11,331 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Lemna Minor Sebagai Pakan Sapi Perah Terhadap Kadar Lemak, Berat Jenis, dan Bahan Kering Tanpa Lemak Susu Friesian Holstein

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    Abstract  Lemna minor is a water plant that is easily obtained and has a good nutrient content that is high in protein. High protein for livestock can be used for production purposes. The study aims to determine the effect of administration of lemna minor on fat content, specific gravity, and dry matter without fat milk of friesien holstein dairy cows. The object of the study was 20 second-to-four-month FH lactating cows in the Dairy Farmer Group of Kp Tanggung Renteng Village, Pamegatan Village, Cikajang District, Garut Regency, West Java Province, then kept for 60 days and given feed according to treatment, namely R0 = Grass 60% + Concentrate 40%, R1 = 50% Grass + 40% Concentrate + 10% wet Lemna, R2 = 60% Grass + 37% Concentrate + 3% Dry Lemna, R3 = 50% Grass + 37% Concentrate + 10% Wet Lemna + 3% Dry Lemna, R4 = Grass 45% + Concentrate 38% + Wet Lemna 15% + Dry Lemna 2%. The results showed that the effect of administering lemna minor did not affect on fat content, specific gravity, and dry matter without milk fat. The conclusion that administration of lemna minor in dairy cattle feed cannot increase fat content, specific gravity, and dry ingredients without fat Holstein friesien milk.  Keywords : lemna minor, fat content, density, solid non fat   Abstrak  Lemna minor merupakan tanaman air yang mudah diperoleh dan memiliki kandungan nutrient yang baik yaitu protein tinggi. Protein yang tinggi bagi ternak dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan produksi.  Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian lemna minor terhadap kadar lemak, berat jenis, dan bahan kering tanpa lemak susu sapi perah friesien holstein. Objek penelitian yang digunakan adalah 20 ekor sapi FH laktasi kedua sampai empat bulan di Kelompok Peternak Sapi Perah Kp Tanggung Renteng Desa Pamegatan Kecamatan Cikajang Kabupaten Garut Provinsi Jawa Barat kemudian dipelihara selama 60 hari dan diberikan pakan sesuai dengan perlakuan yaitu R0= Rumput 60% + Konsentrat 40%, R1= Rumput 50% + Konsentrat 40% + Lemna basah 10%, R2= Rumput 60% + Konsentrat 37% + Lemna Kering 3%, R3= Rumput 50% + Konsentrat 37% + Lemna Basah 10% + 3% Lemna Kering, R4= Rumput 45% + Konsentrat 38% + lemna basah 15% + Lemna Kering 2%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pemberian lemna minor tidak berpengaruh terhadap (P>0,05) kadar lemak, berat jenis, dan bahan kering tanpa lemak susu. Kesimpulan bahwa pemberian lemna minor dalam pakan sapi perah tidak dapat meningkatkan kandungan lemak, berat jenis, dan bahan kering tanpa lemak susu friesien Holstein.  Kata kunci : lemna minor, kadar lemak, berat jenis, bahan kering tanpa lema

    Flowering in British Lemna: A rare, cyclic or simply overlooked phenomenon?

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    It is largely presumed that reproduction in British Lemna, as in other British Lemnaceae, is almost entirely asexual, with new daughter fronds being produced from the side pouches of older mother fronds. Sexual reproduction is considered to be a rather rare event or even absent and because of this rarity the sexual features of Lemna, such as anthers and fruit, are often considered to be of little taxonomic value. It was with some surprise, therefore, that widespread flowering was observed in all British Lemna during the summer of 1995. Initial observations in Shropshire during June recorded flowers in minor and trisulca, with fruit production in trisulca. L.gibba, minor and minuta were noted as being in flower on several occasions in Kent, during July and August, probably fruit production occurring in both species. To what extent these events are truly representative of the sexual reproduction rate of British Lemna on a year-to-year basis, or simply reflect the unusually high summer temperatures of 1995, is unclear


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    Ikan nila (Oreochromis noliticus) merupakan ikan yang mudah dibudidayakan dan untuk meningkatkan produksi ikan nila, budidaya secara intensif perlu dilakukan dengan pemberian makanan yang berkualitas, kualitas air yang perlu diperhatikan. Pakan merupakan salah satu faktor penting produksi dalam suatu kegiatan budidaya ikan, terutama pada sistem budidaya intensif. Pemanfaatan bahan baku lokal yaitu Lemna minor sangat cocok karena Lemna memilki kandungan protein yang tinggi mencapai 10-40% berdasarkan berat kering). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari A (Tanpa Lemna minor), B (Tepung Lemna minor 20%), C (Tepung Lemna minor 40% dan D (Pelet Komersil). Ikan yang akan digunakan adalah ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) ukuran 5-8 cm yang dipelihara pada 3 hapa. Pakan uji yang diberikan adalah pakan buatan dengan menggunakan Lemna minor sebagai bahan baku pakan dan frekuensi pemberian 3 kali sehari. Parameter yang diamati yaitu pertumbuhan, sintasan dan efisiensi pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembuatan pakan terdiri dari tahapan persiapan bahan baku pakan, penggilingan/pengayakan, pencampuran bahan, pencetakan peletdan pengeringan serta tahapan terakhir yaitu penyimpanan pelet. Hasil pengukuran pertumbuhan perlakuan B (Lemna minor 20%) menunjukan nilai tertinggi yaitu 2,52 cm dan 6,87g

    Interactions of aquatic microphytes and epiphytes and epiphytic algae in freshwater ecosystems

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    PhDThe distribution, population dynamics, photosynthesis and nutrition of epiphytic algae were investigated in natural and artificial freshwater ecosystems, with special reference to interactions between the algae and their macrophytic substrata. The distribution of epiphyton in the littoral zone of Windermere was related to light shading effects of dense emergent vegetation. The distribution of epiphyton in the phyllosphere of Lemna minor in a small pond and in culture media was related to the rate of multiplication, age, topography, and exudates of the fronds, and to tactic responses of motile algal propagules. The population dynamics of epiphytic algae on Lemna minor in a small pond were correlated with seasonal changes in light and temperature, the growth cycle of Lemna minor, and with depletions of dissolved substances associated with primary production. Standing crops of epiphyton which accumulated on Lemna minor in culture media in the laboratory were related to the topography and rate of multiplication of the fronds, and to the inorganic nutrient concentrations in the media. Calothrix brevissima reduced the multiplication rate of fronds. The accumulation of Calothrix was correlated with an increase in the pH of the media to values which inhibited multiplication and photosynthesis in Lemna. Photosynthetic rates and yields of epiphytic algae were reduced in nitrogen deficient culture media. Photosynthesis and yields of Lemna minor were not severely reduced under nitrogen deficient conditions. Competition for nitrogen between Lemna and algae was proposed. Lemna minor excrete 14C labelled substances into axenic culture media. Epiphytic algal and bacterial populations assimilated the substances excreted by Lemna minor. Evidence for the excretion of antibiotic substances by Lemna minor was not conclusive.Science Research counci


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    The use of natural remediation methods to remove contaminants from waste water is becoming more popular. Plants have been used for several decades, yet their use for municipal waste water contaminated by heavy metals is limited to a few studies which focus on the Mercury and Chromium (Bennicelli, et.al, 2004). This study specifically attempted to determine the viability for using Lemna minor to remediate municipally generated wastewater contaminated with copper. The study used 100 ml samples of wastewater, artificially spiked with 8 mg/L of copper sulfate and seeded with approximately 100 Lemna minor fronds. Each treatment was repeated 15 times and distilled water was added daily to maintain 100 ml samples. The addition of Lemna minor statistically lowered the copper concentration of the treatment groups (55% reduction in total Cu concentration). No significant decrease was seen in the control groups. While Lemna minor has metals accumulation potential, its wide spread use is limited by the toxic effect of copper on Lemna minor at relatively low levels

    Kualitas Pakan Ikan Berbahan Dasar Tepung Ampas Kelapa dan Tepung "Duckweed" (Lemna minor)

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    Fish feed is one of effective way to minimize production costs in fish farming. Coconut pulp contains 13,09% protein so that it can be used as an alternative raw material for fish feed. Flour "Duckweed"(Lemna minor) is one of natural protein source as a mixed materials that contains 15-40% protein. The purpose of this study was to know the quality of fish feed with the raw materials from coconut pulp flour with "Duckweed" (Lemna minor) flour. This research method using Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with two factors. The first factor is the weight of the coconut pulp flour (30 g, 40 g and 50 g) and the second factor is the weight of the "Duckweed" (Lemna minor) flour (25 g and 30 g) with 2 repetitions. The results showed that the best quality of fish feed on treatment of coconut pulp flour with a weight of 30 gr, while addition of “Duckweed” (Lemna minor) flour has no effect on the protein content of the fish feed. Keywords : coconut pulp, fish feed, Lemna minor (Duckweed), protei


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    Lemna minor plant have the ability to reduce pollutant levels in Landfill leachate. The use of Lemna minor in leachate treatment was considered effective in degrading Cd and COD pollutants. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness and absorption rate of Lemna minor in degrading heavy metal Cd and reducing COD levels in Gampong Jawa Landfill leachate. This study used the phytoremediation method on a laboratory scale, and the leachate sampling method used the grab sampling technique. In testing both parameters, two types of test variations were carried out. First, in Reactor I, it was carried out without using an aerator, and in Reactor II, the test was carried out with the addition of an aerator. For duration, the variations of retention time were used are the third, sixth, ninth, and 12th days. The weight of the Lemna minor were used in each reactor was 35 grams for a leachate volume of 5 Liters. The results showed that Lemna minor was able to reduce pollutant levels in the Gampong Jawa Landfill leachate with the most optimal proportion of 15.92% for the heavy metal Cd, and 94.68% for the organic pollutant COD. Treatment on the 12th day for tests carried out in reactors that have an aeration system was the most effective variation in reducing the levels of Cd and COD parameters. Keywords : Lemna minor, Landfill Leachate, Phytoremediatio

    Development of Aquatic Bioassay with Lemna minor and Spirodela polirhiza for Screening of Waters Contaminated with Tritium

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    The work is aimed at studying morphometric parameters of the aquatic plants Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrhiza to develop a bioassay for water bodies contaminated with tritium. A considerable increase is noted of Lemna minor plants with the greatest biomass and area at high specific activity of tritium (3700 Bq/l) in natural water objects. A reliable Spirodela polyrhiza species dependence on specific tritium activity is not observed. Keywords: Tritium, bioindication, freshwater body, Lemna minor, Spirodela polyrhiz

    Characterization of the cryptic interspecific hybrid Lemna×mediterranea by an integrated approach provides new insights into duckweed diversity

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    Lemnaceae taxonomy is challenged by the particular morphology of these tiny free-floating angiosperms. Although molecular taxonomy has helped clarify the phylogenetic history of this family, some inconsistency with morphological data leads to frequent misclassifications in the genus Lemna. Recently, the finding that Lemna japonica is an interspecific hybrid between Lemna minor and Lemna turionifera provided a clear explanation for one such taxonomic question. Here we demonstrated that L. minor is also capable of hybridizing with Lemna gibba, generating a cryptic but widespread taxon in the Mediterranean area. The nothotaxon Lemna xmediterranea is described and compared with clones of the putative parental species L. minor and L. gibba. Genetic analysis by nuclear and plastid markers, as well as genome size measurement, revealed that two different cytotypes, diploid and triploid, originated by at least two independent hybridization events. Despite high overall similarity, morphometrical, physiological, and biochemical analyses showed an intermediate position of L. xmediterranea between its parental species in most qualitative and quantitative characters, and also separation of the two hybrid cytotypes by some criteria. These data provide evidence that hybridization and polyploidization, driving forces of terrestrial plant evolution, contribute to duckweed genetic diversity and may have shaped the phylogenetic history of these mainly asexual, aquatic plants.Thorough investigation of the interspecific hybrid Lemna xmediterranea reveals recurrent hybridization in Lemna minor and the existence of homoploid and triploid cytotypes, with differences in phenotypical and ecophysiological traits


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    Lemna minor was collected from a local pond from the Floresti area, Cluj county. The plants were left for vegetative multiplication, and then analyzed in order to investigate their ability to reduce the pollutants from wastewater. The untreated wastewater contained high concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, low concentrations of Ba, Be, Ca, Fe, Hg, Li, Rb, Se, Sr, Sn, Ti, V and high levels of organic pollutants. The results showed that the Lemna minor genotype has a high potential to reduce the totally oxidizable organic pollutants from the wastewater with 65%. Lemna minor achieved high removal efficiency of Mn and Pb from wastewater. Also, the results demonstrate the impressive ability of the Lemna minor genotype to accumulate high concentrations of Na, Al, Hg and Fe compared to that of the control plants. Simultaneously, an antagonistic effect was observed in case of the Cu, Ni and Zn after the accumulation metals from the wastewater