184 research outputs found

    Ukazovatele daňovej a regulačnej konkurencieschopnosti: Aké daňové zaťaženie a vyvolané náklady znášajú podniky v krajinách EÚ?

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    The tax burden and induced costs of regulation may affect the competitiveness of the economy and, in the context of current digital transformation trends, determine the ability of businesses to compete in terms of digital readiness. Regulatory competitiveness is very closely linked to the quality and performance of country's public institutions. This paper examines the tax and regulatory burden on businesses in EU countries and assesses the tax and regulatory competitiveness of the business environment in these countries. The research is mainly based on an empirical analysis of secondary data. On the basis of selected indicators of the tax and regulatory burden on businesses obtained from the World Bank's database (Doing Business), we examine the situation in EU countries. We use the method of a hierarchical and nonhierarchical cluster analysis to categorize countries into relatively homogeneous groups. According to our results, Slovakia has a similar level of tax and regulatory competitiveness as the Czech Republic and Portugal. Furthermore, we evaluate Slovakia's strengths and weaknesses in international comparison. The results show, among other things, that the financial costs of administrative tasks required due to business regulations are relatively low in Slovakia. On the other hand, the time to complete administrative tasks is long and the tax burden on businesses is relatively high in Slovakia

    Vybrané aspekty riadenia ponuky v slovenských priemyselných podnikov

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    The article represents the results of empiricla study realised in Slovak industry companies. The aim is to explain the approaches of companies with different size to an offer in view of the fact that the groups of companies defined on the basis of the number of employees make possible to better qualify the relationship clientsupplier as a subset sustainable developement focused on the creation of valueoriented offer

    Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Slovak Republic

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    Purpose of the article Slovakia's accession to the EU caused an increased role for small and medium entrepreneurship in the economy and simultaneously increased the requirements for this sector of the economy in view of the high competition in the European market. At the same time small and medium-sized enterprises SR face major difficulties which adversely affect their development. In this context, it is necessary to continuously monitor the business environment for the purpose of removing obstacles to business. Methodology/methods The method of research is time series analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises SR, analysis of the structure of economic activity, synthesis of information provided by various institutions dealing with the rating business. Scientific aim The article is to examine trends in the development of small and medium enterprises in Slovakia during the year 2004 - 2009 and evaluate the current business environment of the SR. Findings The analysis shows that the number of small and medium-sized enterprises in the years 2004-2009 in Slovakia has an increasing trend. During this period, major barriers have been removed in the normative and legal acts, particularly the creation of new firms, has made tax reform introduced a flat tax on income, to adopt transparent rules on state aid to investors. Positive impact on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises have so stable macroeconomic and political situation in Slovakia. Conclusions (limits, implications etc) However, there remains a considerable number of factors that complicate their development. In particular, it is a poor law enforcement, inadequate capacity, quality and availability of credit information for efficient and safe lending, which has restricted access to bank loans, lack of qualified entrepreneurs, large scale and long term to meet the established administrative procedures, high tax and contribution burden , fee burden on businesses, the low level of protection of investors. To improve the business environment is necessary to remove these barriers

    Performance Measuring System at the Public Administration Company

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    Import 04/11/2015Cieľom diplomovej práce bolo vytvoriť návrh systému merania výkonnosti pre Regionálnu veterinárnu a potravinovú správu v Čadci. Po analýze organizácie implementujeme systém merania výkonnosti pomocou softvérového nástroja ATTIS. V softvérovom prostredí ATTIS vymodelujeme organizačnú štruktúru, procesné modely a model riadenia podľa cieľov, v ktorom sú definované meracie metriky a strategické ciele spoločnosti. Po nameraní hodnôt vytvoríme karty zamestnancov a zhodnotíme výsledky.The purpose of this paper is to create a proposal for a performance measurement system for the Regional Veterinary and Food Administration in Čadca. After the analysis of the organization, a performance measurement system will be implemented through ATTIS software tool. Organizational structure, process models and goal based management system, in which measurement techniques and strategic goals of company are defined, will be established in software environment of ATTIS system. After the measurements are completed, employee files will be created and results will be evaluated.157 - Katedra systémového inženýrstvívýborn

    Business Plan for KriVer, Ltd.

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    Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá vytvorením novej podnikatežskej činnosti vo firme. Práca stanovuje pre novú podnikatežskú činnosť podnikatežský plán s najlepšie zvolenou marketingovou stratégiou, čím chce zvýšiť prosperitu firmy.This bachelor´s thesis deal with establishment of a new business activity in a company. This project determines business plan with the best selected marketing strategy for establishing new business activity that is aimed at enhancing the prosperity of company.

    Teze habilitační práce

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    Manažment rizík malých a stredných podnikov je aktuálnou témou, ktorou sa zaoberá ako odborná, tak i vedecká verejnosť najmä z dôvodu nejednotnosti a roztrieštenosti metodík a štandardov v oblasti manažmentu rizík. V spojitosti s klastrovou spoluprácou sa ponúka priestor pre rozpracovanie tejto problematiky v novej, málo preskúmanej a čiastočne rozpracovanej oblasti. Identifikácia zdrojov rizík, ktoré malé a stredné podniku môžu očakávať v prípade ich zapojenia sa do klastrovej spolupráce predstavuje významný prínos ako z hľadiska teórie, tak i praxe. Predkladaná habilitiačná práca formou vedeckej monografie skúma hlavné zdroje rizík ovplyvňujúce aktivity malých a stredných podnikov v hospodárskych podmienkach Slovenskej republiky a v prípade ich zapojenia do klastrovej spolupráce. Hlavným cieľom habilitačnej práce predkladanej formou vedeckej monografie je identifikovať štruktúru rizikových faktorov ovplyvňujúcich záujem malých a stredných podnikov zapojiť sa do klastrovej spolupráce, čomu zodpovedá štruktúra práce. V teoretickej rovine habilitačná práca predkladaná formou vedeckej monografie poskytuje rozšírenie diskusie teoretických prístupov ku kategorizácii rizík a ich zdrojov, ktoré sa vyskytujú v praxi malých a stredných podnikov. Teoretický, ale i praktický rámec rozširuje habilitačná práca publikovoaná formou vedeckej monografie v oblasti fenoménu klastrovania s aplikáciou na Slovenskú republiku a s ohľadom na možné riziká súvisiace s touto spoluprácou. V praktickej rovine je najcennejším prínosom identifikácia šiestich základných kategórií rizík a ich zdrojov vyskytujúcich sa v bežnej praxi malých a stredných podnikov a štyri rizikové faktory ovplyvňujúce rozhodnutie malých a stredných podnikov vstúpiť do klastra, z ktorých je následne zostavený katalóg rizík.The risk management of small and medium-sized enterprises is a current topic, which is at the center of the attention of both professional and scientific communities, mainly due to the inconsistency and fragmentation of the methodologies and standards of risk management. In connection with cluster cooperation, there is a research gap for the development of this issue in a new, little-explored, and partially developed area. The identification of risk sources that small and medium-sized enterprises can anticipate in case of their connection into cluster cooperation, is a significant benefit in terms of both theory and practice. The presented habilitation thesis presented in a form of a scientific monograph examines the main sources of risks affecting the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the economic conditions of the Slovak Republic and in the case of their connection in the cluster cooperation. The main aim of this habilitation thesis presented in a form of a scientific monograph is to identify the structure of risk factors affecting the interest of small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in cluster cooperation, to which the structure of the scientific monograph corresponds. At the theoretical level, the habilitation thesis presented in a form of a scientific monograph provides an extension of the discussion of theoretical approaches to the categorization of risks and their sources, which occur in the practice of small and medium-sized enterprises. The habilitation thesis extends the theoretical, as well as the practical framework, in the field of the phenomenon of clustering with the application in the Slovak Republic and with regard to possible risks related to this cooperation. At the practical level, the most valuable contribution is the identification of six basic categories of risks and their sources occurring in the common practice of small and medium-sized enterprises and four risk factors influencing the decision of small and medium-sized enterprises to join the cluster. From the identified risks the risk catalog is subsequently compiled

    Európska susedská politika a vzťahy Ukrajiny s EÚ

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    Ukrajina dlhodobo prejavuje záujem o vstup do Európskej únie, ale EÚ nie je momentálne pripravená ponúknuť Ukrajine perspektívu členstva. Ukrajina zatiaľ nie je schopná splniť kodanské kritériá. Okrem toho by mala táto krajina podľa koncepcie EÚ zostať aj naďalej mimo jej štruktúr v rámci tzv. kruhu priateľov – Európska susedská politika (EdP - European Neighborhood Policy). Táto politika pripravuje cestu pre voľný obchod, hospodársku pomoc, intenzívnejší politický dialóg a lepšie osobné kontakty.Európska únia, spolupráca, Európska susedská politika, Ukrajina, akčný plán

    Analysis of a Company and its Competitiveness in the Manufacturing Industry

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá analýzou vybraného podniku a zhodnotením jeho konkurencieschopnosti v spracovateľskom odvetví. Je rozdelená na teoretickú časť s definovaním pojmov a metód, a praktickú časť, v ktorej sú definície použité a postupy realizované. Bezprostrednou súčasťou analyzovania konkurencieschopnosti podniku, je jeho strategická analýza, ktorej cieľom je rozobrať vplyvy podnikového prostredia na chod a budúci vývoj podniku. Tieto vplyvy sú vyhodnotené pomocou analýzy makroprostredia PEST analýzou, mezoprostredia Porterovou analýzou 5 konkurenčných síl a mikroprostredia finančnou analýzou. Po vyhodnotení týchto vplyvov je podnik aj so svojimi konkurentami porovnávaný s priemernými hodnotami odvetvia v Spider analýze. Všetky výstupy z prevedených analýz sú aplikované vo SWOT analýze, z ktorej bol vygenerovaný vhodný typ stratégie. Podľa tohto typu stratégie boli v závere práce navrhnuté odporúčania pre podnik a jeho majiteľov, ktoré majú pomôcť zlepšiť postavenie podniku na trhu.The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of a selected company and the evaluation of its competitiveness in the manufacturing industry. It is divided into a theoretical part with the definition of concepts and procedures as a basis for the second, practical part, in which the definitions and the procedures are implemented. An immediate part of the analysis of a company's competitiveness is its strategic analysis, the aim of which is to analyze the effects of the business environment on the operation and future development of the company. These effects are evaluated using an external analysis of the macroenvironment by PEST analysis, the mesoenvironment by Porter's 5 forces analysis and the microenvironment by financial analysis. After evaluating these effects, the company and its competitors are compared with the average values of the industry in the Spider analysis. All outputs from the performed analyses are applied into the SWOT analysis from which the strategy was generated. According to the strategy, at the end of the work, proposals and recommendations were defined for the company and its owners, which are to help improve the company's position in the market.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávýborn

    Assessment Competency in Firm Gufero - Tomin

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá kompetenciami ludí, ktorí sa podielajú na chode firmy. Práca na teoretickom základe rozoberá stanovenie kompetencií, ich členenie podla druhu a rolí aké sa vo firme nachádzajú. Rozoberá a zvažuje stratégiu, ako základný odrazový bod pre formuláciu firemných cielov a s nimi súvisiacich úloh, ktorých výkon je podstatou pridelených kompetencií. Praktická časť sa zaoberá analýzou prostredia daného podniku za účelom určenia oblasti, ktorá v podniku vytvára úzke miesto a snaží sa tento problém vyriešiť zavedením vhodných kompetencií.This diploma thesis deals with competencies of people who participate on a company running. The determination of these competencies and their dividing according to their types and roles that occur in the company are analyzed at the theoretical level. The work examines and studies strategy being the basic reference point for the formulation of the company’s targets and tasks related to them, accomplishment of which is the foundation of the assigned competencies. The practical part of the thesis deals with analysis of an actual company’s environment with the main purpose of determining the particular area of the enterprise which creates a narrowed place and tries to solve this problem by establishing the appropriate competencies.

    Evaluation of Competitiveness of the Selected Company Operating in the Construction Industry

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá konkurencieschopnosťou vybraného podniku pôsobiaceho v stavebnom odvetví. Cieľom je zhodnotiť konkurencieschopnosť stavebného podniku na základe vybraných metód a navrhnúť odporúčania pre zlepšenie celkovej pozície na trhu. V prvej časti diplomovej práce sa nachádza úvod a teoretická časť, ktorá sa zaoberá teoretickými poznatkami o podniku, konkurencií a vysvetľuje metódy hodnotenia konkurencieschopnosti. Praktická časť je venovaná predstaveniu analyzovaného podniku a aplikáciou konkrétnych metód. Z radov rôznych metód boli vybrané analýzy, ako PEST analýza, Porterov model piatich konkurenčných síl, Pollakov model životaschopnosti podniku, VRIO analýza, finančná analýza, Spider analýza a SWOT analýza. Na základe zistených skutočností a poznatkov sa v závere diplomovej práce nachádzajú odporúčania pre podnik, ktoré by mali viesť k zlepšeniu konkurenčnej pozície na trhu.The diploma thesis deals with the competitiveness of a selected company operating in the construction industry. The aim is to evaluate the competitiveness of the construction company based on selected methods and to propose recommendations for improving the overall market position. The first part of the thesis contains an introduction and a theoretical part, which deals with theoretical knowledge about the company and its competitors, as well as explains the methods of evaluating competitiveness. The practical part is devoted to the introduction of the analysed company and the application of specific methods. Analyses were selected from several different methods, such as PEST analysis, Porter's five forces, Pollak's model of vitality, VRIO analysis, financial analysis, Spider analysis and SWOT analysis. Based on the findings and knowledge, the conclusion of the thesis contains recommendations for the company, which should lead to improving its competitive position in the market.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávýborn