1,421,132 research outputs found
The Master Thesis of Mosh\'e Flato
The genesis and impact of the M.Sc. thesis by Mosh\'e Flato is analysed. In
this connection, the fruitful passage of Mosh\'e in Lyon, capitale mondiale de
la gastronomie, is evoked. Finally, some basic elements for a model in crystal-
field theory are given as a important step on the way opened by Mosh\'e.Comment: 10 pages, Tex file. Contributed paper submitted for the proceedings
of the `Conf\'erence Mosh\'e Flato 1999' held in Dijon (France), 5 - 8
September 1999. The proceedings will be published by Kluwer Academic
Publishers in the series `Mathematical Physics Studies', eds. G. Dito and D.
Sternheimer, founded by the late Professor Mosh\'e Flat
Software Engineering Department Master Thesis
Son zamanlarda yapay zeka (AI), sunduğu çözümler nedeniyle bilimsel araştırmaların tüm alanlarını işgal etti. Sağlık da bir istisna değil. Diyabet dünyadaki en yaygın hastalıklardan biridir. Komplikasyonlarından biri, hastanın görüşünü bulanıklaştırabilen veya bozabilen ve körlüğün ana nedenlerinden biri olan diyabetik retinopatidir. Diyabetik retinopatinin erken teşhisi tedaviye büyük ölçüde yardımcı olabilir. Yapay Zeka ve özellikle derin öğrenme alanındaki son gelişmeler, birçok hastalığı erken evrelerinde tahmin etmek, öngörmek ve teşhis etmek için kullanılabilecek iddialı çözümler sunmaktadır. Son yıl projemizde, retina görüntülerini analiz etmek için derin öğrenmenin potansiyelini araştırdık. Diyabetik retinopati seviyelerini otomatik olarak tespit etmemizi ve sınıflandırmamızı sağlayacak bir model oluşturmak için Derin Öğrenme (DL) kavramlarını bir konvolüsyonel sinir ağı (CNN) algoritması ile inceleyeceğiz. Göz ve diyabetik retinopati, ardından farklı diyabetik retinopati türleri, diyabetik retinopatinin nedenleri, önlenmesi, teşhisi ve uygun tedavisi hakkında bir sunum yapacağız. Modellerimizi eğitmek için herkesin erişebileceği bir platform olan Google Colab'ı kullanacağız
The Master\u27s Written Thesis
91 pages : illus. ; 26 cm; 2nd Edition. This guide to thesis development is best used in discussion and negotiation with your Graduate Program Director and other thesis advisors. It may also be used as part of a workshop structure to explore in conversation with others the ideas and possibilities most appropriate to your own work. – Anne West, from the Introduction. This remarkable handbook is a navigational instrument offered to assist each graduate student through the development of an independent, distinctive process of writing about—and with—one’s work. – Patricia C. Phillips, from the introduction. The first edition of this handbook was produced in 1996, under the supervision of Graduate Dean Christina Bertoni. It was written to address the needs of graduate students preparing their written thesis and with the greatest concern for reducing thesis anxiety. Two reprints followed. With this second edition we have taken this guide through a vigorous and enthusiastic overhaul. The amplification of this guide parallels the scope of graduate study at RISD, which has enlarged considerably since our first effort over a decade ago. We hope that the results of this effort will be discussed in the context of departmental workshops and as such will strongly support graduates in achieving their personal and academic goals. – Anne West, from the acknowledgments. Printed by Kase Printing, Inc. in Hudson, New Hampshire A print partner of Brown University Graphic Services Paper: Finch Fine Bright White Antique, 80lb. text and 100lb. cover Typeface: Galaxie Polaris by Chester Jenkins in 2008. Design: Mary Banas. Photography: Marta Labad unless otherwise noted. – Colophonhttps://digitalcommons.risd.edu/centerforartsandlanguage_thesiswriting/1002/thumbnail.jp
Research activities in the first two cycles of European Biosystems engineering university studies - Situation in the Netherlands
Wageningen University has implemented the bachelor – master model by 2003. The biosystems related programmes of Wageningen University are the BSc Agrotechnology and the MSc Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering. The bachelor programme has a size of 180 credits and the master programme a size of 120 credits. Both 1st and 2nd cycle programmes have a strong focus on research. A thesis is part of both programmes; the size is 12 credits for the bachelor thesis (to be increased to 24 by 2010) and 36 for the master thesis. An important difference between the bachelor and the master thesis is the level of independence. The bachelor thesis work is more structured than the master thesis work. Most of the thesis work is related to ongoing research projects. In the bachelor programme there are several courses that confront students with research and in which they learn research and academic skills. In this way the students gradually learn what research is and how to do it. In the master programme there are only a few courses related to the research skills; the students that start with the master are supposed to posses these skills. The BSc degree is not considered as an end point but is a pivot point for choosing a master. Therefore there are no research positions for persons having only BSc degree. Research positions in industry require at least a MSc degree but the trend is that more and more a PhD is required. Senior research positions within the research organizations require in most cased a PhD and within the university it is a basic requirement
Harry Potter and the Master Thesis
This thesis was made to explore the possibility of incorporating movie adaptions of novels into the English Second Language classrooms to facilitate learning. The following research question for this thesis was then formed: "How can a teacher work with movie adaptions as texts in the ESL-classroom?”. To answer this question, I chose a qualitative research approach, document analysis. I would analyze documents for research on the subject and didactical textbooks to create a lesson plan that would work for a typical 8th grade English class in Norwegian schools. The documents analyzed were peer reviewed works from other academics as well as didactical theory, and these sources were chosen to create a solid foundation to build the lesson plan on. This research resulted in a lesson plan that would take about five weeks to complete in a classroom. The lessons include tasks that allow for level differentiation, teamwork, and development of the basic skills in the current curriculum (LK20). The planning process was influenced by the backwards planning model and the didactical relationship model, which both brought order and structure to the planning process resulting in a thoroughly planned lesson plan
Sumol+Compal : equity research master thesis
The purpose of this dissertation is to evaluate Sumol+Compal equity value at the end of 2016. In this sense a detailed analysis on the company financials and industry sector was done, followed by a DCF and Multiples valuation. The DCF resulted in a share price of 1.01€, that represents a downside of 48.5% when compared to the value of the homologous period, 1.96€. The multiples valuation resulted in a share price of 1.55€, 20.9% below the close price of the year 2015. After an extensive sensitivity analysis, the final outcome was defined, Sumol+Compal share price, at the end of 2016, will be around 1.18€. This value represents a downside of 39.8% when compared to value recorded at the end of the previous year and 10.9% regarding September, 27th, 2016 (most recent information). At this date Sumol+Compal share price was at 1.33€, therefore the outcome of this dissertation is a Sell recommendation.O objetivo desta dissertação é calcular o valor do capital próprio da Sumol +Compal no final do ano de 2016. Para este efeito foi feita uma análise detalhada à situação financeira da empresa e à indústria onde esta está inserida, seguidas de uma avaliação DCF e por múltiplos. O DCF resultou num preço por acção de 1.01€, que representa um prejuízo de 48.5% quando comparada com o valor da mesma acção no período homólogo, 1.96€. A avaliação por múltiplos resultou num preço de 1.55€, 20.9% abaixo do preço de fecho do ano de 2015. Depois de uma extensa análise de sensibilidade, o resultado final foi definido, o preço da ação da Sumol+ Compal, no final do ano de 2016, será à volta de 1.18€. Este valor representa um prejuízo de 39.8% quando comparado com o valor registado no final do ano passado e de 10.9% quando comparado com informação mais recente, 27 de Setembro de 2016. Nesta data a Sumol +Compal registava um preço de 1.33€, por isso a conclusão desta dissertação recai sobre a recomendação de venda das ações desta empresa
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