysis shows clear advantages for advancing in the study and
definition of this technology for exploitation of synergies at different power ranges,
integrated with mid/high temperature solar power plants and with smaller-scale
renewable installations.Unión Europea. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional SOE1 / P3 / P0429E
A multi evaporator desalination system operated with thermocline energy for future sustainability
All existing commercial seawater desalination processes, i.e. thermally-driven and membrane-based reverse osmosis (RO), are operated with universal performance ratios (UPR) varying up to 105, whilst the UPR for an ideal or thermodynamic limit (TL) of desalination is at 828. Despite slightly better UPRs for the RO plants, all practical desalination plants available, hitherto, operate at only less than 12% of the TL, rendering them highly energy intensive and unsustainable for future sustainability. More innovative desalination methods must be sought to meet the needs of future sustainable desalination and these methods should attain an upper UPR bound of about 25 to 30% of the TL. In this paper, we examined the efficacy of a multi-effect distillation (MED) system operated with thermocline energy from the sea; a proven desalination technology that can exploit the narrow temperature gradient of 20 °C all year round created between the warm surface seawater and the cold-seawater at depths of about 300–600 m. Such a seawater thermocline (ST)-driven MED system, simply called the ST-MED process, has the potential to achieve up to 2 folds improvement in desalination efficiency over the existing methods, attaining about 18.8% of the ideal limit. With the major energy input emanated from the renewable solar, the ST-MED is truly a “green desalination” method of low global warming potential, best suited for tropical coastal shores having bathymetry depths of 300 m or more
Sustainable use and production of energy in the 21st century
It is foreseen that oil and gas will continue to be the key energy sources in the 21st century. Therefore, it is important that oil and gas be produced in a sustainable way during the next decades. This requires technology development to ensure that the environmental impact and pollution from these activities are minimal. The following aspects are being highlighted in this paper: • Development of projects with the minimum of impact on the environment and problems for local populations. • Sustainable drilling without the use of oil-based mud, and collection of all drilling waste during offshore drilling operations in the most environmentally sensitive areas. • Treatment of produced water, sand and minerals from the well stream to avoid pollution. • Limitation of flaring to be performed only when required for safety reasons. • Continuous checking of pipelines to ensure that gas pipelines are run within their actual pressure capacity and that oil pipelines are not leaking into rivers and lakes. • Provision of sufficient storage capacity for gas to ensure timely delivery of gas during high demand peaks. • Injection of CO2 into sealed underground formations where large quantities are produced, such as at LNG factories. • Optimization of production from existing fields to avoid huge amounts of oil and gas being left in place, following a ‘hit and run’ recovery plan. Furthermore, all primary energy sources need to be converted into end-user energy services known as mechanical work, electricity, heating and cooling. In the process of conversion, only a portion of the primary energy is transformed into the new form, while the rest remains unaltered and is lost. The various forms of energy services produced represent different values or qualities, e.g. heat holds an energy quality ranging from 0 and upwards, depending on the temperature difference which is utilized, as defined by the second law of thermodynamics. Energy efficiency in this context may also be defined as the ratio between energy quality output and input. Practically, all fossil fuels are converted into energy services via combustion and heat, i.e. the conversion efficiency is solely determined by temperatures, meaning that high-energy efficiency can only be obtained at large temperature differences, such as in power generation, while ordinary domestic heating will yield a very low efficiency. Given that some 30–40 % of all fossil fuels today are used for domestic heating, representing an end-user energy quality of (say) 1/10 of what is obtained in modern power generation, there is a large potential globally for energy efficiency improvements, not to mention the associated emission reductions. The obvious solution is to pay more attention to the second law of thermodynamics, i.e. to shift from direct combustion heating to thermodynamic principles, e.g. by the use of electrical-driven heat pumps and/or combined heat and power as another alternative. The objectives of this paper are to highlight how energy production could become more effective, thus leading to a reduction in pollution to land, sea and atmosphere and also to identify how energy production should be carried out to minimize the polluting effects. The goal is to provide a reminder that much can be gained with respect to the reduction of pollution by focusing on cleaner energy production
Thermoeconomic approach for the analysis of low temperature district heating systems
In this paper a thermoeconomic analysis of district heating systems is performed. The analysis aims at comparing possible options to supply heat to the users, using low temperature networks. Thermoeconomic analysis consists a powerful tool to perform such analysis as it allows one to evaluate the possible options in terms of primary energy cost or economic costs. In the first case, the use of exergy as the quantity that is transported along the network makes it possible to properly consider the various qualities of energy that are used to supply heat to the network and to distribute it to the users. In the case of economic cost, the various cost contributions are considered: investment cost, cost of heat supplied to the network, pumping cost. A different cost can be calculated for the various users depending on their position and characteristics of the heating devices. This is a useful information in order to compare possible options for supply them hea
Analysis of the Behaviour of Biofuel-Fired Gas Turbine Power Plants
The utilisation of biofuels in gas turbines is a promising alternative to fossil fuels for power generation. It would lead to significant reduction of CO2 emissions using an existing combustion technology, although significant changes seem to be needed and further technological development is necessary. The goal of this work is to perform energy and exergy analyses of the behaviour of gas turbines fired with biogas, ethanol and synthesis gas (bio-syngas), compared with natural gas. The global energy transformation process (i.e. from biomass to electricity) has also been studied. Furthermore, the potential reduction of CO2 emissions attained by the use of biofuels has been determined, considering the restrictions regarding biomass availability. Two different simulation tools have been used to accomplish the aims of this work. The results suggest a high interest and the technical viability of the use of Biomass Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (BIGCC) systems for large scale power generation
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