660,899 research outputs found

    Photodetection in silicon beyond the band edge with surface states

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    Silicon is an extremely attractive material platform for integrated optics at telecommunications wavelengths, particularly for integration with CMOS circuits. Developing detectors and electrically pumped lasers at telecom wavelengths are the two main technological hurdles before silicon can become a comprehensive platform for integrated optics. We report on the generation of free carriers in unimplanted SOI ridge waveguides, which we attribute to surface state absorption. By electrically contacting the waveguides, a photodetector with a responsivity of 36 mA/W and quantum efficiency of 2.8% is demonstrated. The photoconductive effect is shown to have minimal falloff at speeds of up to 60 Mhz

    Measuring sensory and marketing influences on consumers' choices among food and beverage product brands

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    Advance in food science depends on measuring the factors in human perception that influence eaters' activities with branded products. Assessed samples must include at least two levels of a sensed material characteristic (e.g. sucrose) or conceptual marketing attribute (e.g. “low fat”), minimally confounded by other features. Each feature needs to be measured for its effect on the individual's objective achievement of choosing among the samples for a familiar context of use. These influences interact, consciously and unconsciously. This theory of how a mind works has generated a wide range of scientifically illuminating and commercially practical examples, illustrated in this review

    Phonons in Nanocrystalline 57Fe

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    We measured the phonon density of states (DOS) of nanocrystalline Fe by resonant inelastic nuclear Îł-ray scattering. The nanophase material shows large distortions in its phonon DOS. We attribute the high energy distortion to lifetime broadening. A damped harmonic oscillator model for the phonons provides a low quality factor, Qu, averaging about 5, but the longitudinal modes may have been broadened most. The nanocrystalline Fe also shows an enhancement in its phonon DOS at energies below 15 meV. The difference in vibrational entropy of the bulk and nanocrystalline Fe was small, owing to competing changes in the nanocrystalline phonon DOS at low and high energies

    Direct photoluminescence probing of ferromagnetism in monolayer two-dimensional CrBr3

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    Atomically thin magnets are the key element to build up spintronics based on two-dimensional materials. The surface nature of two-dimensional ferromagnet opens up opportunities to improve the device performance efficiently. Here, we report the intrinsic ferromagnetism in atomically thin monolayer CrBr3, directly probed by polarization resolved magneto-photoluminescence. The spontaneous magnetization persists in monolayer CrBr3 with a Curie temperature of 34 K. The development of magnons by the thermal excitation is in line with the spin-wave theory. We attribute the layer-number dependent hysteresis loops in thick layers to the magnetic domain structures. As a stable monolayer material in air, CrBr3 provides a convenient platform for fundamental physics and pushes the potential applications of the two-dimensional ferromagnetism.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Shear thickening and migration in granular suspensions

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    We study the emergence of shear thickening in dense suspensions of non-Brownian particles. We combine local velocity and concentration measurements using Magnetic Resonance Imaging with macroscopic rheometry experiments. In steady state, we observe that the material is heterogeneous, and we find that that the local rheology presents a continuous transition at low shear rate from a viscous to a shear thickening, Bagnoldian, behavior with shear stresses proportional to the shear rate squared, as predicted by a scaling analysis. We show that the heterogeneity results from an unexpectedly fast migration of grains, which we attribute to the emergence of the Bagnoldian rheology. The migration process is observed to be accompanied by macroscopic transient discontinuous shear thickening, which is consequently not an intrinsic property of granular suspensions

    Further dimensions: text, typography and play in the metaverse

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    In this text I wish to delve into the creation of textual content as well as its visualization through typographic design mechanisms inside three dimensional virtual worlds, which are known as the metaverse. I am particularly focused upon the way in which such virtually three dimensional environments may place the usage of text within a context that stands in contradiction to its traditional one by creating an unexpected novel purpose which takes a marked departure from the intrinsic attribute with which text has inherently been associated – namely the attribute of readability. In such environments readability, or indeed even legibility, may often be displaced through the usage of text and typography as a playful device, as artifacts which may manifest in puzzle-like configurations, or as visual structures the contents of which are meant to be understood through means other than straightforward reading; thus bringing about states of heightened engagement, wonder and ‘play’ through their manipulation or indeed simply by being immersed within the spaces which are brought about through their very agency. I also wish to expand upon this subject by talking about my own experiments with this material and will conclude by positing that further virtual dimensions can be instrumental in eliciting exciting alternative usages of text and typography which bring to the fore the allographic properties of text as an artistic/creative expressive media that may well bear further scrutiny and exploration

    Microwave performance of high-density bulk MgB2

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    We have performed microwave measurements on superconducting hot-isostatically- pressed (HIPed) bulk MgB2 using a parallel-plate resonator technique. The high density and strength of the HIPed material allowed preparation of samples with mirror-like surfaces for microwave measurements. The microwave surface resistance decreased by about 40% at 20 K when the root-mean-square surface roughness was reduced from 220 nm to 110 nm through surface-polishing and ion-milling. The surface resistance was independent of surface microwave magnetic field at least up to 4 Oe and below 30 K. We attribute this behavior, and the overall low surface resistance (~0.8 mOhms at 10 GHz and 20 K), to the high density of our samples and the absence of weak links between grains
