32,964 research outputs found
Meeting the need for effective and standardized neonatology training: a pan-European Master’s Curriculum
Neonatology is a pediatric sub-discipline focused on providing care for newborn infants, including healthy newborns, those born prematurely, and those who present with illnesses or malformations requiring medical care. The European Training Requirements (ETR) in Neonatology provide a framework for standardized quality and recognition of equality of training throughout Europe. The latest ETR version was approved by the Union of European Medical Specialists (UEMS) in April 2021. Here, we present the curriculum of the European School of Neonatology Master of Advanced Studies (ESN MAS), which is based on the ETR in Neonatology and aims to provide a model for effective and standardized training and education in neonatal medicine. We review the history and theory that form the foundation of contemporary medical education and training, provide a literature review on best practices for medical training, pediatric training, and neonatology training specifically, including educational frameworks and evidence-based systems of evaluation. The ESN MAS Curriculum is then evaluated in light of these best practices to define its role in meeting the need for a standardized empirically supported neonatology training curriculum for physicians, and in the future for nurses, to improve the quality of neonatal care for all infants. Impact statement: A review of the neonatology training literature was conducted, which concluded that there is a need for standardized neonatology training across international contexts to keep pace with growth in the field and rapidly advancing technology. This article presents the European School of Neonatology Master of Advanced Studies in Neonatology, which is intended to provide a standardized training curriculum for pediatricians and nurses seeking sub-specialization in neonatology. The curriculum is evaluated in light of best practices in medical education, neonatology training, and adult learning theory
Neonatologie/Pädiatrie – Leitlinie Parenterale Ernährung, Kapitel 13
There are special challenges in implementing parenteral nutrition (PN) in paediatric patients, which arises from the wide range of patients, ranging from extremely premature infants up to teenagers weighing up to and over 100 kg, and their varying substrate requirements. Age and maturity-related changes of the metabolism and fluid and nutrient requirements must be taken into consideration along with the clinical situation during which PN is applied. The indication, the procedure as well as the intake of fluid and substrates are very different to that known in PN-practice in adult patients, e.g. the fluid, nutrient and energy needs of premature infants and newborns per kg body weight are markedly higher than of older paediatric and adult patients. Premature infants <35 weeks of pregnancy and most sick term infants usually require full or partial PN. In neonates the actual amount of PN administered must be calculated (not estimated). Enteral nutrition should be gradually introduced and should replace PN as quickly as possible in order to minimise any side-effects from exposure to PN. Inadequate substrate intake in early infancy can cause long-term detrimental effects in terms of metabolic programming of the risk of illness in later life. If energy and nutrient demands in children and adolescents cannot be met through enteral nutrition, partial or total PN should be considered within 7 days or less depending on the nutritional state and clinical conditions.Eine besondere Herausforderung bei der Durchführung parenteraler Ernährung (PE) bei pädiatrischen Patienten ergibt sich aus der großen Spannbreite zwischen den Patienten, die von extrem unreifen Frühgeborenen bis hin zu Jugendlichen mit einem Körpergewicht von mehr als 100 kg reicht, und ihrem unterschiedlichen Substratbedarf. Dabei sind alters- und reifeabhängige Veränderungen des Stoffwechsels sowie des Flüssigkeits- und Nährstoffbedarfs zu berücksichtigen sowie auch die klinische Situation, in der eine PE eingesetzt wird. Das Vorgehen unterscheidet sich deshalb ganz erheblich von der PE-Praxis bei erwachsenen Patienten, z.B. ist der Flüssigkeits-, Nährstoff- und Energiebedarf von Früh- und Neugeborenen pro kg Körpergewicht höher als bei älteren pädiatrischen und bei erwachsenen Patienten. In der Regel benötigen alle Frühgeborenen <35. SSW und alle kranken Reifgeborenen während der Phase des allmählichen Aufbaus der enteralen Nahrungszufuhr eine vollständige oder partielle PE. Die Zufuhrmengen der PE bei Neonaten müssen berechnet (nicht geschätzt) werden. Der Anteil der PE sollte zur Minimierung von Nebenwirkungen sobald wie möglich durch Einführung einer enteralen Ernährung vermindert (teilparenterale Ernährung) und schließlich komplett durch enterale Ernährung abgelöst werden. Eine unangemessene Substratzufuhr im frühen Säuglingsalter kann langfristig nachteilige Auswirkungen im Sinne einer metabolischen Programmierung des Krankheitsrisikos im späteren Lebensalter haben. Wenn bei älteren Kindern und Jugendlichen dagegen der Energie- und Nährstoffbedarf eines Patienten im Vorschul- oder Schulalter durch eine enterale Nährstoffzufuhr nicht gedeckt werden kann, ist abhängig von Ernährungszustand und klinischen Umständen spätestens innerhalb von 7 Tagen eine partielle oder totale PE zu erwägen
Diversity and Distributed Agency in the Design and Use ofMedical Video-Communication Technologies
Randomized crossover comparison of proportional assist ventilation and patient-triggered ventilation in extremely low birth weight infants with evolving chronic lung disease
Background: Refinement of ventilatory techniques remains a challenge given the persistence of chronic lung disease of preterm infants. Objective: To test the hypothesis that proportional assist ventilation ( PAV) will allow to lower the ventilator pressure at equivalent fractions of inspiratory oxygen (FiO(2)) and arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation in ventilator-dependent extremely low birth weight infants in comparison with standard patient-triggered ventilation ( PTV). Methods: Design: Randomized crossover design. Setting: Two level-3 university perinatal centers. Patients: 22 infants ( mean (SD): birth weight, 705 g ( 215); gestational age, 25.6 weeks ( 2.0); age at study, 22.9 days ( 15.6)). Interventions: One 4- hour period of PAV was applied on each of 2 consecutive days and compared with epochs of standard PTV. Results: Mean airway pressure was 5.64 ( SD, 0.81) cm H2O during PAV and 6.59 ( SD, 1.26) cm H2O during PTV ( p < 0.0001), the mean peak inspiratory pressure was 10.3 ( SD, 2.48) cm H2O and 15.1 ( SD, 3.64) cm H2O ( p < 0.001), respectively. The FiO(2) ( 0.34 (0.13) vs. 0.34 ( 0.14)) and pulse oximetry readings were not significantly different. The incidence of arterial oxygen desaturations was not different ( 3.48 ( 3.2) vs. 3.34 ( 3.0) episodes/ h) but desaturations lasted longer during PAV ( 2.60 ( 2.8) vs. 1.85 ( 2.2) min of desaturation/ h, p = 0.049). PaCO2 measured transcutaneously in a subgroup of 12 infants was similar. One infant met prespecified PAV failure criteria. No adverse events occurred during the 164 cumulative hours of PAV application. Conclusions: PAV safely maintains gas exchange at lower mean airway pressures compared with PTV without adverse effects in this population. Backup conventional ventilation breaths must be provided to prevent apnea-related desaturations. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Base
Acquired heart block: A possible complication of patent ductus arteriosus in a preterm infant
A large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a frequently encountered clinical problem in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants. It leads to an increased pulmonary blood flow and in a decreased or reversed diastolic flow in the systemic circulation, resulting in complications. Here we report a possible complication of PDA not previously published. On day 8 of life, a male ELBW infant (birth weight 650 g) born at a gestational age of 23 weeks and 3 days developed an atrioventricular block (AV block). The heart rate dropped from 168/min to 90/min, and the ECG showed a Wenckebach second-degree AV block and intraventricular conduction disturbances. Echocardiography demonstrated a PDA with a large left-to-right shunt and large left atrium and left ventricle with high contractility. Within several minutes after surgical closure of the PDA, the heart rate increased, and after 30 min the AV block had improved to a 1: 1 conduction ratio. Echocardiography after 2 h revealed a significant decrease of the left ventricular and atrial dimensions. Within 12 h, the AV block completely reversed together with the intraventricular conduction disturbances. We suggest that PDA with a large left-to-right shunt and left ventricular volume overload may lead to an AV block in an ELBW infant. Surgical closure of the PDA may be indicated. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel
Neonatology. Introduction
Навчальний посібник містить інформацію про основні принципи догляду за новонародженими дітьми, перехідні умови та годування немовлят, основні принципи реанімації новонароджених. Для англомовних студентів вищих навчальних закладів III-IV рівнів акредитації, аспірантів, неонатологів, сімейних лікарів, педіатрів, терапевтів, акушерів та гінекологів.This study guide contains information about basic principles of care of newborn babies, transitory conditions and feeding of infants, main principles of neonatal resuscitation.
For English-speaking students of higher educational institutions of III–IV levels of accreditation, postgraduates, neonatologists, family physicians, pediatricians, internists, obstetricians and gynecologists
Clinical trials in neonates: ethical issues
Clinical trials in neonatology often raise complex ethical problems. This paper suggests that in tackling these it is useful to identify and separate out those elements of the problem that are genuinely ethical (e.g. can I enter a child into a trial if I am not in personal equipoise?) from those that are empirical (e.g. what is the evidence for a treatment's effectiveness?) and those that are formal (e.g. what do codes or the law permit?) The genuinely ethical elements are examples of philosophical problems and must be tackled in a way appropriate to such problems. In practice this usually means some form of systematic argument. This is often frustrating to clinicians who are more used to the assuredness of empirical research. The paper next examines two ethical problems that arise frequently in neonatal trials. The first is equipoise and the related issue of recruiting parents who are not in equipoise because they strongly desire that their baby get the active treatment. We briefly defend the recruitment of such "desperate volunteers". The second is informed consent. We discuss the nature and value of informed consent and suggest that clinicians can often obtain worthwhile consent even in very difficult trials. The final section of the paper uses the example of clinical trials for brain injury to illustrate the difficulties.</p
Modelling of heat and mass transfer processes in neonatology
This paper reviews some of our recent applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to model heat and mass transfer problems in neonatology and investigates the major heat and mass transfer mechanisms taking place in medical devices such as incubators and oxygen hoods. This includes novel mathematical developments giving rise to a supplementary model, entitled Infant Heat Balance Module, which has been fully integrated with the CFD solver and its graphical interface. The numerical simulations are validated through comparison tests with experimental results from the medical literature. It is shown that CFD simulations are very flexible tools that can take into account all modes of heat transfer in assisting neonatal care and the improved design of medical devices
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