6 research outputs found

    A Quasi-Global Presentation of TIROS III Radiation Data

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    The TIROS III meteorological satellite was equipped with a five-channel medium resolution radiometer to measure the reflected solar radiation as well as the infrared emission of the earth-atmosphere system in five different spectral regions (Reference 1). According to the initial design of this radiation experiment, one of the most useful applications of the infrared measurements was to be the derivation of day and nighttime cloudiness from Channel 2, which was sensitive within the atmospheric "window" region (8 to 12 microns). Several authors already have demonstrated and discussed the principal usefulness of these data for this particular purpose (References 2, 3, and 4). This present study was performed to investigate and demonstrate the utility of the TIROS radiation data for global synoptic analyses

    Investigation of atmospheric properties based upon evaluation of infrared radiation data obtained from tiros satellites final report

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    Atmospheric properties based upon evaluation of infrared radiation data from TIROS III SATELLIT

    The interpretation of TIROS radiation data for practical use in synoptic weather analysis

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    Interpretation of TIROS III radiation data to demonstrate practical applications in synoptic weather analyse

    A catalog of NASA special publications

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    A list of all of the special publications released by NASA are presented. The list includes scientific and technical books covering a wide variety of topics, including much of the agencies research and development work, its full range of space exploration programs, its work in advancing aeronautics technology, and many associated historical and managerial efforts. A total of 1200 titles are presented

    GLY - GOF

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    OnLine Card Catalogue drawer 0149 (GLY - GOF). 1460 cards


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    OnLine Card Catalogue drawer 0407 (UNITED STATES, DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE - UNITED STATES, NAT. MONETARY). 1346 cards