910 research outputs found


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    Aim of the research: to establish the role of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia, as a manifestation of violation of fibrillogenesis, in the severity of the course of pyelonephritis in children. 154 children with pyelonephritis from 3 to 18 years were examined. As a result of catamnestic surveillance, they were divided into 2 groups: I – 92 persons, children with chronic pyelonephritis in which were diagnosed 3 or more episodes of relapse of pyelonephritis during the year, and II – 56 children with acute pyelonephritis, in which during the year no relapses were noted. The control group were 65 somatically healthy children of the same age (III - health-control). All children had a routine comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination and clinical and laboratory markers of a fibrillogenic disorder were established. In children with chronic pyelonephritis, the frequency of all analyzed complaints was significantly higher than in children with acute pyelonephritis without relapses: frequent headaches – 56.52 % versus 25.0 %, appetite loss – 28.26 % vs. 19.64 %, frequent abdominal pain – 52.17 % vr. 32.14 %, increased fatigue – 41.30 % vr. 28.57 %. In children with chronic pyelonephritis, phenotypic signs of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD) were significantly more marked, such as joint hypermobility (in 52.0 % of children versus 5.4 %), asthenic body structure (59.0 % vs. 26.78 %), visual disturbance (84.8 % vs. 32.14 %), chest deformity (42.4 % vs. 8.9 %), scoliosis (52.17 % vs 10.7 %), arachnodactyly and predisposition to bleeding were observed only in children of the 1st group (22.5 % and 4.34 % respectively). In practically all children with chronic pyelonephritis, the values of free and bound oxyproline fractions in blood plasma were significantly increased (47.14±0.03 μmol/l and 40.08±0.03 μmol/l, respectively), according to arithmetic meanings, reliably differing from the data of children with acute pyelonephritis (17.65±0.01 μmol/l and 17.22±0.02 μmol/l), in which these oxyproline fractions were elevated only in 12.0 % and 16.0 % of the subjects. In 97.0 % of children with chronic pyelonephritis, the level of oxyproline in urine was elevated and significantly exceeded the level of excretion of oxyproline in urine in children with acute pyelonephritis. The presence of UCTD in a child plays an important role in the process of chronic pyelonephritis, and children with its manifestations have a heavier course of disease with frequent relapses, therefore, the presence of signs UCTD is prognostically unsuccessful, which dictates the need for the appointment of metabolic therapy in the first episodes of the disease in children, if they have clinical and laboratory manifestations of UCTD

    The effectiveness of the correction of electrolyte imbalances and autonomic disorders in children with pubertal age manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia

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    Мета роботи: оцінити ефективність корекції електролітного дисбалансу та вегетативних порушень у дітей пубертатного віку з проявами дисплазії сполучної тканини. Матеріали і методи: у 63 дітей пубертатного віку (33 дитини з проявами дисплазії сполучної тканини та 30 дітей без дисплазії) вивчалась ефективність корекції електролітного дисбалансу за допомогою визначення рівню макро- і мікроелементів в плазмі крові методом атомно-емісіонної спектрометрії з індуктивно-зв`язаною плазмою; та вегетативних порушень за допомогою таблиці Вейна, кардіоінтервалографії, кліно-ортостатичної проби та проби Руф`є. Результати: встановлено, що під впливом 30-денного реабілітаційного комплексу, що включав раціональний режим доби та збалансоване харчування, масаж тіла, а також фармакологічні засоби – «Кальцемін» та «Магне-В6», у дітей пубертатного віку з дисплазією сполучної тканини у плазмі крові відбулася нормалізація показників електролітного балансу (магнію, кальцію, фосфору неорганічного, цинку, заліза, міді, селену) як основних біоелементів, недостатність яких порушує структуру та метаболізм сполучної тканини, зменшилась часто та скарг церебро-астенічного та вегетативного характеру, що обумовлює відновлення вегетативного забезпечення у даної групи пацієнтів.Цель работы: оценить эффективность коррекции электролитного дисбаланса и вегетативных нарушений у детей пубертатного возраста с проявлениями дисплазии соединительной ткани. Материалы и методы: у 63 детей пубертатного возраста (33 ребенка с проявлениями дисплазии соединительной ткани и 30 детей без дисплазии) изучалась эффективность коррекции электролитного дисбаланса с помощью определения уровня макро- и микроэлементов в плазме крови методом атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой; и вегетативных нарушений с помощью таблиц Вейна, кардиоинтервалографии, клино-ортостатической пробы и пробы Руфье. Результаты: установлено, что после применения 30-дневного реабилитационного комплекса, который включал рациональный режим дня и сбалансированное питание, массаж тела, а также лекарственные препараты: «Кальцемин» и «Магне-В6», у детей пубертатного возраста с дисплазией соединительной ткани произошла нормализация показателей электролитного баланса (магния, кальция, фосфора неорганического, цинка, меди, железа, селена) как основных биоэлементов, недостаточность которых нарушает структуру и метаболизм соединительной ткани, уменьшилась частота жалоб церебро-астенического и вегетативного характера, что обуславливает восстановление вегетативной дисфункции обеспечения у данной группы пациентовIntroduction. In recent years, scientists from many countries pay special attention to the problem of increasing the frequency of cases of connective tissue dysplasia in children. Earlier studies suggest that adolescence children with connective tissue dysplasia had been observed decreasing of major bio-elements in plasma index that are involved in the metabolism of connective tissue. Moreover, the same category of patients has manifestations of autonomic dysfunction. The increase of pathological changes in the connective tissue and chronic deficiency leads to increasing bioelements of clinical manifestations with age, including autonomic changes. Despite the increased interest of scientists to this problem, the development of methods for correction of electrolyte imbalance and autonomic disorders is relevant and unsolved. Purpose. To evaluate the effectiveness of the correction of electrolyte imbalance and autonomic disturbances in children with puberty manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia. Materials and Methods. We examined the effectiveness of the correction of electrolyte imbalance by determining the level of macro and microelements in blood plasma by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma, and autonomic disorders with Wayne’s tables, cardiointervalography, clinoorthostatic sample, and Roofie’s tests in 63 adolescence children (33 children with manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia and 30 children without dysplasia). Discussion. Children with connective tissue dysplasia used a 30-day rehabilitation complex, which included a rational mode of the day with a sufficient duration to age-appropriate night's sleep, morning gymnastics, daily rest, 2-hour dosage walking in the fresh air, the alternation of mental work with physical exercise, balanced by basic food ingredients with a daily consumption of foods with a high content of proteins, glycosaminoglycans, vitamin "C", «E», «A», the group «B», «PP», macro and microelements; body massage, as well as drugs: "Calcemin", and "Magne - B6". Also, the choice of drugs for the correction of electrolyte balance and autonomic dysfunction due to the presence of the bulk composition of macro and micronutrients are a part of enzymes metalloproteinase and provide structural integrity of connective tissue. There were determined the level of basic bio-elements in plasma and performed functional tests for monitoring indicators vegetative maintenance before and after the rehabilitation course in children. Also, we have observed significant changes of electrolyte balance indicators (decrease of magnesium, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, selenium) before the treatment of children with connective tissue dysplasia as compared with those of the children without dysplasia After the course in adolescence children with hereditary connective tissue dysplasia the level of frequency of asthenic complaints and vegetative character decreased, which leads to the restoration of autonomic dysfunction in this group of patients. The tests showed normalization of electrolyte balance indicators as the principal bio-elements failure which gives the structure and metabolism of connective tissue

    Mitral Valve Prolapse in Pregnancy: Modern Concept

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    This chapter presents the recent literature data data on the problems of etiopathogenesis, cardiac, and obstetric risk of mitral valve prolapsus, as well as the tactics of patients with this pathology. Modern views on the role of genomic, genetic disorders, and metabolomics in violations valvular structures in the etiology and pathogenesis of clinical manifestations of the mitral valve prolapsus. In addition, the data on the peculiarities of pregnancy and childbirth in women with mitral valve prolapsus (miscarriage, cervical incompetence, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, placental insufficiency, labor anomaly, and postpartum hemorrhage) are studied. However, ambiguous and sometimes conflicting data on the relationship and the incidence of these complications with mitral valve prolapsus require further research to determine the set of diagnostic and preventive measures

    The Potential of Raman Spectroscopy in the Diagnosis of Premalignant Oral Lesions

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    Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Technological University Dublin, School of Physics December 2017

    Факторы риска, ассоциированные с развитием недифференцированной дисплазии соединительной ткани

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    Development of the undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD) is influenced by various adverse factors to the fetus during intrauterine growth. There is not a clear linkage to the contribution of the separate factors to the development of the UCTD.Aims of the study are to determine the risk factors associated with the development of the UCTD of the adolescents and to appreciate the predictive value of the examined factors related to UCTD to form the dispensary groups of the children with UCTD.Materials and methods. During the first stage of the study there was an examination of 110 adolescents at the age of 10–14 years old, the UCTD presence was established according to the scale proposed by T.I. Kadurina and V.N. Gorbunova (2009). During the second stage the data of the prenatal casework and maternity hospital records attached to the out-patient medical records were examined to detect the specialties of the antenatal life course. During the third stage 2 groups were formed: with the presence of UCTD (n = 81) and without UCTD (n = 29). The mother groups were formed accordingly with the adolescents groups.Results. The pregnancy of the mothers of the adolescents with UCTD proceeded against the anemia, threatening miscarriage, chronic fetal hypoxia, chronic fetoplacental insufficiency, toxicosis, gestosis, and concomitant chronic conditions (thyroid, kidneys, digestive apparatus, aspiration pathology) more common than the pregnancy of the mothers of the adolescents without UCTD. The binary logistic regression method allowed the predictors of the UCTD’s formation to be determined, there were: toxicosis during the gestation course (OR = 10.9; CI 95% 2.94–40.49), anemia of pregnancy (OR = 8.6; CI 95%: 2.42–30.81), gestosis (OR = 6.53; CI 95%: 1.27–33.71), chronic fetal hypoxia (OR = 4.4; CI 95%: 1.09–17.83) and pre-existing chronic conditions of the mothers (OR = 3.6; CI 95%: 0.86–15.48). Different factor combination enhances the likelihood of the delivery of a child with UCTD more than 6.5-fold: chronic conditions of the mothers and chronic fetal hypoxia (OR = 6.8; CI 95%: 1.95–48.57); anemia of pregnancy and chronic fetal hypoxia (OR = 7.2; CI 95%: 1.01–50.99), and toxicosis (OR = 10.4; CI 95%: 1.48–72.82).Conclusion. The risk factors associated to the development of UCTD in adolescents are: toxicosis during the gestation course, anemia of pregnancy, gestosis, chronic fetal hypoxia and pre-existing chronic conditions of the mothers. The use of the equation of the binary logistic regression allows the prediction of the possibility of the development of UCTD in adolescents at the level of 80.9% and to form the dispensary groups of children in order to prevent the development of dysplastic-dependent pathologyРазвитию недифференцированной дисплазии соединительной ткани (НДСТ) способствует влияние разнообразных неблагоприятных факторов на плод в период его внутриутробного развития, при этом нет однозначного представления о вкладе отдельных факторов в развитие НДСТ.Цель исследования. Установить факторы риска, ассоциированные с развитием НДСТ в подростковом возрасте, и оценить предиктивное значение исследуемых факторов в отношении НДСТ для возможности формирования диспансерных групп детей с НДСТ.Материалы и методы. На I этапе исследования был проведен осмотр 110 подростков в возрасте 10–14 лет, наличие НДСТ устанавливали по шкале, предложенной Т.И. Кадуриной, В.Н. Горбуновой (2009). На II этапе для выявления особенностей течения антенатального периода изучали сведения дородовых патронажей и выписок из роддомов, прикрепленных к амбулаторным картам. На III этапе апостериорно были сформированы две группы: с наличием НДСТ (n = 81) и без НДСТ (n = 29). Группы матерей были сформированы соответственно группам подростков.Результаты. У матерей группы подростков с НДСТ чаще, чем без НДСТ беременность протекала на фоне анемии, угрозы прерывания беременности, хронической гипоксии плода, хронической фетоплацентарной недостаточности, токсикоза, гестоза, сопутствующих хронических заболеваний (болезней щитовидной железы, почек, органов пищеварения, дыхания). С помощью метода бинарной логистической регрессии предикторами формирования НДСТ были установлены: течение беременности на фоне токсикоза (ОШ = 10,9; ДИ 95% 2,94–40,49), анемии беременной (ОШ = 8,6; ДИ 95% 2,42–30,81), гестоза (ОШ = 6,53; ДИ 95% 1,27–33,71), хронической гипоксии плода (ОШ = 4,4; ДИ: 95% 1,09–17,83) и наличия хронических заболеваний у матери (ОШ = 3,6; ДИ 95% 0,86–15,48). Сочетание факторов в различных комбинациях увеличивает вероятность рождения ребенка с НДСТ более, чем в 6,5 раз: хронические заболевания у матери с хронической гипоксией плода (ОШ = 6,8; ДИ 95% 1,95–48,57); анемия беременной с хронической гипоксией плода (ОШ = 7,2; ДИ 95% 1,01–50,99), с токсикозом (ОШ = 10,4; ДИ 95% 1,48–72,82).Заключение. Факторами риска, ассоциированными с развитием НДСТ в подростковом возрасте, являются: течение беременности на фоне токсикоза, анемии беременной, гестоз, хроническая гипоксия плода и наличие хронических заболеваний у матери. Использование уравнения бинарной логистической регрессии позволяет с вероятностью 80,9% прогнозировать развитие НДСТ у ребенка в подростковом возрасте и сформировать диспансерные группы детей для профилактики развития диспластикозависимой патологии.

    Physical Rehabilitation of Adolescents with Minor Structural Cardiac Abnormalities

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    Topicality. The article shows the method of physical rehabilitation of adolescents with minor structural cardiac abnormalities. Minor structural cardiac abnormalities  is a large group of cardiovascular anomalies, characterized by the presence of a variety of anatomical and morphological deviations from the norm of the heart structures that make up the undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia. The most common cardiac manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia syndrome are mitral valve prolapse and abnormal chords of the left ventricle of the heart. Diagnosis of this pathology in adolescents has significantly increased with the development of ultrasound examination of the heart, while the technique of physical rehabilitation has not been sufficiently developed to date. The aim of the research is to study the effect of rationally dose-related physical exertion on the severity of the main symptoms of the disease and the physical condition of adolescents with minor structural cardiac abnormalities. Methods of Work. Questionnaire to identify a subjective assessment of the severity of the main symptoms of the disease, the definition of exercise tolerance and the index of the physical state of adolescents according to the methodology of Professor O. Shchepin. Results of Work. Physical rehabilitation was carried out in three stages, general strengthening exercises of aerobic and anaerobic power, exercises on simulators, sports-applied exercises, outdoor games, respiratory gymnastics, special exercises to increase the stability of the vestibular apparatus, orthostatic firmness, the formation of correct posture and flatfoot prevention. The loads were dosed individually, taking into account the results of determining the tolerance to physical activity. Conclusion. As a result of the rehabilitation actions the general conditions of the adolescents were improved, the symptoms of the disease began to disturb them less often and disappear. The index of physical condition increased for boys from an average of 0,52 ± 0,007 to an above average of 0,70 ± 0,001, and for girls from the lower limit of the average 0,51 ± 0,006 to the upper one and was 0,69 ± 0,004

    Generаl pаthomorphology

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    The manual presents the content and basic questions of the topic, practical skills in sufficient volume for each class to be mastered by students, algorithms for describing macro- and micropreparations, situational tasks. The formulation of tests, their number and variable level of difficulty, sufficient volume for each topic allows to recommend them as preparation for students to take the licensed integrated exam "STEP-1"

    The histotopographic features of formation of keloid scars of maxillofacial localization

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    Scars are visible and palpable skin changes that remain after healing various types of damage to the integrity of the skin. Scarring is a pathophysiological process of skin regeneration, which is directed at closing of defect. Atypical wound healing may be accompanied by excessive scarring. In this case, ran domly (chaotically) located fibers of dense connective tissue form hypertrophic or keloid scars. The regulation of process of scar formation depends on many iatrogenic and somatic factors. The problem of excessive scar formation deserves a particular attention, primarily in the open areas of the human body [1-4]


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    For the purpose of improvement of results of treatment of extensive median hernias in the choice of ways of the combined hernioplasty at a stage of an electromyography ball assessment of the stigmata of a dysplasia of a connecting tissue, influence of a mesenchymal failure on contractility of abdominal muscles and data of program diagnostics of a collagen found at survey in microscopic preparations of a skin and aponeurosis at 95 surgical patients is introduced. In group 25 (26,4%) of patients with clinically significant level of a dysplasia depression of electroactivity of rectus muscles for 24,7% and the lateral group of the abdominal muscles - for 22,8% is revealed. The microscopy of sites of an aponeurosis among them taped depression of density of laying of a collagen to 31,7% and augmentation of intensity of its staining twice. As a result of the undertaken improvement the way of surgical treatment of median hernias of the extensive sizes which use in clinical practice allows to reduce a share of a dysplasia of a connecting tissue among the reasons of a recurrence of a disease is developed