153 research outputs found

    An Artificial Immune System-Inspired Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm with Application to the Detection of Distributed Computer Network Intrusions

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    Today\u27s predominantly-employed signature-based intrusion detection systems are reactive in nature and storage-limited. Their operation depends upon catching an instance of an intrusion or virus after a potentially successful attack, performing post-mortem analysis on that instance and encoding it into a signature that is stored in its anomaly database. The time required to perform these tasks provides a window of vulnerability to DoD computer systems. Further, because of the current maximum size of an Internet Protocol-based message, the database would have to be able to maintain 25665535 possible signature combinations. In order to tighten this response cycle within storage constraints, this thesis presents an Artificial Immune System-inspired Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm intended to measure the vector of trade-off solutions among detectors with regard to two independent objectives: best classification fitness and optimal hypervolume size. Modeled in the spirit of the human biological immune system and intended to augment DoD network defense systems, our algorithm generates network traffic detectors that are dispersed throughout the network. These detectors promiscuously monitor network traffic for exact and variant abnormal system events, based on only the detector\u27s own data structure and the ID domain truth set, and respond heuristically. The application domain employed for testing was the MIT-DARPA 1999 intrusion detection data set, composed of 7.2 million packets of notional Air Force Base network traffic. Results show our proof-of-concept algorithm correctly classifies at best 86.48% of the normal and 99.9% of the abnormal events, attributed to a detector affinity threshold typically between 39-44%. Further, four of the 16 intrusion sequences were classified with a 0% false positive rate

    Search‐based model transformations

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    Model transformations are an important cornerstone of model‐driven engineering, a discipline which facilitates the abstraction of relevant information of a system as models. The success of the final system mainly depends on the optimization of these models through model transformations. Currently, the application of transformations is realized either by following the apply‐as‐long‐as‐possible strategy or by the provision of explicit rule orchestrations. This implies two main limitations. First, the optimization objectives are implicitly hidden in the transformation rules and their orchestration. Second, manually finding the best orchestration for a particular scenario is a major challenge due to the high number of possible combinations. To overcome these limitations, we present a novel framework that builds on the non‐intrusive integration of optimization and model transformation technologies. In particular, we formulate the transformation orchestration task as an optimization problem, which allows for the efficient exploration of the transformation space and explication of the transformation objectives. Our generic framework provides several search algorithms and guides the user in providing a proper search configuration. We present different instantiations of our framework to demonstrate its feasibility, applicability, and benefits using several case studiesEuropean Commission ICT Policy Support Programme 317859Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P10-TIC-5960Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-186

    Heurísticas bioinspiradas para el problema de Floorplanning 3D térmico de dispositivos MPSoCs

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informåtica, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automåtica, leída el 20-06-2013Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomåticaFac. de InformåticaTRUEunpu

    Multi-objective Digital VLSI Design Optimisation

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    Modern VLSI design's complexity and density has been exponentially increasing over the past 50 years and recently reached a stage within its development, allowing heterogeneous, many-core systems and numerous functions to be integrated into a tiny silicon die. These advancements have revealed intrinsic physical limits of process technologies in advanced silicon technology nodes. Designers and EDA vendors have to handle these challenges which may otherwise result in inferior design quality, even failures, and lower design yields under time-to-market pressure. Multiple or many design objectives and constraints are emerging during the design process and often need to be dealt with simultaneously. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms show flexible capabilities in maintaining multiple variable components and factors in uncertain environments. The VLSI design process involves a large number of available parameters both from designs and EDA tools. This provides many potential optimisation avenues where evolutionary algorithms can excel. This PhD work investigates the application of evolutionary techniques for digital VLSI design optimisation. Automated multi-objective optimisation frameworks, compatible with industrial design flows and foundry technologies, are proposed to improve solution performance, expand feasible design space, and handle complex physical floorplan constraints through tuning designs at gate-level. Methodologies for enriching standard cell libraries regarding drive strength are also introduced to cooperate with multi-objective optimisation frameworks, e.g., subsequent hill-climbing, providing a richer pool of solutions optimised for different trade-offs. The experiments of this thesis demonstrate that multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, derived from biological inspirations, can assist the digital VLSI design process, in an industrial design context, to more efficiently search for well-balanced trade-off solutions as well as optimised design space coverage. The expanded drive granularity of standard cells can push the performance of silicon technologies with offering improved solutions regarding critical objectives. The achieved optimisation results can better deliver trade-off solutions regarding power, performance and area metrics than using standard EDA tools alone. This has been not only shown for a single circuit solution but also covered the entire standard-tool-produced design space

    Performance comparison of generational and steady-state asynchronous multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for computationally-intensive problems.

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    In the last two decades, multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) have become ever more used in scientific and industrial decision support and decision making contexts the require an a posteriori articulation of preference. The present work is focused on a comparative analysis of the performance of two master–slave parallelization (MSP) methods, the canonical generational scheme and the steady-state asynchronous scheme. Both can be used to improve the convergence speed of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms that must use computationally-intensive fitness evaluation functions. Both previous and present experiments show that a correct choice for one or the other parallelization method can lead to substantial improvements with regard to the overall duration of the optimization process. Our main aim is to provide practitioners of MOEAs with a simple but effective method of deciding which MSP option is better given the particularities of the concrete optimization process. This in turn, would give the decision maker more time for articulating preferences (i.e., more flexibility). Our analysis is performed based on 15 well-known MOOP benchmark problems and two simulation-based industrial optimization processes from the field of electrical drive design. For the first industrial MOOP, when comparing with a preliminary study, applying the steady-state asynchronous MSP enables us to achieve an overall speedup (in terms of total wall-clock computation time) of ≈25%. For the second industrial MOOP, applying the steady-state MSP produces an improvement of ≈12%. We focus our study on two of the best known and most widely used MOEAs: the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) and the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2)

    Evolutionary Design of the Memory Subsystem

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    The memory hierarchy has a high impact on the performance and power consumption in the system. Moreover, current embedded systems, included in mobile devices, are specifically designed to run multimedia applications, which are memory intensive. This increases the pressure on the memory subsystem and affects the performance and energy consumption. In this regard, the thermal problems, performance degradation and high energy consumption, can cause irreversible damage to the devices. We address the optimization of the whole memory subsystem with three approaches integrated as a single methodology. Firstly, the thermal impact of register file is analyzed and optimized. Secondly, the cache memory is addressed by optimizing cache configuration according to running applications and improving both performance and power consumption. Finally, we simplify the design and evaluation process of general-purpose and customized dynamic memory manager, in the main memory. To this aim, we apply different evolutionary algorithms in combination with memory simulators and profiling tools. This way, we are able to evaluate the quality of each candidate solution and take advantage of the exploration of solutions given by the optimization algorithm.We also provide an experimental experience where our proposal is assessed using well-known benchmark applications

    Curses, Tradeoffs, and Scalable Management:Advancing Evolutionary Multiobjective Direct Policy Search to Improve Water Reservoir Operations

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    Optimal management policies for water reservoir operation are generally designed via stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). Yet, the adoption of SDP in complex real-world problems is challenged by the three curses of dimensionality, modeling, and multiple objectives. These three curses considerably limit SDP’s practical application. Alternatively, this study focuses on the use of evolutionary multiobjective direct policy search (EMODPS), a simulation-based optimization approach that combines direct policy search, nonlinear approximating networks, and multiobjective evolutionary algorithms to design Pareto-approximate closed-loop operating policies for multipurpose water reservoirs. This analysis explores the technical and practical implications of using EMODPS through a careful diagnostic assessment of the effectiveness and reliability of the overall EMODPS solution design as well as of the resulting Pareto-approximate operating policies. The EMODPS approach is evaluated using the multipurpose Hoa Binh water reservoir in Vietnam, where water operators are seeking to balance the conflicting objectives of maximizing hydropower production and minimizing flood risks. A key choice in the EMODPS approach is the selection of alternative formulations for flexibly representing reservoir operating policies. This study distinguishes between the relative performance of two widely-used nonlinear approximating networks, namely artificial neural networks (ANNs) and radial basis functions (RBFs). The results show that RBF solutions are more effective than ANN ones in designing Pareto approximate policies for the Hoa Binh reservoir. Given the approximate nature of EMODPS, the diagnostic benchmarking uses SDP to evaluate the overall quality of the attained Pareto-approximate results. Although the Hoa Binh test case’s relative simplicity should maximize the potential value of SDP, the results demonstrate that EMODPS successfully dominates the solutions derived via SDP

    Optimization of a Quantum Cascade Laser Operating in the Terahertz Frequency Range Using a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm

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    A quantum cascade (QC) laser is a specific type of semiconductor laser that operates through principles of quantum mechanics. In less than a decade QC lasers are already able to outperform previously designed double heterostructure semiconductor lasers. Because there is a genuine lack of compact and coherent devices which can operate in the far-infrared region the motivation exists for designing a terahertz QC laser. A device operating at this frequency is expected to be more efficient and cost effective than currently existing devices. It has potential applications in the fields of spectroscopy, astronomy, medicine and free-space communication as well as applications to near-space radar and chemical/biological detection. The overarching goal of this research was to find QC laser parameter combinations which can be used to fabricate viable structures. To ensure operation in the THz region the device must conform to the extremely small energy level spacing range from ~10-15 meV. The time and expense of the design and production process is prohibitive, so an alternative to fabrication was necessary. To accomplish this goal a model of a QC laser, developed at Worchester Polytechnic Institute with sponsorship from the Air Force Research Laboratory Sensors Directorate, and the General Multiobjective Parallel Genetic Algorithm (GenMOP), developed at the Air Force Institute of Technology, were integrated to form a computer simulation which stochastically searches for feasible solutions

    Multi-objective digital circuit block optimisation based on cell mapping in an industrial electronic design automation flow

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    Abstract Modern electronic design automation (EDA) tools can handle the complexity of state‐of‐the‐art electronic systems by decomposing them into smaller blocks or cells, introducing different levels of abstraction and staged design flows. However, throughout each independently optimised design step, overheads and inefficiencies can accumulate in the resulting overall design. Performing design‐specific optimisation from a more global viewpoint requires more time due to the larger search space but has the potential to provide solutions with improved performanc. In this work, a fully‐automated, multi‐objective (MO) EDA flow is introduced to address this issue. It specifically tunes drive strength mapping, prior to physical implementation, through MO population‐based search algorithms. Designs are evaluated with respect to their power, performance and area (PPA). The proposed approach is aimed at digital circuit optimisation at the block level, where it is capable of expanding the design space and offers a set of trade‐off solutions for different case‐specific utilisation. We have applied the proposed multi‐objective electronic design automation flow (MOEDA) framework to ISCAS‐85 and EPFL benchmark circuits by using a commercial 65 nm standard cell library. The experimental results demonstrate how the MOEDA flow enhances the solutions initially generated by the standard digital flow and how simultaneously a significant improvement in PPA metrics is achieved

    Leveraging Human Insights by Combining Multi-Objective Optimization with Interactive Evolution

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    Deceptive fitness landscapes are a growing concern for evolutionary computation. Recent work has shown that combining human insights with short-term evolution has a synergistic effect that accelerates the discovery of solutions. While humans provide rich insights, they fatigue easily. Previous work reduced the number of human evaluations by evolving a diverse set of candidates via intermittent searches for novelty. While successful at evolving solutions for a deceptive maze domain, this approach lacks the ability to measure what the human evaluator identifies as important. The key insight here is that multi-objective evolutionary algorithms foster diversity, serving as a surrogate for novelty, while measuring user preferences. This approach, called Pareto Optimality-Assisted Interactive Evolutionary Computation (POA-IEC), allows users to identify candidates that they feel are promising. Experimental results reveal that POA-IEC finds solutions in fewer evaluations than previous approaches, and that the non-dominated set is significantly more novel than the dominated set. In this way, POA-IEC simultaneously leverages human insights while quantifying their preferences
