5,822 research outputs found


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    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic brought a major shift in the delivery of instruction. Parents and learners were caught unprepared for this situation. As such, this study aimed to describe the experiences of parents and learners in modular learning. Following a phenomenological approach, 10 parents and 30 learners from the Schools Division of the City of Batac underwent unstructured interviews via home visits, phone calls, and messenger calls. It adopted the Hycner transcription analysis methodology for the data analysis. Findings revealed that parentsā€™ experiences could be described along four themes: multiple roles, learning management challenges, home learning strategies, and support systems. Meanwhile, learnersā€™ experiences were revealed by these four themes: learning preferences, learning struggles, learning strategies, and learning support. Interestingly, these experiences magnify the need for attention to shared responsibility, understanding, cooperation, commitment, and compassion for modular learning to succeed in the context of a pandemic. Furthermore, the findings could serve as a basis for providing comprehensive and inclusive educational policies that facilitate the adjustments of learners and parents in a new learning setup. As such, schools can create and implement more adoptive, relevant, and inclusive institutional plans, projects, activities, and programs for the attainment of optimum learning gains. &nbsp

    Impact of Unprepared Competence and Difficulty in Competence of Mathematics Teachers During Online Learning

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the form of teacher readiness and difficulty when implementing the mathematics curriculum in high school, measured from four teacher competency assessments. Schools in Indonesia are still 50% learning from home until 2022, this situation has an impact on the achievement of student learning outcomes. In 2020, the ministry conducted a survey of 4000 students and the results of the survey and out of 100% of the participants, 58% were of the opinion that online learning was ineffective, 38% lacked attention from the teacher, 35% had poor communication, 62% had poor internet access, and 80% had difficulty learning mathematics online. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The technique of collecting data is by means of field observations, interviews and collecting documentary evidence. Data analysis techniques by presenting data, data reduction and intersecting data are drawn into conclusions. The number of people who were observed was 2 with a total of 58 and 13 people interviewed sources. Findings, difficulties arise from unprepared pedagogic competence and professional competence. Teachers have no self-constructed modules, difficulty writing symbols and mathematical proofs online. Students provide an assessment of teacher competence online, from 100% of respondents 80% disagree with pedagogic and 90% disagree with professional competence. This is due to the lack of readiness of the two competencies. In conclusion, online learning is expected by students and teachers to have their own modules. Students argue that the teacher's difficulties when writing symbols, providing examples of questions and proving mathematical formulas can be written in modules and modules can be given to students to study at home

    Undergraduate studentsā€™ modular experiences in learning mathematics in the new normal education

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    The modular approach has been proven to be an effective tool in mathematics learning. However, this approach presents challenges regarding studentsā€™ learning. Hence, this study was conducted to determine and compare the modular experiences of 55 Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Math students of Eastern Samar State University (ESSU) Salcedo based on gender, age, and year level. The study utilized a descriptive-comparative design and a survey questionnaire. Percentage, mean, t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to treat the data. The study revealed that respondents were satisfied with their modular experience in learning mathematics in the new normal education. Specifically, the respondents rated their experience satisfactory in good teaching, high in clear outcomes, manageable in appropriate workload, moderate in appropriate assessment, and average in generic skills. Furthermore, the study found a significant difference in good teaching, clear outcomes, appropriate workload, appropriate assessment, generic skills, and satisfaction with modular learning across the respondentsā€™ year level, but insignificant across age and gender. Based on the findings, it is recommended that teachers should attend intensive seminars and training on current trends in math teaching and module development. Modulesā€™ quality must be improved considering the workload, assessment, outcomes, and skills development

    Distance Learning During COVID-19: Lived Experiences of Struggling Students in Mathematics

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    Abstract: Distance Learning During COVID-19: Lived Experiences of Struggling Students in Mathematics. Objectives: The research looked at the experiences of struggling students in mathematics during distance learning amidst the pandemic. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were utilized as part of the studys phenomenological interpretive research design. Non-probability sampling technique was used to select six students to interview for the collection of raw data. Thematic analysis was used to record and examine transcripts. Findings: Four developing themes that were summed up into CLAS (Content, structure, assessment of self-learning modules and instructional materials, Learning environment, Accessibility of modality, and Support system) were recognized which describe the struggling students experiences in time of pandemic. Conclusion: According to one conclusion, problems with operationalization and learning delivery continue to be barriers, and modular distance learning is not appropriate for all types of students due to a number of factors.Keywords: modular distance learning, mathematics learning, phenomenological research.Abstrak: Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Selama COVID-19: Pengalaman Hidup Siswa yang Berjuang di Bidang Matematika. Tujuan: Penelitian ini melihat pengalaman siswa yang bergelut di bidang matematika selama pembelajaran jarak jauh di tengah pandemi. Metode: Wawancara semi-terstruktur digunakan sebagai bagian dari desain penelitian interpretatif fenomenologis studi. Teknik non-probability sampling digunakan untuk memilih enam siswa yang akan diwawancarai untuk pengumpulan data mentah. Analisis tematik digunakan untuk merekam dan memeriksa transkrip. Temuan: Empat tema pengembangan yang diringkas menjadi CLAS (Isi, struktur, penilaian modul dan bahan ajar mandiri, Lingkungan belajar, Aksesibilitas modalitas, dan Sistem pendukung) diakui yang menggambarkan pengalaman siswa berjuang di masa pandemi. Kesimpulan: masalah operasionalisasi dan penyampaian pembelajaran terus menjadi hambatan, dan pembelajaran jarak jauh modular tidak sesuai untuk semua jenis siswa karena sejumlah faktor.Kata kunci: pembelajaran jarak jauh modular, pembelajaran matematika, penelitian fenomenologi.Kata kunci: pembelajaran jarak jauh modular, pembelajaran matematika, penelitian fenomenologi.Ā DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v13.i2.20234

    Research and Development of Asynchronous Online Learning Module for Computer Programming

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    Asynchronous online lesson is a learning solution during the Covid19 outbreak in maintaining social distancing and supporting student learning needs and the quality of learning.  However, in overcoming and minimizing the weaknesses of asynchronous online learning, the best strategy is to carry out the Research and Development (R&D) of the online learning module. Therefore, this study aims to develop a learning product and evaluate the weaknesses and shortcomings of computer learning modules before being used in authentic learning.  The R&D product in this study combines qualitative and non-parametric and parametric inferential quantitative research methods. The study concludes that learning asynchronous online computer programming definitely achieves better results when online teaching materials are equipped with text, audio, pointers, discussion forums, and animated images. Each flowchart in asynchronous online computer programming learning is desired by students to be equipped with its coding into the programming language. Most students, up to 50%, strongly agree that asynchronous online learning is combined with face-to-face classroom learning methods. Most students argued that asynchronous online education of computer programming is as effective as conventional classroom teaching. Besides that, the finding concluded that the prototype of asynchronous learning R&D product for computer programming subjects proved to have a good impact on student learning outcomes

    Problem-based learning in the online flipped classroom: Its impact on statistical literacy skills

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    This study aimed to improve students' literacy skills in carrying out distance learning and examine the effect of problem-based learning in reverse online classes on statistical literacy skills in distance learning. This research was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic at Prisma University and Manado State University with 198 students taking statistical methods courses. A quantitative approach to quasi-experimental research was used. The instruments used are written tests and video-based projects with relevant entrepreneurship questions. Data was collected through pre- and post-tests, then analyzed using a two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and an independent sample t-test. The results showed that problem-based learning in reverse online classes positively affected statistical literacy skills in distance learning. In addition, positive responses from students working on statistical projects in entrepreneurship were found. This may be observed from the perceptions of students who show high satisfaction with the assignment in the field of entrepreneurship in this study. Furthermore, the results of this study confirm that student involvement is a critical element in implementing distance learning

    Analysis of E-Module Development Needs on the Topic of Quantity and Units at High Schools in Payakumbuh

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    This study has the aim of analyzing the responses of physics teachers and students to the need for developing e-modules on the amount and units of material at the SMA Negeri in Payakumbuh City. This research is part of the R & D research with the ADDIE model but is only limited to the needs analysis stage using quantitative methods. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with data samples, namely 8 physics teachers and 250 students in 5 high schools during the covid-19 pandemic. Data collection techniques used are interviews, questionnaires and observation. The instrument used is a questionnaire on the need for e-module development for physics students and teachers. The results of this study indicate that the instruments used are valid and reliable and show that physics teachers and students strongly agree that the e-module material on quantities and units really needs to be developed to support effective online learning. Different from previous research, the update of this research was carried out in all public high schools in Payakumbuh City and focused on physics subject matter of quantities and units. This research contributes to educational practitioners so that they can develop an e-module teaching material product of magnitude and unit material for students


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    The shift from conventional, face-to-face classroom teaching to distance education is a complex process that brings various challenges. To better understand the impact of this transition, the researchers examined the perceptions of secondary science teachers (nĀ =Ā 42) and students (nĀ =Ā 137). Specifically, the study focused on evaluating learner-centered, action-oriented, and transformative learning ā€“ referred to as LCAOT learning ā€“ in science distance education. The researchers developed a 26-item, 4-point Likert scale questionnaire that was distributed online to the target respondents. Additionally, the researchers interviewed teachers and students and analyzed various documents, such as self-learning modules and learnersā€™ activity sheets, to triangulate the survey data. The findings revealed that the principles of LCAOT learning were apparent in science distance education and exemplified through tools such as the Know, Want to Know, and Learned charts and personal journals. The study also revealed that teachers and students faced challenges during the transition to distance education, including inadequate equipment and poor internet connectivity. However, they responded to these challenges by using various means of communication, collaborating with peers, and exploring new roles and identities. The researchers recommend using the developed instrument and continuing to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategies employed in distance education in science, as well as further studies on the impact of LCAOT learning on studentsā€™ academic achievement

    Research Profile of Inquiry on Physics Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to analyze the application of inquest model learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research method reviewed literature and research articles as many as 15 articles that met the criteria both nationally and internationally which included inquiry models and physics learning when the pandemic was used in this research. Data collection is done indirectly and in the form of secondary data. The results showed that 1) The application of the inquiry learning model during the COVID-19 pandemic in improving students' understanding and critical and creative thinking skills increased significantly. 2) The use of online learning tools based on inquiry learning models shows an increase in students' understanding of concepts and critical thinking skills. 3) Online learning tools are categorized as feasible for use in physics learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. 4) It takes a long time to implement the inquiry learning model as long as online learning media, especially e-modules, have not met the demands of 21st century learnin

    The barriers in the implementation of mathematics learning for slow learner during the COVID-19

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    Slow learners also carry out the implementation of online learning at inclusive elementary schools. Online learning conditions are different from face-to-face learning, and it becomes a challenge for teachers to deliver mathematics learning for slow learner students. Learning mathematics is a learning that is considered difficult by slow learner students. It is because slow learner students have limited cognitive abilities and understanding of symbols, abstracts, and concepts. This study aimed to determine the obstacles in the implementation of mathematics learning, which includes the planning, implementation, and assessment stages for slow learner students at inclusive elementary schools. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach, and the subjects were ten inclusive elementary school class teachers in Sleman. The data were collected by interview and analyzed with the help of Atlas.ti software. Based on the analysis results, teachers experienced barriers in implementing online learning. The teacher experienced barriers in planning learning media and limited learning resources specifically for slow learner students at the planning stage. The most significant barriers come from the students' condition at the implementation stage, and another barrier comes from parents and teachers. Furthermore, the barriers in the assessment stage included the limitations of distance and time, the validity of the answers, student independence, and decreased enthusiasm of students for working
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