28,480 research outputs found
Algorithmic Structuring of Cut-free Proofs
The problem of algorithmic structuring of proofs in the sequent calculi LK and LKB ( LK where blocks of quantifiers can be introduced in one step) is investigated, where a distinction is made between linear proofs and proofs in tree form. In this framework, structuring coincides with the introduction of cuts into a proof. The algorithmic solvability of this problem can be reduced to the question of k-l-compressibility: "Given a proof of length k , and l ā¤ k : Is there is a proof of length ā¤ l ?" When restricted to proofs with universal or existential cuts, this problem is shown to be (1) undecidable for linear or tree-like LK-proofs (corresponds to the undecidability of second order unification), (2) undecidable for linear LKB-proofs (corresponds to the undecidability of semi-unification), and (3) decidable for tree-like LKB -proofs (corresponds to a decidable subprob-
lem of semi-unification)
Analisis transaksi sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan target sebuah perusahaan sehingga menjadi lebih stabil untuk manajerial keuangannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui bentuk kartu kendali proporsi yang terkendali dari data transaksi, dan mengetahui bentuk persentase kegagalan yang terjadi dari data transaksi. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan metode survei. Hasil penelitian yaitu dengan menggunakan kartu kendali proporsi proses rekonsiliasi transaksi pada perusahaan sudah terkendali secara statistik dengan Rata - Rata Proporsi, Limit Kontrol Atas (LKA), Limit Kontrol Bawah (LKB) yaitu jenis transaksi Bank Mandiri dengan rata-rata proporsi 0,09823, LKA0,12941 dan LKB 0,06819, jenis transaksi Alfamart dengan rata-rata proporsi 0,04951, LKA 0,08827, dan LKB 0,01076, jenis transaksi indomaret dengan rata-rata proporsi 0,05420, LKA 0,08767, dan LKB 0,02074, Jenis transaksi PT Pos Indonesia dengan rata-rata proporsi 0,03618, LKA 0,06375, dan LKB 0,00861; entubk persentase kegagalan dominan yang terjadi pada transaksi melalui Bank Mandiri dengan persentase 33% dengan jumlah kegagalan 665 dan jumlah transaksi 6760
Genitourinary Ī±/Ī² Ratios in the CHHiP Trial the Fraction Size Sensitivity of Late Genitourinary Toxicity: Analysis of Alpha/Beta (Ī±/Ī²) Ratios in the CHHiP Trial
PURPOSE: Moderately hypofractionated external beam intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for prostate cancer is now standard-of-care. Normal tissue toxicity responses to fraction size alteration are non-linear: the linear-quadratic model is a widely-used framework accounting for this, through the Ī±/Ī² ratio. Few Ī±/Ī² ratio estimates exist for human late genitourinary endpoints; here we provide estimates derived from a hypofractionation trial. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The XXXXXX trial randomised 3216 men with localised prostate cancer 1:1:1 between conventionally fractionated IMRT (74Gy/37 fractions (Fr)) and two moderately hypofractionated regimens (60Gy/20Fr & 57Gy/19Fr). Radiotherapy plan and suitable follow-up assessment was available for 2206 men. Three prospectively assessed clinician-reported toxicity scales were amalgamated for common genitourinary endpoints: Dysuria, Haematuria, Incontinence, Reduced flow/Stricture, Urine Frequency. Per endpoint, only patients with baseline zero toxicity were included. Three models for endpoint grade ā„1 (G1+) and G2+ toxicity were fitted: Lyman Kutcher-Burman (LKB) without equivalent dose in 2Gy/Fr (EQD2) correction [LKB-NoEQD2]; LKB with EQD2-correction [LKB-EQD2]; LKB-EQD2 with dose-modifying-factor (DMF) inclusion [LKB-EQD2-DMF]. DMFs were: age, diabetes, hypertension, pelvic surgery, prior transurethral resection of prostate (TURP), overall treatment time and acute genitourinary toxicity (G2+). Bootstrapping generated 95% confidence intervals and unbiased performance estimates. Models were compared by likelihood ratio test. RESULTS: The LKB-EQD2 model significantly improved performance over LKB-NoEQD2 for just three endpoints: Dysuria G1+ (Ī±/Ī²=2.0 Gy, 95%CI 1.2-3.2Gy), Haematuria G1+ (Ī±/Ī²=0.9 Gy, 95%CI 0.1-2.2Gy) and Haematuria G2+ (Ī±/Ī²=0.6Gy, 95%CI 0.1-1.7Gy). For these three endpoints, further incorporation of two DMFs improved on LKB-EQD2: acute genitourinary toxicity and Prior TURP (Haematuria G1+ only), but Ī±/Ī² ratio estimates remained stable. CONCLUSIONS: Inclusion of EQD2-correction significantly improved model fitting for Dysuria and Haematuria endpoints, where fitted Ī±/Ī² ratio estimates were low: 0.6-2 Gy. This suggests therapeutic gain for clinician-reported GU toxicity, through hypofractionation, might be lower than expected by typical late Ī±/Ī² ratio assumptions of 3-5 Gy
This research is happened by problem of traditional sundanese game. The object of this research is Lagu Kaulinan Budak (LKB)/song of childrenās game in Cilandak Village, Cibatu, Purwakarta. With considering of kind languages and kind theme, 14 LKB was analysis, so select 4 LKB, that is LKB Cing Ogo-ogo, Endog-endogan, Siti Aisah, dan Jim Jim Jim.
The purpose of research is structure analysing, process creating, context showing, function, meaning, and the result of analys was make become material teaching of descrptive text at class VII junior high school. The material teaching was maked with curriculum 2013. In this curriculum there is spiritual aspect, social aspect, knowledge aspect, and skill aspect.
The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This method was chosen based on its characteristics in accordance with this study, which describes in detail a holistic and deep. This study will reveal the contents of the LKB continued with preparing teaching materials. Thus the matching procedure is qualitative, not quantitative, which uses statistical procedures.
Teaching materials have been prepared containing a set of lesson design complete with descriptive text material response that utilize LKB examples have been studied. The results showed the traditional game suitable for use in teaching descriptive text responses in seventh grade junior high school. Teaching materials that have been developed can also be used as an alternative teaching materials descriptive text responses, in addition to teaching materials that have been provided by the government
Expansion of the ligand knowledge base for chelating P,P-donor ligands (LKB-PP)
[Image: see text] We have expanded the ligand knowledge base for bidentate P,P- and P,N-donor ligands (LKB-PP, Organometallics2008, 27, 1372ā1383) by 208 ligands and introduced an additional steric descriptor (nHe(8)). This expanded knowledge base now captures information on 334 bidentate ligands and has been processed with principal component analysis (PCA) of the descriptors to produce a detailed map of bidentate ligand space, which better captures ligand variation and has been used for the analysis of ligand properties
Spherical Cows in the Sky with Fab Four
We explore spherically symmetric static solutions in a subclass of unitary
scalar-tensor theories of gravity, called the `Fab Four' models. The weak field
large distance solutions may be phenomenologically viable, but only if the
Gauss-Bonnet term is negligible. Only in this limit will the Vainshtein
mechanism work consistently. Further, classical constraints and unitarity
bounds constrain the models quite tightly. Nevertheless, in the limits where
the range of individual terms at large scales is respectively Kinetic Braiding,
Horndeski, and Gauss-Bonnet, the horizon scale effects may occur while the
theory satisfies Solar system constraints and, marginally, unitarity bounds. On
the other hand, to bring the cutoff down to below a millimeter constrains all
the couplings scales such that `Fab Fours' can't be heard outside of the Solar
system.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe
A Sharp upper bound for the spectral radius of a nonnegative matrix and applications
In this paper, we obtain a sharp upper bound for the spectral radius of a
nonnegative matrix. This result is used to present upper bounds for the
adjacency spectral radius, the Laplacian spectral radius, the signless
Laplacian spectral radius, the distance spectral radius, the distance Laplacian
spectral radius, the distance signless Laplacian spectral radius of a graph or
a digraph. These results are new or generalize some known results.Comment: 16 pages in Czechoslovak Math. J., 2016. arXiv admin note: text
overlap with arXiv:1507.0705
Belief as Willingness to Bet
We investigate modal logics of high probability having two unary modal
operators: an operator expressing probabilistic certainty and an operator
expressing probability exceeding a fixed rational threshold . Identifying knowledge with the former and belief with the latter, we may
think of as the agent's betting threshold, which leads to the motto "belief
is willingness to bet." The logic for has an
modality along with a sub-normal modality that extends
the minimal modal logic by way of four schemes relating
and , one of which is a complex scheme arising out of a theorem due to
Scott. Lenzen was the first to use Scott's theorem to show that a version of
this logic is sound and complete for the probability interpretation. We
reformulate Lenzen's results and present them here in a modern and accessible
form. In addition, we introduce a new epistemic neighborhood semantics that
will be more familiar to modern modal logicians. Using Scott's theorem, we
provide the Lenzen-derivative properties that must be imposed on finite
epistemic neighborhood models so as to guarantee the existence of a probability
measure respecting the neighborhood function in the appropriate way for
threshold . This yields a link between probabilistic and modal
neighborhood semantics that we hope will be of use in future work on modal
logics of qualitative probability. We leave open the question of which
properties must be imposed on finite epistemic neighborhood models so as to
guarantee existence of an appropriate probability measure for thresholds
.Comment: Removed date from v1 to avoid confusion on citation/reference,
otherwise identical to v
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