1,320,919 research outputs found
American Tap Dance History and Proposed Preservation
The first form of dance conceived in the United States, tap dance, thrived throughout the era of vaudeville and the movie musical. Today’s society often overlooks tap dance beyond basic or beginner dance education; the history of the art from is even more so neglected. Within these pages, I will address the question of how the history of tap dance can be honored and preserved for generations to come. I feel so grateful to have had a tap mentor that valued the history of tap just as much as the technique and steps. Others in my field may not have been so lucky. This is ultimately a major hinderance in our ability as dance educators to future students. Developing a system of tap dance training accompanied by history as well as sparking the interest of audiences new and old is the best way to further tap technique and performance. Thanks to popular television programs such as World of Dance and So You Think You Can Dance, dance, in general, has seen a major resurgence in modern culture. Registration in dance schools, participation in dance conventions, and attendance in dance related performances is steadily on the rise with no sign of slowing down. In light of this, there has not been a better time to examine the way in which dance history is taught and conveyed; we must take advantage of the peaked interest and utilize all resources at hand. Tap dance, in particular, has seen its own small portion of this widespread dance resurgence especially due to the return of the movie musical - La La Land and The Greatest Showman. With the demand of dance on an upswing, inadequate, lackluster dance education is a serious concern. Dance teachers need to make sure the knowledge they are imparting on students is both historically accurate and progressive. In order to best educate myself and develop a viable solution, I have done extensive historical research through credible texts. I have read various books suggested to me by my own tap mentor and other tap professionals. I have also be read through various biographies and autobiographies. Now having obtained as much knowledge as possible regarding the history of tap dance, I efficiently developed a method in which preservation can take place within the teaching of technique. Tap dance, being one of the only forms of dance originating in the United States, deserves to be sustained and honored properly and to the highest degree
Historia de la educación: reflexiones sobre su objeto, ubicación epistemológica, devenir histórico y tendencias actuales
En este artículo se reflexiona acerca de cuál se considera actualmente el objeto de la Historia de la Educación, apostando por una visión compleja de lo que se entiende por “fenómeno educativo”. Posteriormente, se argumenta cómo la Historia de la Educación puede ser considerada tanto ciencia histórica, como ciencia social y ciencia educativa, siendo este último aspecto el más sujeto a polémica. Por último, se realiza un breve recorrido por la historiografía de la historia de la educación, para desembocar en una síntesis de las tendencias actuales en dicho campoThis article presents a reflection upon the current object of the history of education through a solid support to a complex vision of what is understood by “educative phenomenon”. Subsequently, the way in which the history of education can be considered a historical science as well as a social science and educational science, being this last aspect the most polemical, is also introduced. Finally, a brief review through the historiography of the history of education is carried out in order to reach a synthesis of the current trends in said fiel
History handbooks and medieval education : middle Ages historiography, proximities and distances
This article addresses interpretations on medieval education available in Education History handbooks in the light of a historiography reading on the topic. Therefore, Paul Monroe’s História da Educação, Edward Myers’ La educación en la perspectiva de la historia, Mario Manacorda’s História da Educação, and Franco Cambi’s História da Pedagogia have been analyzed. Amidst any discourse disputes, knowledge on Middle Ages within Education History has also been losing quality or becoming rather symbolic in physical space or time periods, in order to guarantee the identification of western civilization with secularization, progress, and civilization conceived as the ideal society meant to be constructed for the contemporary age
Gregorio Weinberg : at the threshold of history
Semblanza de Gregorio Weinberg y apreciación de su obra en los campos de
la educación, la historia de la ciencia y la historia de las ideas en América
Latina. Señala su condición de eminente intelectual hispanoamericano.Presents and evaluates the main traits of Gregorio Weinberg’s work in the field
of Education, History of Science, and History of Ideas in Latin America.
Emphasizes the great importance of Weinberg’s contribution to Latin American
studies.Fil: Torchia Estrada, Juan Carlos.
Library of Congres
Everything to change so everything stays the same in teaching history. Analysis of the plans and study programs proposed by the New Educational Model for basic education in Mexico
México ha vivido en reforma educativa permanente desde los años setenta del siglo XX a la fecha. El ascenso al poder del nuevo presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador parece no modificar esta tendencia, especialmente en lo que la enseñanza de la historia se refiere. Ante los nuevos cambios por venir, es pertinente preguntarse ¿cuáles han sido las modificaciones más significativas en la enseñanza de la historia en la última reforma educativa mexicana? ¿Qué permanece y qué cambia del código disciplinar? ¿Cómo pensar una enseñanza de la historia más inclusiva para el futuro? Para responder a estas preguntas, analizamos aquí el programa de estudio para la asignatura de historia de Nuevo Modelo Educativo publicado en 2017. El análisis asume tres niveles reflexivos: a) el estudio del currículo, b) los saberes o disciplinas escolares como productos históricos, y, c) la pedagogía por la justicia social. Desde la perspectiva construida por estos tres ejes el texto encuentra que, a pesar de los esfuerzos por reformar los enfoques de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje de la historia en la educación básica, la propuesta construida hace suya una serie de puntos epistemológicos, historiográficos y políticos que ha caracterizado tradicionalmente a los programas de historia en México: la importancia de la enseñanza de las habilidades heurísticas del historiador, la permanencia del Estado-nación mexicano como sujeto primordial de la historia y la permanencia de la identidad única, uniforme y excluyente del mestizo mexicano.Mexico has been living in a continuous educational reform since the seventies of the last century. The election of a new president, Andres Manuel López Obrador, in 2018 do not seems it will change this historical tendency. Before the changes for become, we ask, what were the most meaningful changes for History Education in the last educational reform? What changed and what remain? How can we think a more inclusive history teaching for the future? To answer these questions, we will analyze the new syllabus for teaching and learning History for compulsory education in Mexico, prescribed in the "New Educational Model" and published in 2017 by Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018) administration. The analysis assumes three reflective levels: a) the study of the curriculum, b) school knowledge about history as a historical product, and c) pedagogy for social justice. From the perspective constructed by these three axes, the text finds that, despite the effort to renewed the teaching history perspective for primary and secondary education, the new syllabus endorses a series of epistemological, historiographic and political
points that has traditionally characterized the history programs in Mexico: the historian skills like
only legitimized path to known the past, the Nation-State as core subject of the current of history
and the homogeneous –and discriminatory- Mexican-mestizo identity. Finally, we do some general
comments about the urgent need for history programs for basic education to assume the
epistemological, historiographic and political consequences that cultural diversity, finally
recognized, implies to promote a social justice pedagogy
Bruce Curtis, PhD, FRHistS, FRSC, is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Among his recent contributions to the field of educational historiography are “Priority, politics and pedagogical science. Part I: the mental steam-engine” and “Priority, politics and pedagogical science. Part II: the priority dispute and a standard model of pedagogy,” both in Paedagogica Historica 52, no. 6 (2016), and Ruling by Schooling Quebec: Conquest to Liberal Governmentality. A Historical Sociology (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012).
Détentrice d’un doctorat en histoire, Andrée Dufour a enseigné au cégep et à l’université pendant plus de vingt ans. Outre de nombreux articles sur l’histoire de l’éducation au Québec, on lui doit les ouvrages, Tous à l’école, Histoire de l’éducation au Québec et avec M. Dumont, Brève histoire des institutrices au Québec de la Nouvelle-France à nos jours. Maintenant retraitée, elle assume la codirection de l’Atlas historique, l’École au Québec qui paraîtra prochainement aux Presses de l’Université Laval.
James Miles is a PhD Candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. His doctoral research examines the relationship between history education and campaigns to redress historical injustices in Canada, and is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Gerald Thomson, PhD, now retired, has worked as a special education teacher (Surrey School District #36), sessional lecturer in history of education in British Columbia (UBC Educational Studies), and professor of history of British Columbia (Kwantlen Polytechnic University History Faculty). He worked several summers at Woodlands School for special needs children and several years in Crease Clinic at Riverview Mental Hospital (formerly Essondale) on the nursing staff. Dr. Thomson has published numerous articles on the history of special education, the testing movement and mental hygiene in British Columbia in HSE-RHÉ, BC Studies, and BC History Magazine. He welcomes feedback and can be contacted at: [email protected] Curtis, PhD, FRHistS, FRSC, is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Among his recent contributions to the field of educational historiography are “Priority, politics and pedagogical science. Part I: the mental steam-engine” and “Priority, politics and pedagogical science. Part II: the priority dispute and a standard model of pedagogy,” both in Paedagogica Historica 52, no. 6 (2016), and Ruling by Schooling Quebec: Conquest to Liberal Governmentality. A Historical Sociology (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012).
Détentrice d’un doctorat en histoire, Andrée Dufour a enseigné au cégep et à l’université pendant plus de vingt ans. Outre de nombreux articles sur l’histoire de l’éducation au Québec, on lui doit les ouvrages, Tous à l’école, Histoire de l’éducation au Québec et avec M. Dumont, Brève histoire des institutrices au Québec de la Nouvelle-France à nos jours. Maintenant retraitée, elle assume la codirection de l’Atlas historique, l’École au Québec qui paraîtra prochainement aux Presses de l’Université Laval.
James Miles is a PhD Candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. His doctoral research examines the relationship between history education and campaigns to redress historical injustices in Canada, and is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Gerald Thomson, PhD, now retired, has worked as a special education teacher (Surrey School District #36), sessional lecturer in history of education in British Columbia (UBC Educational Studies), and professor of history of British Columbia (Kwantlen Polytechnic University History Faculty). He worked several summers at Woodlands School for special needs children and several years in Crease Clinic at Riverview Mental Hospital (formerly Essondale) on the nursing staff. Dr. Thomson has published numerous articles on the history of special education, the testing movement and mental hygiene in British Columbia in HSE-RHÉ, BC Studies, and BC History Magazine. He welcomes feedback and can be contacted at: [email protected]
Why Are There No History Text Books in English Primary Schools? [¿Por qué no hay libros de texto de historia en las escuelas de Educación Primaria en Inglaterra?]
ResumenEste artículo se centra en la enseñanza de la historia en las escuelas primarias de Inglaterra y trata de explicar por qué no hay libros de texto de historia. Reconoce que en muchos países los libros de texto (un libro que contiene el conocimiento y la información acerca de un tema) son la mejor manera de cambiar la práctica en la enseñanza de la historia. En este artículo se explica que el plan de estudios de historia en Inglaterra (DfE 2013) requiere que los niños aprender sobre los contenidos a través de procesos de investigación histórica, basada en las teorías constructivistas del aprendizaje. Las estrategias de enseñanza, como en todos los temas, se exponen en el Documento de Normas de Profesores (DfE 2013) y el conocimiento y la comprensión de la historia se controla a través de las inspecciones realizadas por la Oficina de Normas en la Educación (Ofsted). Se describe la contribución de muchas agencias y la variedad de publicaciones que apoyan el plan de estudios, así como las formas en que estos recursos son utilizados por los maestros para apoyar el aprendizaje de la historia por parte de los niños. Todo ello se ilustra con ejemplos tomados de la práctica.Abstract This paper focuses on history education in primary schools in England and seeks to explain why there are no history textbooks. It recognizes that in many countries prescribed text books (‘a book containing knowledge and information about a subject’) are the best way to change practice in history education. It explains that the statutory history curriculum in England (DfE 2013) requires children to learn about specified content through the processes of historical enquiry, based on constructivist theories of learning. Teaching strategies, as in all subjects, are set out in the Teachers Standards document (DfE 2013) and knowledge and understanding in history is monitored through inspections by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). The contribution of the many agencies and the variety of publications which support the curriculum is described, and the ways in which these resources are used by teachers to support children’s learning in history is illustrated by examples from practice.
Una propuesta para utilizar la Historia de las Matemáticas en las clases de Primaria y Secundaria
En este artículo, los autores proponen a los profesores de Matemáticas, principalmente de 5º y 6º de Primaria y 1º de Secundaria, la posibilidad de usar la Historia de las Matemáticas como recurso metodológico en sus clases, pero entendida ésta no como una simple enumeración de datos deslavazados e independientes unos de otros, sino considerados como un núcleo central de la asignatura, a utilizar continuamente en los distintos capítulos de la misma. Como ejemplo, los autores muestran lo que podría
seguirse en alguno de estos cursos aprovechando la historia de Pitágoras y el funcionamiento de la Escuela Pitagórica en general.This paper offers teachers in the fifth and sixth year of Primary Education and first year of Secondary Compulsory Education the possibility to use the history of Mathematics as a methodological resource in the classroom. The use of the history of Mathematics is not understood as a list of unrelated and independent pieces of information, but rather as a central core of the subject to be continuously applied throughout the academic year. For example, this paper presents how to apply the history of Pythagoras and the way the Pythagorean School worked
Educación para el trabajo social en el Canadá : paso a paso hacia una filosofía progresista
La historia del trabajo social en el Canadá puede caracterizarse como un debate entre dos perspectivas, una que da énfasis a la función del trabajo social y otra que se enfoca mas en las razones de su existencia. Este artículo ofrece una sinopsis de la historia de la educación del trabajo social en el Canadá, describe la presente estructura y las responsabilidades de los diferentes cuerpos que establecen los estándares corrientes. Finalmente, describe puntos de debate identificados a través de un proceso de planeamiento en el contexto de un amplio debate acreca de la misión del trabajo social.The history of social work education in Canada can be characterized as a debate about
the mission of social work practice between two perspectives: the “professional” (or function)
and the “progressive” (or cause) one. This paper briefly outlines the history of social work
education in Canada, describes the current delivery structure of social work education, and
summarizes the responsibilities of the various standard-setting bodies. It then discusses
the issues identified through a recent planning process in the context of the larger debate
about the mission of social wor
What We Can Learn from Studying the Past:The Wonderful Usefulness of History in Educational Research
Why should educational researchers study the history of education? This article suggests that this research is of immediate relevance to current issues of education and may therefore serve a wide variety of purposes. The main argument is that history of education offers four vital contributions: a unique methodological expertise that in turn enables historians of education to provide educational research with vital explanations, comparisons, and the ability to analyse the use and abuse of history in contemporary educational policy and debate. In short, history of education is vital to educational research, not despite its historical orientation, but because of it. Consequently, this paper poses a challenge, both for the field of educational research to promote educational historical research, and for historians of education to explore the untapped potential of this sub-discipline.Pourquoi les chercheurs en éducation devraient étudier l’histoire de l’éducation ? Cet
article suggère que ce sujet est d’une pertinence immédiate pour les questions
actuelles de l’éducation et peut donc servir une grande variété d’objectifs. L’argument
principal est que l’histoire de l’éducation offre quatre contributions vitales : une
expertise méthodologique unique qui, à son tour, permet aux historiens de l’éducation
de fournir à la recherche en éducation des explications vitales, des comparaisons et la
capacité d’analyser l’utilisation et l’abus de l’histoire dans la politique et les débats
éducatifs contemporains. En bref, l’histoire de l’éducation est vitale pour la recherche
en éducation, non pas malgré son orientation historique, mais à cause de celle-ci. Par
conséquent, le présent document pose un défi à la fois pour le domaine de la
recherche en éducation afin de promouvoir la recherche historique en éducation et
pour les historiens de l’éducation d’explorer un potentiel inexploité de cette sous-discipline.¿Por qué los investigadores de la educación deberían estudiar la historia de la
educación? Este artículo sugiere que este tema es de relevancia inmediata para los
problemas actuales de la educación y, por lo tanto, puede servir para una amplia
variedad de propósitos. El argumento principal es que la historia de la educación
ofrece cuatro contribuciones vitales: una experiencia metodológica única que, a su
vez, permite a los historiadores de la educación proporcionar a la investigación
educativa explicaciones vitales, comparaciones y la capacidad de analizar el uso y
abuso de la historia en la política y el debate educativos contemporáneos. En
resumen, la historia de la educación es vital para la investigación educativa, no a pesar
de su orientación histórica, sino por ella. En consecuencia, este artículo plantea un
desafío tanto para el campo de la investigación educativa en la línea de promover la
investigación histórica educativa, como para los historiadores de la educación en su
intento de explorar un potencial propio de esta subdisciplina
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