42 research outputs found
The Effect of Problem Posing Approach Towards Students\u27 Mathematical Disposition, Critical & Creative Thinking Ability Based on School Level
The background of this study is the school of the new students of mathematics education courses came from grade high, medium and low. Here the writer wants to see how much influence of the school level on new students\u27 critical thinking skills and creative mathematical. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in new students\u27 mathematical disposition, critical & creative thinking ability through the mathematical problem posing approach based on school level (high, medium, low). The method used in this research is the experimental method, with only posttest design. The population of this study is all the students of mathematics education department in Cimahi; while the sample is selected randomly from one college. Then from this chosen college is taken two samples from random class. The instrument of essay test is used to measure students\u27 critical and mathematical creative thinking ability; while non-test instrument is questionnaire of attitude scale. The results show that: 1) based on the school level (high, medium, and low); there is difference in students\u27 mathematical critical thinking ability through problem posing approach. 2) based on the school level (high, medium, and low); there is difference in the students\u27 mathematical critical thinking ability through problem posing approach. 3) based on the school level (high, medium, and low); there is difference in students\u27 mathematical disposition
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tipe-tipe muatan kecerdasan dalam film animasi ‘Dora the Explorer’ dan menjelaskan cara muatan kecerdasan tersebut disampaikan. Penelitian ini memberi informasi bahwa (1) film animasi ini bisa menjadi tontonan yang layak untuk anak, (2) seorang anak bisa cemerlanglebih dari satu tipe kecerdasan, (3) dan bahwa adalah penting untuk mengeksplor dan mengembangkan potensi kecerdasan anak melalui berbagai aktifitas yangbertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan kecerdasan anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan tekhnik analisis isi dengan lembar koding sebagai instrumen.Tiga seri filim ‘Dora the Explorer’ adalah subyek penelitian.Data analisis dimulai dari mempersiapkan data, menentukan unit analisis, membuat lembar koding, memberi kode, membuat kesimpulan dan melaporkan temuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada 9 tipe muatan kecerdasan pada setiap seri film ‘Dora the Explorer’. Tipe kecerdasan tesebut adalah kecerdasan natural, musik, matematis, interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinestetik, bahasa, visual, dan eksistensi. Muatan kecerdasan pada tiga seri tersebut disampaikan dalam lakon yang berbeda.Lakon-lakon tersebut merupakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang merangsang perkembangan bakat potensi kecerdasan
Pengaruh Penerapan Strategi Pemecahan Masalah dalam Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 34 Pekanbaru
This research based on the importance of problem solving student ability. Due that thing, teacher should teach the student how to solve the problem, in order to have problem solving ability. This is a pre-experimental research using the Static Group Comparison design, which aims to whether the implementation of a problem solving strategy in cooperative learning type STAD giving good effect to problem solving student ability. This research was implemented in seventh grade SMP Negeri 34 Pekanbaru on first semester academic year 2016/2017. Population in this research is student in seventh grade SMP Negeri 34 Pekanbaru. Sample in this research consist of 69 stundents. A sample determine by purposive sampling's technique, there had been selected the VII3 into class experimental and VII4 into class control. Class experimental was applied problem solving strategy in cooperative learning type STAD and class control was applied cooperative learning type STAD. Data in this research consist of data from the beginning problem solving ability's test before given treatment which used to choose sample and data from problem solving ability's test which used to collecting score from problem solving ability's test. Collecting the data was done by giving test and documentation. The result of this research shows that implementation of problem solving strategy in cooperative learning type STAD give good effect to problem solving student ability
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan komunikasi matematis yang
tampak pada siswa dengan gender laki-laki dan perempuan di kelas VIII SMP Islam AlAzhar 29 Semarang dalam pemecahan masalah pada materi balok dan kubus.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus dan menggunakan
teknik purposive sampling untuk memilih subjek penelitian. Subjek penelitian adalah 4
siswa yaitu 2 siswa dengan gender laki-laki dan 2 siswa dengan gender perempuan. Teknik
pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan tes tertulis, dan wawancara berbasis tugas.
Validitas data menggunakan triangulasi waktu. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu
reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) siswa dengan gender laki laki: pada
kemampuan komunikasi matematis tertulis mampu mengekspresikan ide-ide
matematisnya; mendemonstrasikan ide-ide matematisnya; menyampaikan ide-idenya
secara visual; mampu memahami ide-ide matematis;menginterpretasikan ide-ide matematis
secara tertulis maupun dalam bentuk visual lainnya; mampu menggunakan istilah, notasinotasi matematika; menyampaikan ide-ide matematisnya dengan menggunakan istilah,
notasi-notasi matematika dan struktur-strukturnya; membuat hubungan antara ide-ide
dengan model situasi permasalahan secara tertulis. Pada kemampuan komunikasi
matematis lisan, siswa mampu mengekspresikan ide matematis; mendemonstrasikan ide
matematis; menyampaikan ide matematis; mampu memahami ide matematis;
menginterpretasikan ide matematis; mengevaluasi ide matematis; mampu menggunakan
istilah, notasi-notasi matematika dan stukturnya; menyampaikan ide matematis
menggunakan istilah, notasi-notasi matematika dan strukturnya; menyampaikan ide dan
hubungan dengan model situasi.; (2) siswa dengan gender perempuan: pada kemampuan
komunikasi matematis tertulis mampu mengekspresikan ide-ide matematisnya;
mendemonstrasikan ide-ide matematisnya; menyampaikan ide-idenya secara visual;
mampu memahami ide-ide matematis;menginterpretasikan ide-ide matematis secara tertulis
maupun dalam bentuk visual lainnya; mengevaluasi ide matematis secara tertulis maupun
dalam bentuk visual lainnya; mampu menggunakan istilah, notasi-notasi matematika;
menyampaikan ide-ide matematisnya dengan menggunakan istilah, notasi-notasi
matematika dan struktur-strukturnya; membuat hubungan antara ide-ide dengan model
situasi permasalahan secara tertulis. Pada kemampuan komunikasi matematis lisan, siswa
mampu mengekspresikan ide matematis; mendemonstrasikan ide matematis;
menyampaikan ide matematis; mampu memahami ide matematis; menginterpretasikan ide
matematis; mengevaluasi ide matematis; mampu menggunakan istilah, notasi-notasi
matematika dan stukturnya; menyampaikan ide matematis menggunakan istilah, notasinotasi matematika dan strukturnya; menyampaikan ide dan hubungan dengan model
situasi. Jadi dengan potensi yang dimiliki gender perempuan, subjek juga mampu
menggunakan potensi tersebut untuk mengembangkan kemampuan lain yaitu kemampuan
komunikasi matematis lisan.
Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis, Pemecahan Masalah, Gender
Professional Development of Pmri Teachers for Introducing Social Norms
This paper reports implementation results of designing a workshop for mathematics teacher in introducing classroom social norms. The participants are eight mathematics teachers in primary and junior secondary level. Teachers learned and did some activities about social norms during the workshop. First, they watched an example of learning videos about social norms. Then they discussed and shared in the group about their experiences in using social norms in the classroom. Finally, they made a commitment to try their knowledge about social norms in their classroom. This research used the design research method. Data were collected using videotaped, interview, and focus group discussion and were analyzed qualitatively. Results show that: (1) Teachers satisfied in following all activities relating to the social norms in the workshop. (2) Teachers realized that they had used some activities of social norms such as guiding students to communicate, asking questions and giving argumentation. (3) Teachers have more confidence to use social norms in their mathematics classroom
Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Sesuai Dengan Gender Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Pada Materi Balok Dan Kubus (Studi Kasus Pada Siswa SMP Kelas VIII SMP Islam Al-azhar 29 Semarang)
The aim of this research was to analyze the ability of mathematical communication in solving the problem of cube and cuboid material among male and female students in grade VIII of Islam Junior High School 29 Al-Azhar Semarang. This research was a qualitative research using case studies approach and used purposive sampling techniques to select the subjects of the study. The subjects were 4 students namely 2 male and 2 female students. The technique of data collection was conducted by reviewing documents and archives, conducting written tests and interviews. This study used triangulation time to validate the data. The data analysis techniques used in this research were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that: (1) male students: (a) could express, demonstrate, and deliver their mathematical ideas visually, understand and interpret their mathematical ideas in writen or other visual forms, were able to convey the matemathical terms, notations, and its structures, were able to make connections between their ideas and the problem situation in writen form, (b) were able to express, demonstrate, convey, understand, interpret, and evaluate mathematical ideas; able to use the mathematical terms, notations and its structures; were able to convey their ideas using mathematical terms, notations of mathematics and its structures; were able to convey ideas and the relation between models of the situation in spoken form. (2) female students: had the same ability with male students, but they could evaluate their mathematical ideas in writing or in visual forms in the mathematical written communication
Abstract: The aim of this research was to analyze the ability of mathematical communication in solving the problem of cube and cuboid material among male and female students in grade VIII of Islam Junior High School 29 Al-Azhar Semarang. This research was a qualitative research using case studies approach and used purposive sampling techniques to select the subjects of the study. The subjects were 4 students namely 2 male and 2 female students. The technique of data collection was conducted by reviewing documents and archives, conducting written tests and interviews. This study used triangulation time to validate the data. The data analysis techniques used in this research were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that: (1) male students: (a) could express, demonstrate, and deliver their mathematical ideas visually, understand and interpret their mathematical ideas in writen or other visual forms, were able to convey the matemathical terms, notations, and its structures, were able to make connections between their ideas and the problem situation in writen form, (b) were able to express, demonstrate, convey, understand, interpret, and evaluate mathematical ideas; able to use the mathematical terms, notations and its structures; were able to convey their ideas using mathematical terms, notations of mathematics and its structures; were able to convey ideas and the relation between models of the situation in spoken form. (2) female students: had the same ability with male students, but they could evaluate their mathematical ideas in writing or in visual forms in the mathematical written communication.Key words: Mathematical Communication, Problem Solving, Gende