118,764 research outputs found

    Analyzing readerships of International Iranian publications in Mendeley: an altmetrics study

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    In this study, the presence and distribution of both Mendeley readerships and Web of Science citations for the publications published in the 43 Iranian international journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports have been investigated. The aim was to determine the impact, visibility and use of the publications published by the Iranian international journals in Mendeley compared to their citation impact; furthermore, to explore if there is any relation between these two impact indicators (Mendeley readership counts and WoS citation counts) for these publications. The DOIs of the 1,884 publications used to extract the readerships data from Mendeley REST API in February 2014 and citations data until end of 2013 calculated using CWTS in-house WoS database. SPSS (version 21) used to analyze the relationship between the readerships and citations for those publications. The Mendeley usage distribution both at the publication level (across publications years, fields and document types) and at the user level (across users disciplines, academic status and countries) have been investigated. These information will help to understand the visibility and usage vs citation pattern and impact of Iranian scientific outputs.Comment: in Persia

    On Computing Shannon’s Sphere Packing Bound and Applications

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    file: :home/zaki/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Ahmed, Ambroze, Tomlinson - 2007 - On Computing Shannon’s Sphere Packing Bound and Applications.pdf:pdf keywords: SPB mendeley-tags: SPBA new method to numerically evalu- ate Shannon’s lower bound is presented in this pa- per. This new method is based on the Incomplete Beta function and permits the exact evaluation of the Sphere Packing Bound for a large range of code sizes, rates and probability of error. Comparisons with cur- rent standards (DVB–RCS, DVB–S2 and 3GPP) are also presented and discussed. It is shown that cur- rent standard coding schemes are about 0.6dB from the Shannon Limit corrected for Binary Signalling

    An Exploration of Mendeley Reader and Google Scholar Citation for Analysing Indexed Article

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    This paper aims to analyze the number of readers from the published articles of 100 Indonesian researchers in Mendeley reference management software. The list of Indonesian scientists is obtained from the webometrics ranking of scientists. We used the Application Programming Interface (API) of Mendeley to count the number of readers for each article in Mendeley and combine it with Google Scholar citation using the scrap method. We processed ten mostly cited articles that are indexed in the first page of the Google Scholar for each designated scientist. Furthermore, we used the Pearson method to analyze the correlation of the Mendeley readers count and the Google Scholar citation. The results show that they are correlated with a value of 0.266 according to the method of Pearson with N = 1000. Furthermore we found that many online Indonesian journals have no Digital Object Identifier (DOI) yet. Our evaluation of the publication results of 100 Indonesian researchers shows that authors who upload their scientific work on Mendeley, have higher citation number in Google Scholar, because their papers are widely available on the Internet

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Mendeley bagi Mahasiswa dalam Membuat Sitasi Karya Ilmiah di Amikom Resource Centre Yogyakarta

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    This Mendeley training aims to facilitate students in making scientific work citations on assignments, theses, theses and so on. The method used to make this training there are three stages, namely the pre-training, on-going training and post-training stages. The result of this paper is that using Mendeley as an application to create written citations makes it very easy for all people, both students and other writers. Mendeley itself is a free software that was created to manage various research and can be used as a data store. In this training, 25 students from Amikom University took part in the Mendeley training. There were two materials that were presented and practiced, namely Mendeley Desktop and Mendeley Reference. Both Mendeley have a number of features in common, but currently most students use Mendeley Reference

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Mendeley dalam Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Bagi Mahasiswa Informatika STT Payakumbuh

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    Objektif.  Pengelolaan atau manajemen sitasi dan referensi artikel dari berbagai jurnal ilmiah harus dikuasai oleh mahasiswa agar dapat menghasilkan laporan kerja praktek dan skripsi yang baik. Salah satu aplikasi berbasis web dan desktop yang dapat difungsikan untuk pengelolaan atau manajemen sitasi dan referensi artikel adalah aplikasi Mendeley. Mahasiswa dari prodi Informatika STT Payakumbuh masih banyak yang belum mengenal dan belum pernah menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley tersebut. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) ini mempunyai tujuan untuk melatih dan mendampingi mahasiswa-mahasiswi di prodi   Informatika STT Payakumbuh dalam penggunaan aplikasi Mendeley untuk membuat sitasi dan daftar pustaka secara otomatis Material and Metode.  Kegiatan pelatihan Mendeley secara daring ini diselenggarakan menggunakan media aplikasi zoom pada bulan Oktober 2021 dengan peserta dari mahasiswa prodi IF semester 3, 5 dan 7. Beberapa metode PkM ini meliputi: metode ceramah oleh para pemateri, demonstrasi oleh para pemateri, latihan/prakik oleh para peserta pelatihan, pendampingan terhadap para peserta pelatihan, dan tanya jawab Hasil.  Mahasiswa mampu mengoperasikan aplikasi Mendeley dimulai dari pendaftaran akun di mendeley web dan proses penginstalan aplikasi mendeley desktop serta menggunakan aplikasi mendeley dalam membuat sitasi/kutipan dan daftar pustaka otomatis. Kesimpulan.   Pelatihan Mendeley Desktop secara daring dengan mitra mahasiswa IF STT Payakumbuh dapat terselenggara dengan lancar dan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan para pesert


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    Abstrak: Mendeley adalah aplikasi manajemen referensi yang digunakan untuk membantu membuat sitasi dan daftar pustaka pada penulisan karya ilmiah. Mendeley dianggap penting pada penulisan karya ilmiah sebab manajemen referensi bisa memudahkan melaksanakan pengutipan sitasi serta manajemen referensi yang baik serta bisa meminimalisasi terjadinya plagiasi. Pengabdian ini membahas tentang pelatihan penggunaan mendeley sebagai manajemen referensi dalam penulisan karya ilmiah Guru SDN Kodingareng. Tim Pengabdian melaksanakan pelatihan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan kemampuan penggunaan mendeley sebagai manajemen referensi dalam penulisan karya ilmiah terhadap Guru SDN Kodingareng. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian tersebut adalah ceramah, sosiaisasi, pelatihan dan praktek dengan mitra yaitu Guru SDN Kodingareng sebanyak 14 orang dengan evaluasi melalui praktek langsung dalam penggunaan mendeley dalam penulisan karya ilmiah. Pelatihan, sosialisasi dan praktek langsung tersebut dengan target luaran yaitu peserta pelatihan dapat menggunakan mendeley sebagai manajemen referensi dalam penulisan karya ilmiah guru SDN Kodingareng. Hasil yang telah dicapai oleh guru SDN Kodingareng setelah mengikuti kegiatan adalah 100% telah meningkat pengetahuannya, telah paham,dan mampu menggunakan Mendeley sebagai manajemen referensi dalam penulisan karya ilmiah.Abstract: Mendeley is a reference management application that is used to help create citations and bibliography on scientific writing. Mendeley is considered important in scientific writing because reference management can make it easier to carry out citations and good reference management and can minimize plagiarism. This service discusses training on the use of Mendeley as reference management in writing scientific papers for SDN Kodingareng teachers. The Service Team conducts training with the aim of increasing knowledge, understanding and ability to use Mendeley as a reference management in writing scientific papers for teachers at SDN Kodingareng. The method of implementing this service is lecture, socialization, training and practice with partners, namely SDN Kodingareng teachers as many as 14 people with evaluation through direct practice in using Mendeley in writing scientific papers. The training, socialization and direct practice are aimed at the outcome, namely that the trainees can use Mendeley as a reference management in writing scientific papers for SDN Kodingareng teachers. The results that have been achieved by Kodingareng Elementary School teachers after participating in the activity are 100% have increased knowledge, have understood, and are able to use Mendeley as reference management in writing scientific papers

    Networks of reader and country status: An analysis of Mendeley reader statistics

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    The number of papers published in journals indexed by the Web of Science core collection is steadily increasing. In recent years, nearly two million new papers were published each year; somewhat more than one million papers when primary research papers are considered only (articles and reviews are the document types where primary research is usually reported or reviewed). However, who reads these papers? More precisely, which groups of researchers from which (self-assigned) scientific disciplines and countries are reading these papers? Is it possible to visualize readership patterns for certain countries, scientific disciplines, or academic status groups? One popular method to answer these questions is a network analysis. In this study, we analyze Mendeley readership data of a set of 1,133,224 articles and 64,960 reviews with publication year 2012 to generate three different kinds of networks: (1) The network based on disciplinary affiliations of Mendeley readers contains four groups: (i) biology, (ii) social science and humanities (including relevant computer science), (iii) bio-medical sciences, and (iv) natural science and engineering. In all four groups, the category with the addition "miscellaneous" prevails. (2) The network of co-readers in terms of professional status shows that a common interest in papers is mainly shared among PhD students, Master's students, and postdocs. (3) The country network focusses on global readership patterns: a group of 53 nations is identified as core to the scientific enterprise, including Russia and China as well as two thirds of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures (also web-based startable), and 2 table
