195,372 research outputs found

    Large shareholders and market discipline in a regulated industry: a clinical study of Mellon Bank

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    An analysis of the 1987 change in control at Mellon, which was one of only a few banks with a large shareholder. It finds that the large shareholder did not monitor the firm extensively before it experienced performance difficulties, but was able to enforce a management change when problems arose without having to acquire a majority stake.Stockholders ; Mellon Bank

    The effects of intense fire on headwater streams of the Colville National Forest, WA

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2006Forest fires play an important role in shaping ecosystems, and there has been growing concern on the effects of high intensity fires on forest and aquatic ecosystems. Headwater streams are highly connected to riparian and surrounding terrestrial systems, and to downstream aquatic systems, partly through prey and organic matter transfers via aquatic invertebrate drift and emergence. Because of their small size, headwater streams may experience the greatest initial impact from forest fire, but may also return to pre-fire conditions quicker than larger streams. In this study, headwater streams from replicated burned and control watersheds were sampled in the two years following an intense forest fire in northeastern Washington. Benthic, drift and emergence samples of aquatic invertebrates were taken and analyzed for differences in density, biomass and community composition between watershed types. There was significantly higher density of invertebrates in burned sites, but no difference in biomass except in invertebrate emergence which was greater at burned sites. There was lower diversity in the burned watersheds, and the invertebrate community was dominated by chironomids. These changes in invertebrate density and community composition could influence the food resources available to aquatic and riparian consumers

    Economic Analysis of Carnegie Mellon University

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    Carnegie Mellon University is a private research institution of higher education that is housed in a city that has undergone, and is still undergoing, the change from a manufacturing hub to a center of knowledge enterprise. Although colleges and universities are part of a local oligopoly, CMU is a global institution which considers its peers to be among the elite institutions, including the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, and MIT. Amongst its peers, CMU is on the lower end of the undergraduate student demand spectrum, and it pays its professors significantly less than other great institutions. While CMU is not at risk of low student demand, it faces the same risk of faculty loss to other elite institutions as public institutions face losing their professors to CMU. As a global institution, CMU is affected by exchange rates, and the weak dollar makes a CMU education cheaper to foreign students. However, with the decrease in government funding, CMU, like other higher education institutions, has been forced to look elsewhere for revenue – primarily through tuition increases, private donors, and auxiliary services, to maintain its strong student body, elite faculty, and abundance of resources. While no tentirely shielded from vulnerability, CMU appears to face a sustained future, as long as it is able to continue to adapt to the changing society and economic climate.economic impact; higher education; economics of higher education

    Mellon Banks

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    The Mellon banks were a group of financial institutions instrumental in the industrial development of the greater Pittsburgh area in Pennsylvania, as well as, to a lesser degree, of other regions of the United States. Mellon funding played important roles in the development of coal, fabricated (but not primary) steel, aluminum (in particular Pittsburgh Reduction, which became Alcoa), and oil (in particular Gulf). Other notable companies benefiting from Mellon funding and oversight were Carborundum, a maker of grinding materials, and Koppers, a maker of advanced coking ovens that captured rather than simply vented valuable by-product gases such as toluene and benzene. Mellon banks at various times also provided financial resources for real estate development, lumber, mining, traction, railroad-car construction, and electricity-generating enterprises, both in the Pittsburgh area and elsewhere

    B States at the Tevatron

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    The CDF and D0 experiments have produced a wealth of heavy flavour physics results since the beginning of Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron. We review recent measurements of B hadron states including excited B states (B^{**}, B_s^{**}) and the Bc+ meson. We also summarize the discoveries of the Sigma_b baryon states and the Xi_b baryon.Comment: Contribution to proceedings of Heavy Quarks and Leptons, Melbourne, 2008. 6 pages with 6 figures and 1 tabl

    Stability of the Zagreb Carnegie-Mellon-Berkeley model

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    In ref. [1] we have used the Zagreb realization of Carnegie-Melon-Berkeley coupled-channel, unitary model as a tool for extracting pole positions from the world collection of partial wave data, with the aim of eliminating model dependence in pole-search procedures. In order that the method is sensible, we in this paper discuss the stability of the method with respect to the strong variation of different model ingredients. We show that the Zagreb CMB procedure is very stable with strong variation of the model assumptions, and that it can reliably predict the pole positions of the fitted partial wave amplitudes.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 19 table

    Progressive Union Organizing: The SEIU Justice for Janitors Campaign

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    [Excerpt] The Justice for Janitors campaign was conceived during a bitter labor dispute with Pittsburgh\u27s Mellon Bank which started late in 1985. Mellon Bank, having just renewed an Service Employees International Union collective-bargaining agreement, replaced their former cleaning contractor with a nonunion company. The new contractor refused to honor the Mellon-SEIU labor accord and was willing to hire only half of Mellon\u27s 80 janitors on a part-time basis with a substantial pay cut and no benefits. Mellon disclaimed any responsibility, stating that the dispute was strictly between the new cleaning contractor and the janitors. In response the SEIU called a strike, filed unfair labor practice charges with the NLRB and began an active media campaign against Mellon. The strike was settled in September 1987 when the NLRB ruled Mellon to be a co-employer of the janitors. Mellon subsequently agreed to reinstate janitors under the union contract and to pay $750,000 in back wages (Wright 1987)


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    Physics of B0s Mesons and Bottom Baryons

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    We discuss the physics of B0s mesons focusing on CP violation in B0s -> J/Psi Phi decays at the Tevatron. We summarize measurements of the properties of bottom baryons at the Tevatron including the Sigma_b states and the Xi_b baryon. We also discuss the discovery of the Omega_b baryon.Comment: Contribution to proceedings of CIPANP 2009 conference, La Jolla, May 2009. 4 pages with 2 figure