635,928 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Zona Nilai Tanah (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Kendaltahun 2010-2015)

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    Development of an area is unavoidable, it is influenced by economic and population growth so that the activity in a region increase. The limited supply of land is causing the competition between activities to get land, so that it have impact to change the use of land. The demand level of land also have effect to the increase values of land use pattern. So it requires change of land use data update which refers to the land value zone. The land value zone reflects to the condition of fair market value. The changes of use of land that refers to the zone of land value is determined by overlaid maps the use of land value every years so that we get the maps of changes the use of land and the value land zone.The highest changes of land use in zone 3 is bush into residential of Rp.1.797.000 / m² and the lowest changes of land use for the zone 70 is fishpond into buildings Rp. 16,000 / m². Based on research in Kaliwungu District Kendal Regency there were 107 Land Value Zone. Based on a survey of transactions in 2010 the average of the highest price in three zones, is Rp 1,907,000 / m² located in Karang Tengah village. The average of the lowest price is found in the zone 70, which amounted to Rp. 16,000 / m² located in Mororejo village. Based on a survey of transactions in 2015 the average of the highest price in the District Kaliwungu contained in zone 7, which amounted to Rp 3,652,000 / m² located in Krajan Kulon village. Zone has the lowest average price is in a zone 70 Rp. 32,000 / m² located in Mororejo village. The Change Price Average Value of Land in 2010 and 2015 the average price increase is the highest ground in zone 7 of Rp 1,840,000 per m² and the increase in the average price of land was lowest for the 70 zones of Rp. 16,000 per m²

    Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Tanah Berdasarkan Harga Pasar Untuk Menentukan Nilai Jual Objek Pajak Di Kecamatan Gajah Mungkur Kota Semarang

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    NJOP (Tax Object Sale Value) on which the imposition of tax on land and buildings, should in accordance with the Fair Market Value (NPW) applicable in the relevant area. If NJOP not in accordance with the NPW, the NPW is supposed to represent the value of the land, can not represent the value of the land in a specific zone. The zone is a geographical zone made up of a group of parcels of land that have the same value, so it is also called the Land Value Zone (ZNT). The average of NPW that can not represent the value of the land in a zone, would result in incompatibility ZNT formation, so that there will be a mismatch also to the determination of the United Nations on several parcels of land.Assessment approach using the sales comparison approach (Comparative Sales), where the object of the tax is to be assessed in comparison to other similar tax object that has been known resale value. How to assessment done by mass appraisal (no special attention to the property). This research was conducted with the manufacturing zone to determine sample points to be observed. Then create a zone map of land values based on transaction of value and NJOP (Tax Object Sale Value) District of Gajah Mungkur. Assessment calculations using Microsoft Excel 2007. Making the District Land Value Zone Map Gajah Mungkur 2015 using GIS (Geographical Information Systems) software.Results of this study showed Land Value Zone Map consists of 79 zones to map ZNT transaction and NJOP. Changed in land price difference with NJOP low of 76.31% while the highest price is 747.40%

    Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Tanah Untuk Menentukan Nilai Jual Objek Pajak (Studi Kasus : Kec. Gunungpati, Kota Semarang)

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    Tax Object Sales Value (NJOP) has been used as a basis for the imposition of tax on land and building. NJOP determination process must be suitable with the provisions of the fair market value (NPW), so the goverment consider that NJOP is equal to the market value. But the fact is NJOP often incompatible with NPW, it underlies the development of a scoring system using the market value of the Land Value Zone (ZNT) Map. Assessment approach using the sales comparison approach (Comparative Sales), where the object of the tax is compare to other similar tax object that has been known resales value. This research was conducted with the manufacturing zone to determine sample points to be searched. Then create a zone map of land values based on transaction of value and NJOP (Tax Object Sale Value) District of Gunungpati. Assessment calculations using Microsoft Excel 2007. Making the District Land Value Zone Map Gunungpati 2015 using GIS (Geographical Information Systems) analysis technology.Results of this study are Land Value Zone Map that consists of 117 zones. NJOP increased based on the highest market value reached 998,06% , while the lowest value increased is 20,83%. The level of this increase is influenced by location and access road factors

    Analisis Perubahan Zona Nilai Tanah Berdasarkan Harga Pasar Untuk Menentukan Nilai Jual Objek Pajak (Njop) Dan Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (Pad) (Studi Kasus : Kec. Semarang Timur, Kota Semarang)

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    Tax Object Sales Value (NJOP) has been used as a basis for the imposition of Tax on Land and Building(PBB). NJOP determination process must be suitable with the provisions of the fair market value (NPW). But the fact is NJOP often incompatible with NPW. It underlies the development of a scoring system using the market value of the Land Value Zone (ZNT) Map. ZNT map can be utilized for the cost determination in land service, reference for the community in transaction, the determination of indemnify, inventory for public assets or community assets value, monitoring the value and market of land, and as reference for the NJOP\u27s determination for PBB.This research done by massive appraisal without concerning about specific property. Mapped by land\u27s value in massive assessment using the sales comparative approach. This research was conducted to create a zone which determine sample points for analysis. Then create a zone map of land values based on the market value and NJOP District of Semarang Timur. Making a zone map of land value by the district of Semarang Timur in 2015 using GIS (Geographical Information Systems) analysis technology.From this research shown that NJOP increased based on the highest market value reached 1229,3% with the value of land based on NJOP data is Rp. 1.086.000 and the land based on the market value is Rp. 14.436.00. While the lowest value increas is 40,85%. The land value based on NJOP data is Rp. 2.444.000 and the land based on the market value is Rp. 3.442.000

    Analysis of Land Value in the Area Surrounding the Central Business District (CBD) of Simpang Lima, Semarang City Using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)

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    According to the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) for the City of Semarang in 2011–2031, the area around Simpang Lima is part of City Area 1, with a function as the Central Business District (CBD). Losch (1954) suggests that the value of a parcel of land tends to decrease if it is away from the central business area. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between changes in land value and the presence of CBD around the Simpang Lima CBD. The methods employed in this study are the calculation of the Average Indicated Value (NIR), analyzing changes in land value in 2012–2023, and the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Based on an analysis of changes in land value for 2012–2023, it shows that the highest change in land value zone for 2012–2018 was in zone 166, with an increase of IDR 20,446,000, and the lowest change in land value was in zone 163, with a decrease of IDR 3,956,000. Meanwhile, the highest change in land value zone for 2018–2023 was in zone 84, with an increase of IDR 28,852,000, and the lowest change in land value was in zone 37, with an increase of IDR 217,000. The results of statistical tests using GWR show that the influence of the distance from the CBD on changes in land values in 2012–2023 is 84%, indicating a high correlation. The results of the T-test performed on each variable indicate that the variables significantly influencing changes in land value are shopping centers and road widths. Shopping centers have a negative correlation. On the other hand, the road width is positively correlation

    Analisis Pengaruh Pola Perubahan Lahan Akibat Perpindahan Pusat Pemerintahan Terhadap Zona Nilai Tanah Di Kecamatan Mojosongo Kabupaten Boyolali (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Mojosongo, Kabupaten Boyolali)

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    Boyolali is one district in Central Java province which has a central government located in Boyolali. However, in 2010 according to the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) of Boyolali, Central Government which was originally located in Boyolali, was relocated to the Mojosongo sub district. The influence of the displacement is increasing activity of the society resulting in a change of land use. And impact of land use changes is changing the value / price of the land in the Mojosongo sub district, so that the necessary research on land use change to analyze changes in the value of land.This study uses the Land Use Maps of Boyolali in 2010 and the Land Value Zone Map in 2008 and first performed 2013. The next step map was processed by the ArcGIS software, BPN version, to obtain a ZNT Map of 2008 and 2013 that then be overlaid Map ZNT 2008 and 2013 in order to obtain changes in the value of land acquired for 2007 and 2013. At the final stage, analysis of land use change that occurred between 2008 and 2013.In this study, the results obtained that there are 81 zone in the district of Mojosongo, where the most significant land use changes occurred in Zone 41 of the moor / agriculture into buildings. Zone 41 is the removal of the central location of the new government of Boyolali. The increase of the largest value in Zone 41 is Rp. 981 000, - which is the change of agricultural land / moor into the Office Complex in Kemiri village. While the smallest increase is in zone 73, zone 76 and zone 81 which is a residential area located in the Dlingo village
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