22,183 research outputs found

    Methodological Approaches to Modeling Information Architecture of the Organization in the Conditions of Digital Economy

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    It is significant for businesses, especially in the digital economy, the solution of theoretical and methodological justifications and the development of practical recommendations for building an organization\u27s information architecture as a holistic description of its key strategies, related to business, information, application systems and technologies, and also their impact on the functions and business processes of an organization. The article discusses issues, related to methodological approaches to modeling an organization\u27s information architectureб using information management tools to help manage innovation in information systems (IS) and information technologies (IT). The relevance of organizational provisions to determine the way, in which a business entity\u27s business model is functionally integrated with the IS architecture is substantiated. The consideration and analysis of the use of industrial standards for describing the architecture of an organization, adopted by such institutions as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), The Open Group, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), etc. reveal that none of these standards is dominant and does not provide teams, responsible for the architecture development with all the tools, necessary from the methodological point of view and from the point of view of the templates, used to describe the architecture. Recommendations are given on the theoretical and methodological substantiation and construction of the information architecture of an organization as a complete description of its key strategies related to business, information, application systems and technologies, as well as their impact on the functions and business processes of an organization

    Issues of shaping the students’ professional and terminological competence in science area of expertise in the sustainable development era

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    The paper deals with the problem of future biology teachers’ vocational preparation process and shaping in them of those capacities that contribute to the conservation and enhancement of our planet’s biodiversity as a reflection of the leading sustainable development goals of society. Such personality traits are viewed through the prism of forming the future biology teachers’ professional and terminological competence. The main aspects and categories that characterize the professional and terminological competence of future biology teachers, including terminology, nomenclature, term, nomen and term element, have been explained. The criteria and stages of shaping the future biology teachers’ professional and terminological competence during the vocational training process have been fixed. Methods, techniques, technologies, guiding principles and forms of staged work on the forming of an active terminological dictionary of students have been described and specified. The content of the distant special course “Latin. Botanical Terminology”, which provides training for future teachers to study the professional subjects and to understand of international scientific terminology, has been presented. It is concluded that the proper level of formation of the future biology teachers’ professional and terminological competence will eventually ensure the qualitative preparation of pupils for life in a sustainable development era

    Marketing management in urban passenger transportation innovations

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    Purpose: This main aim of the article is to explore possible approaches to innovation marketing management by the example of urban passenger transportation. Design/Methodology/Approach: In modern conditions with the digitalization of the economy enterprises that provide transportation services are aimed at managing through artificial intelligence. Modern transport depends on the preferences of the population, based on philosophy of automation, intellectualization while at the same time is focused on the quality of transportation, elimination of losses and cost reduction. The specifics of marketing activities in the urban passenger transportation market is of particular importance in this study, taking into account the formation of the marketing innovation toolkit in the urban passenger transportation market under these specifics. Findings: A model for innovational marketing management in the urban passenger transportation sector was developed and justified, which includes six key innovation management blocks based on marketing functions: research, forecasting, information, organizational, advertising and practice. Practical implications: In practice, it is about creating a concept necessary for the provision of transport services for passengers transportation, based on the use of innovational marketing. The basic directions for the introduction of innovations at the enterprises of urban passenger transport are proposed. Originality/value: In the field of urban passenger transportation in the digital economy, new opportunities are opening up for development by applying innovational marketing, the practical implementation of which ensures increased efficiency and increases the demand for public transport services.peer-reviewe

    Transnational reflections on transnational research projects on men, boys and gender relations

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    This article reflects on the research project, ‘Engaging South African and Finnish youth towards new traditions of non-violence, equality and social well-being’, funded by the Finnish and South African national research councils, in the context of wider debates on research, projects and transnational processes. The project is located within a broader analysis of research projects and projectization (the reduction of research to separate projects), and the increasing tendencies for research to be framed within and as projects, with their own specific temporal and organizational characteristics. This approach is developed further in terms of different understandings of research across borders: international, comparative, multinational and transnational. Special attention is given to differences between research projects that are in the Europe and the EU, and projects that are between the global North and the global South. The theoretical, political and practical challenges of the North-South research project are discussed

    Futures Studies in the Interactive Society

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    This book consists of papers which were prepared within the framework of the research project (No. T 048539) entitled Futures Studies in the Interactive Society (project leader: Éva Hideg) and funded by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) between 2005 and 2009. Some discuss the theoretical and methodological questions of futures studies and foresight; others present new approaches to or procedures of certain questions which are very important and topical from the perspective of forecast and foresight practice. Each study was conducted in pursuit of improvement in futures fields

    Social, administrative and educational dimensions of the “human – subject of economic life” phenomenon under conditions of information society transition to a new level of development

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    Перехід інформаційного суспільства на новий рівень розвитку в тріаді генезисних процесів «становлення – формування – розвиток» спричинює численні зміни. Серед них: становлення суспільства знань; інтенсивний розвиток інформаційного простору задіянням ресурсів активного інформаційного простору, неактивного інформаційного простору майбутнього та неактивного інформаційного простору минулого; становлення рольового призначення людини як трудового потенціалу і людського капіталу. Ці зміни актуалізують процеси формування та розвитку людини-суб’єкта економічного життя. Розгляд цих процесів у суспільному, управлінському та освітньому вимірах дає можливість виокремити низку домінант сучасності. Це зростаючо-домінуюча роль комп’ютерної комунікації. Спрямування управління на поєднання інтересів окремих людей з інтересами організації та її стратегічними цілями. Задіяння соціального управління як менеджменту людських ресурсів. Розвиток людини як особистості. Формування та розвиток ІК-компетентності в системі неперервної освіти.Переход информационного общества на новый уровень развития в триаде генезисних процессов «становление – формирование – развитие» вызывает многочисленные изменения. Среди них: становление общества знаний; интенсивное развитие информационного пространства задействованием ресурсов активного информационного пространства, неактивного информационного пространства будущего и неактивного информационного пространства прошлого; становления ролевого назначения человека как трудового потенциала и человеческого капитала. Эти изменения актуализируют процессы формирования и развития человека-субъекта экономической жизни. Рассмотрение этих процессов в общественной, управленческом и образовательном измерениях дает возможность выделить ряд доминант современности. Это растущая и доминирующая роль компьютерной коммуникации. Направление управления на сосотнесение интересов отдельных людей с интересами организации и ее стратегическими целями. Задействования социального управления как менеджмента человеческих ресурсов. Развитие человека как личности. Формирование и развитие ИК-компетентности в системе непрерывного образования.The information society transition to a new level of development in the triad of genesis processes of "incipience – formation – development" causes a lot of changes: the formation of a knowledge society; intensive development of the information space by using the resources of the active information space, the inactive information space of the future and the inactive information space of the past; formation of person’s purpose as labor potential and human capital. These changes actualize the processes of formation and development of the human as subject of economic life. Consideration of these processes in the social, administrative and educational dimensions makes it possible to single out a number of dominant features of the present – it is the growing dominant role of computer communication; management focusing on combining the interests of individuals with the interests of the organization and its strategic goals is important; engaging social management as human resource management; personal development of human; formation and development of IСT competence in the system of continuous education

    Theoretical and methodological knowledge of the information economy under the prism of innovation and digitization

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    This electronic document is a “live” template and already defines the components Features of theoretical and methodological knowledge of the informational economy are researched and generalized in the article. The content of the dialectical system “information-knowledge” is revealed. It is established that the effectiveness of “information-knowledge” system depends on the joint activity of the individual and social environment. It is argued that the cloud business transformation through innovation on the basis of Microsoft Azure can be presented qualitatively: adaptive logistics, strategy for developing cloud solutions, smart cities and buildings, artificial intelligence and machine learning, industry 4.0, smart office, smart parking, implementation of solutions for business process automation and data management, rapid migration from outdated systems on modern information technologies, automation of testing processes, etc. The content of the nucleus of VI and VII technological processes through the prism of innovation and digitalization is revealed. It is concluded that information infrastructure services and digitalization security should be carried out in the following areas: personal data management; backup/restore data; configuration management; cyber security services; monitoring. Therefore, for a successful business, information and digital transformation is a vital necessity. And to do it, you need the right IT tools, verified by time and great data, with excellent user feedback and a diligent professional support service

    The Role Of Technology and Innovation In The Framework Of The Information Society

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    The literature on the information society indicates that it is a still-developing field of research. It can be explained by the lack of consensus on basic definitions and research methods. There are also different judgments on the importance and the significance of the information society. Some social scientists write about a change of era, others emphasize parallelism with the past. There are some authors who expect that the information society will solve the problems of social inequalities, poverty and unemployment, while others blame it on the widening social gap between the information haves and have-nots. Various models of the information society have been developed so far and they are so different from country to country that it would be rather unwise to look for a single, all-encompassing definition. In our time a number of profound socio-economic changes are underway. Almost every field of our life is affected by the different phenomena of globalization, beside the growing role of the individual; another important characteristic of this process is the development of an organizing principle based on the free creation, distribution, access and use of knowledge and information. The 1990s and the 21st century is undoubtedly characterized by the world of the information society (as a form of the post-industrial society), which represents a different quality compared to the previous ones. The application of these theories and schools on ICT is problematic in many respects. First, as we stated above, there is not a single, widely used paradigm which has synthesized the various schools and theories dealing with technology and society. Second, these fragmented approaches do not have a fully-fledged mode of application to the relationship of ICT and (information) society. Third, SCOT, ANT, the evolutionary- or the systems approach to the history of technology – when dealing with information society – does not take into account the results of approaches (such as information science or information systems literature or social informatics, information management and knowledge management, communication and media studies) studying the very essence of the information age: information, communication and knowledge. The list of unnoticed or partially incorporated sciences, which focuses on the role of ICT in human information processing and other cognitive activities, is much longer

    Basic Methodological Considerations on the Digitalisation as Research Topic Choice and Justification on the Research Topic and Rule of Thumbs for a Scientific Title, Keywords and Abstract-Writing, Supported by a Collection of Student Materials

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    There can be research themes that may seem to be odd or alien for the first sight, hence they can discourage potential authors from further work. For many of our students in 2018, in the Institute of World Economy, that was digitalisation. However, as a research topic it appears at three levels: micro, mezzo and macro, and tends to become a grand theory by being a current transformational process that has expanded on all levels and dimensions that construct our reality; so it cannot be disregarded. Therefore, the aim of the study was to conceptualise a 4+1- step technique that help to make a choice on the research topic under or not a given theme and to justify that choice with the attributes of a good topic; then to explain the rule of thumbs for giving a scientific title and keywords, and writing an abstract. Finally, as examples it presented a collection of student materials from the Research Methods course of the Institute