18 research outputs found

    Breeds of Chickens for Meat and Egg Production

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    Farmers\u27 Bulletin No. 2065 U.S. Department of Agriculture The breeds and varieties of chickens discussed in this bulletin -- American, Asiatic, English, and Mediterranean -- are the ones most commonly used for the production of food. American class: Plymouth Rock Plymouth Rock Bantam Wyandotte Wyandotte Bantam Rhode Island Red Rhode Island Red Bantam Rhode Island White New Hampshire Jersey Giant Java Dominique Chantecler Lamona Buckeye Holland Delaware Asiatic class: Brahma Brahma Bantam Cochin Cochin Bantam Langshan English class: Orpington Cornish Cornish Bantam Dorking Sussex Redcap Australorp Mediterranean class: Leghorn Leghorn Bantam Minorca Minorca Bantam Ancona Spanish Blue Andalusian Buttercup Catalan

    The Cedarville Herald, December 2, 1932

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    The Reserve Advocate, 04-29-1922

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    Carlsbad Current, 08-18-1922

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    Avian Genetic Resources at Risk: An Assessment and Proposal for Conservation of Genetic Stocks in the USA and Canada

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    Genetic diversity, in both wild and domestic species, is a limited resource worth preserving for future generations (Oldfield 1984; Alderson 1990; FAO 1992; NRC 1993; Bixby et al. 1994). While many strong advocates promote the conservation of wild species, fewer are aware of the increasing loss of biodiversity in our major food species, particularly among domestic birds. Fortunately, breed conservation organizations have already made some progress in encouraging hobbyists and small-scale farmers in their role as conservators of unique and historically important breeds (Bixby et al. 1994), particularly the less common chicken and turkey breeds (Crawford and Christman 1992). These two species are considered more at-risk than most other livestock species (e.g., cow, pig, sheep, goat, or horse) due to recent and extraordinarily rapid expansion of the commercial poultry industry

    Genetic studies of quantitative characters in synthetic populations

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    Food science sourcebook

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    2 v. : ill. ; 26 cm2nd edition.Rev. ed. of: Source book for food scientists. c1978"An AVI book."Pt. 1. Terms and descriptions -- pt. 2. Food composition,properties, and general data

    Winona Daily News

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